
nqOlpMabfr 女 ID: 71766803
    $納斯達克100指數(.NDX.US)$在周一收盤時,下跌 1.3% 在三大股市指數中最多,因利率反彈觸及增長名稱而掙扎,而大型金融集團也面臨拋售壓力。
    名字如 $DoorDash(DASH.US)$ $Peloton Interactive(PTON.US)$以及在大流行期間獲得的其他股份正在滑動。
    $標普500指數(.SPX.US)$-0.3% 完成工作階段較低,而 $道瓊斯指數(.DJI.US)$由於價格上漲,+0.1% 表現最好 $高盛(GS.US)$ $摩根大通(JPM.US)$
    在能源和金融領導下,11 個標普行業中有六個較高。通信服務下降最多。
    巨型城市大多較低,具有 $亞馬遜(AMZN.US)$最差的表演者。
    派珀·桑德勒技術市場策略師克雷格·約翰遜(Craig Johnson)說:「SPX 繼續在看漲的錦旗形成內進行鞏固。」「在 4,705 以上的收盤將驗證頂部突破。雖然上週的推進缺乏參與, 看漲突破和/或改善其巨型帽之間的技術設置令人鼓舞。」
    $美國10年期國債收益率(US10Y.BD)$產量是上升 8 個基點至 1.62%,而 $美國2年期國債收益率(US2Y.BD)$也上升了 8 個點,達到 0.59%。
    白宮重新提名主席傑羅姆·鮑威爾(Jerome Powell),同時將萊爾·布雷納德(Lael Brainard)命名為副主席後,利率上升。
    ING 說:「這一決定也消除了鮑威爾當前任期於 2 月結束的不確定性。」「如果由於缺乏政治支持而任命新主席有任何延遲,這可能導致金融市場顯著緊張,特別是如果我們是正確的,經濟飆升,通貨膨脹率高於 6%,美聯儲仍在刺激量化寬松的經濟。」
    10 月份現房銷售意外上升至 6.34 萬。
    據報導,在 M&A 前面怪物飲料正在尋找與星座的交易。
    隨著收益率激增,道瓊斯在收盤時略有上漲,標普 500 和納斯達克滑動
    二.停止 FOMO。
    $標普500指數(.SPX.US)$ $道瓊斯指數(.DJI.US)$ $納斯達克綜合指數(.IXIC.US)$
    感激我在股市失錢:我學到的 8 件事
    $諾瓦瓦克斯醫藥(NVAX.US)$ 股票已接近兩個月高點,將其最近的漲幅延伸至連續第四個交易時段。
    就在上週,該公司基於蛋白質的 COVID-19 疫苗的印度製造商被那裡的政府允許向印度尼西亞出口 20 米劑量的疫苗。
    Novavax 的上升勢頭也與美國 COVID-19 助推器射擊的監管許可相吻合,允許上週在更廣泛的疫苗接收者中使用它們。
    但是,在疫苗製造商中, $Moderna(MRNA.US)$ $BioNTech(BNTX.US)$ 已經領先了漲幅。
    價值上漲超過十分之一,BionTech,合作夥伴 $輝瑞(PFE.US)$ 在 COVID-19 疫苗的發展已經獲得了連續第九屆會議.
    與此同時,Moderna 增加了自 9 月初以來最大的盤中收益,從而彌補了修訂 COVID-19 疫苗的銷售預測後本月所造成的損失。
    $特斯拉(TSLA.US)$ $Zoom視頻通訊(ZM.US)$ $Moderna(MRNA.US)$ $奈飛(NFLX.US)$ My friend tweeted a joke in April last year, and he meant this 100% tongue-in-cheek. He said, we're all going to be surprised when the market hits new all-time highs this Summer, and he was 100% joking back in April, but that's exactly what happened. So, the surprise is on both ends, both, the pandemic that hit us and the rally afterwards. Like, if that doesn't humble you as someone trying to make sense of looking ahead at the economy or the stock market, trying to figure out what's going to go, what's going to happen next, then I think nothing will.
    But I guess the takeaway from what, like, what is the big, broad lesson from 2020, is that we need humility and therefore room for error in our finances, because if everyone knew exactly what the economy and the stock market was going to do next, which is broadly what it was going to do next, we could be able to have, you know, quite a bit of leverage in our finances in terms of we would have most of our assets in stocks, we would know when to get in, when to get out, but we don't, and no one does and no one ever will. The most important events that move the stock market or the economy are always the things that no one can see coming, it's not that they didn't see it coming because they weren't smart enough, it's that things that are just literally impossible to see coming, like, say, the timing of a pandemic or things like Sept. 11th, like, the timing of the financial crisis in 2008, no one could have known when those things were going to come, and therefore, it's just so important to have room for error.
    And what I mean by that is just, by and large, a sufficient level of cash and bonds in your portfolio. So that when the market does go through something like this, when the market falls 35% in a month like it did in March, that you are reducing the odds as low as you can of having to sell stocks at an inopportune time. That single thing, I think, is the most important variable for how you would do as an investor over the course of your lifetime is how low can you keep the odds that you'll ever be forced to sell the stocks you own to as low as possible.
    Charlie Munger has a great quote that I love about this, he says, the first rule of compounding is to never interrupt it unnecessarily. And that's what I think this is all about, it's like, you want room for error in your finances. And, yes, the cash and the bonds that you own are going to earn a lower return than stocks that you own most of the time. But if those cash and bonds can prevent you from being forced to sell in inopportune times, whether that is a job loss or a medical emergency or you just get scared during a recession or during a pandemic than that is going to allow the stocks that you do own to compound over time to the greatest degree.
    So, that's when you get into, like, this barbell personality of, I want to be a pessimist in the short run, but an optimist in the long run. And that seems like it's a contradiction, but it's not. I want to be so pessimistic about the short run that I have cash and room for error that is going to make sure, and it's going to allow me to be an optimist in the long run and never be forced to sell the stocks that I do own.
    Grateful for the stock market
    $Zoom視頻通訊(ZM.US)$ 第三季 1.11 美元的非公認會計原則每股收益超過 0.01 美元;1.11 美元的公認會計原則每股收益超過 0.37 美元。
    1.05 億美元(每年 + 35.1%)的收入擊敗了 30 萬美元。
    股份增加 7%。
    Q4 指引: 預計總收入介於 1.051 億美元至 13.53 億美元之間,而共識為 102 億美元;營運的非公認會計準則收入預計介於 3.61.0 億美元至 3.63.0 億美元之間。非公認會計準則攤薄的每股盈餘預計在 1.06 美元至 1.07 美元之間,相對於 1.06 美元的共識。
    2022 會計年度全年: 總收入預計介於 4.079 億美元至 40.81 億美元之間,而達到 44.1 億美元的共識。來自營運的非 GAAP 收入預計介於 1.598 億美元至 16 億美元之間。非公認會計準則攤薄的每股盈餘預計在 4.84 美元至 4.85 美元之間,與 4.83 美元的共識相比。
    縮放視頻通信每股盈利擊敗 0.01 美元,勝過收入
    The quickest and the most powerful way to feel gratitude for anything is "to create the sense of losing that particular thing" For instance, if you want to create gratitude for money, you have to consciously think how your life and days would be if you lost it. In your mind, create the scenes where you have lost money, feel the hardships, unease, shame, powerlessness. Think how you would be begging people for loans and financial aids. This little excercise can be done best by keeping a gratitude journal where you can write "what your life would be like without this "particular" blessing/thing (money, health, country, parents, peace etc) $特斯拉(TSLA.US)$ $PayPal(PYPL.US)$ $蘋果(AAPL.US)$
    加密貨幣交易所股票 $Coinbase(COIN.US)$作為世界上最大的數字令牌,週一結束了 5.1% 的下降, $比特幣(BTC.CC)$,跌 6.3%,跌至每個代幣 55.7 萬美元。
    COIN 股票在收市後交易時段輕微上升 0.2%。
    自該公司開始在納斯達克交易的那天以來,Coinbase 的價格大幅超過比特幣。但是,這兩種趨勢似乎類似,如下圖所示
    上週五,海登資本向投資者披露,該公司在 Coinbase 開立了一個頭寸,因為加密貨幣成為主流。
    大多數與加密貨幣相關的交易所/平台股票,包括 $NET SAVINGS LINK INC(NSAV.US)$-6.8%, $Robinhood(HOOD.US)$-4%, 加 500 (OTC: PLSQF) -2%, $BIGG DIGITAL ASSETS INC(BBKCF.US)$在比特幣持續疲軟的情況下,週一 -8.5% 下跌。
    此前,(11 月 10 日)Coinbase 股票在令人失望的第三季度下跌。
    感恩使您專注於已經擁有的,而不是缺乏的東西。因此,您可以更容易耐心等待下一筆交易,並避免 FOMO(恐懼錯失)交易。
    所以每天,在市場開市之前,我花 5 分鐘在日記上寫下我生活中感謝的 3 件事,並花時間反思每一件事。
    我強烈建議您連續嘗試 21 天,這是形成新習慣所需的時間。
    「如果沒有對我們已經擁有的東西的感謝和欣賞,我們永遠不會得到真正的滿足」— 托尼·羅賓斯
    $納斯達克100指數(.NDX.US)$ $標普500指數(.SPX.US)$ $道瓊斯指數(.DJI.US)$
    nqOlpMabfr 讚並評論了
    I have never been the type to spend money. I go cheap on dates. I don’t drink. I don’t shop. I don’t eat out. I don’t party. I hardly spend money.
    If there’s one thing to be thankful for from the stock market experience, is it has elevated my spending habits. Given the amount of money I have lost with Options trading, I don’t even flinch anymore when it comes to spending money. Now I fly mostly business or first class, I buy things without second thoughts, I eat out more often than not, and I spend on just about anything that peaks my interest.
    What do I have to loose.. After all, I have lost more simply at the click of a mouse.
    $特斯拉(TSLA.US)$ $AMC院線(AMC.US)$ $狗狗幣(DOGE.CC)$
    瑞穗分析師丹·多列夫(Dan Dolev)表示,支付股正受到新冠肺炎擔憂的打擊,並且由於傑羅姆·鮑威爾被提名第二屆後可能發生的監管變化。
    他在接受採訪時告訴彭博新聞:「對於其中一些 [付款] 名稱來說,這有點像是一場完美的風暴。
    彭博數字支付指數下跌了 2.7%,至 12 月以來的最低水平。 $萬事達(MA.US)$ 沉沒 5.4%, $Visa(V.US)$ 滑倒了 2.6%, $美國運通(AXP.US)$ 週一交易下跌 1.5%。
    $DLocal(DLO.US)$在 6 月份公開發行的 IPO 上市,下降了 13%,並且 $Blend Labs(BLND.US)$在首次公開招股下滑 6.7% 後於 7 月開始交易,達到首次公開招股後的低點。
    金融科技公司也沒有倖免,與 $Block(SQ.US)$ 下降 6.1%, $Robinhood(HOOD.US)$ 關閉 4.0%,以及 $PayPal(PYPL.US)$ 下降了 2.1%。Pypal 在會話早些時候達到 52 週的低點。這些也可能受到 6.3% 下降的傷害 $比特幣(BTC.CC)$,因為這三家企業都有從世界上最大的加密貨幣產生收入的企業。
    在 COVID 擔憂和監管前景下,支付股票下跌