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Mtortise Male ID: 103003810
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    Today's stock market adjustments aren't any news; the tax supplement via is the big news. The national dilemma reflected behind Via's tax payment is what matters most.
    Actually, it's just four words. Finance is tight
    The tax avoidance method used by Via is the current mainstream tax avoidance law, including Fan Bingbing, who was also taxed in the same way back then. If you are familiar with tax planning, you should know that they all use tax approval methods to form shell companies to launder high income into approval and taxation. After such an operation, it is possible that the final profit of 100 million dollars only needs to be paid 5 points in tax. However, if you file your taxes normally and truthfully, when corporate income tax and personal income tax are removed, you won't be able to get away with 45 points.
    Who can't get along with money? A normal person would pay 45 points in taxes. Except for the wages stated by business executives. The reason it was fine before is an accident now. It is because the country has to implement the national policy of common prosperity and return the tax avoidance money from high-income people.
    Are you saying Via broke the law? It's definitely against the law, but in the past it was just a bug; people didn't investigate it, and local governments kept their eyes open and closed. But now it's different from the past. The rich who want to act on d's will are the leaders in these traffic fields. Formerly a movie star, now a live streaming celebrity. Plus, human society is for high-income cohort, whether at home or abroad. Crackdown on the rich. Although the poor don't get a dime, they are very happy to eat melons.
    So what does common wealth have to do with stock market investment? The relationship is huge. If you want to see the country's determination to achieve common prosperity, what do you emphasize?
    Fair! Fair! Still damn fair!
    Therefore, the future of many industries will be cut off by the national policy of fairness, and some expectations have been cut off. In particular, platform-based companies that use traffic to make money, such as Alibaba, Douyin Headline, or Meituan, and other Internet-related industries.
    Who is the smartest of these platforms? It's a TikTok headline.
    I've said it and you'll understand. If you haven't used Douyin, you've probably heard of it, Classmate Zhang. In just a few months, there were 20 million fans filming Life in the Countryside. The People's Daily has made a special review. Some analyses are that professional shooting techniques are popular, while others are that people are tired of watching the high life in the city and yearn for the countryside.
    It's all wrong.
    This is the most obvious case under the common wealth policy. It is to create opportunities for grassroots. Only when grassroots have an opportunity can it mean that most ordinary people also have a chance to become the next student Zhang. Douyin knows national policies too well, alleviates poverty, helps farmers, and starts grassroots short video businesses. In the future, we will also support a large number of students Zhang to show off the various opportunities and livelihoods in rural areas with huge traffic. If you happen to be a short video entrepreneur or live e-commerce operator, you should see this trend. This is the policy direction conveyed by D's will. Going to the countryside to start a business in the future is the best outlet. Whether it's e-commerce in rural areas or ecotourism, it's a good direction for the future.
    However, D's will must also allow banks to reduce the benefits of fixed income products and fully popularize equity assets. It's also a way to get rich together. Only when ordinary people also have opportunities to grow their wealth can this society be healthy. Instead of rich people getting richer through stock market investments, ordinary people don't see opportunities.
    The national policy for common prosperity requires a thorough understanding in order to seize the opportunities that belong to you in the next 20 years. At the same time, we also need to think about how many billion dollars is Via's income, and her share of tax burden is still less than that of people with a few thousand wages?
    Is that reasonable?
    OK, let's talk about this briefly. If you're interested, we can talk about how much the world, Jingyu, and national policies can change our lives later $TENCENT(00700.HK)$ $BABA-SW(09988.HK)$ $MEITUAN-W(03690.HK)$
    D's Will and D's Dilemma Reflected from Via's Mistakes
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    GOLDMAN: “ .. $Microsoft(MSFT.US)$ , $Alphabet-A(GOOGL.US)$ , $Apple(AAPL.US)$ , $NVIDIA(NVDA.US)$ and $Tesla(TSLA.US)$ together account for more than one third of the S&P 500’s 26% YTD return. .. these stocks now make up 22% of the S&P 500 by market cap, a 4 pp increase from the start of the year.”