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Exploring the Diverse Ways Mooers Measure Stock Market Hunches

Hi, mooers. Thank you for participating in the May Moo Community Spotlight. In May, we asked a question: How do you determine when to trust your hunches in the stock market?
Today, we would like to share some highlights from the answers we have compiled so far.
*We will announce the winners in the end.
Firstly, let us start by defining the term "hunch".
@doctorpot1: "Based on research, hunches or gut feeling or intuition are based on patterns we have identified subconsciously based on our past experiences. Our human brain is always looking for patterns, and patterns allow us to make a decision quickly. This is a skill that has helped us survive for so long. The grass looks like a tiger, we run, regardless if it is a tiger or not. Thus, when we have some hunches in the market, it means that our brain has identified some patterns. "
@MooMamaLlama: "Hunch is not a guess. It is often going against others' general sentiment on intuition, or a feeling. To me, it's like my subconscious is trying to remind me of something I've forgotten, of a deep-down inexplicable reason. It might not be against sentiment, it may be eyeing off a ticker that has gone unnoticed...with no real sentiment either way. Whatever reason, it doesn't necessarily have a reason behind it, often just a feeling! "
Then, do you trust it?
@ZnWC: "Personally I don't trust 'hunches', which is not consistent. I preferred to use scientific methods like fundamental analysis and technical analysis. Having said that experience is also important. I don't time the market and use DCA, hence "hunches" are not important to me."
@BH_6730: "There are a few reasons why our intuition can be unreliable: First, our brains are wired to see patterns even when they do not exist. This is known as apophenia, and it can lead us to believe that there is a connection between two events when there is none. For example, we might see that the stock market has gone up every time we have worn our lucky socks, and we might start to believe that our socks are responsible for the market's performance. However, the stock market is a complex system, and there are many factors that can affect its performance. Our lucky socks are unlikely to have a significant impact on the market. Second, our intuition can be influenced by our emotions. When we are feeling excited or fearful, we are more likely to make impulsive decisions. This can lead us to invest in stocks that we do not fully understand, or to sell stocks that we should hold onto. "
Finally, how do you determine when to trust a hunch?
@cola1010: "While intuition can bring significant insights, it is important to acquire information, validate your hunch with data, evaluate past experiences, contact reputable sources, assess risks, diversify your portfolio, and rely on the rigorous study and solid investment principles in the end. For example, if you have a hunch about a technology company's new product, you must do your research, consult experts, validate your hunch with evidence, consider risks, diversify your portfolio, and make an informed investment decision based on a combination of intuition and research."
@EYSY: "I generally trust my hunches if it's a bad one. If my hunches tell me not to invest in the stock, I'll generally skip on that one. It's okay to be safe than sorry. There'll always be another stock and another day!"
@doctorpot1: "The market is complex with a lot of moving parts. Therefore, we need a system to determine when to trust your hunches in the stock market. We need to record down our hunches, review it, and track the success rate. If we do not want to risk money on our hunches, we can use moomoo's paper portfolio or paper trading function to make a trade. Alternatively, if we like to bet on our hunches, we can still bet a manageable amount on it. Regardless, we should write a post on it so that we can always come back and review it. After having many hunches, we can review them and see if we have a very good track record with our hunches. If our records are good, then we should trust our hunches, but we should still continue recording and reviewing our new hunches regularly."
Now, let's announce the winners!
We would like to congratulate @MooMamaLlama @doctorpot1 @BH_6730 @Godspeed289for winning 400 points!
Additionally, we would also present 80 points to the following mooers for your in-depth answers and active participation: @cola1010 @ZnWC @Silent99 @No_Horse_Run_4896 @EYSY @Salvatore777 @Brt20 @tickerron @OttoDyda @Wendyfbe @Meltyy @MACKGforEver @ROM-STAR @Mario Timberlake @FFUN @jedgggg
*The rewards will be issued within 10 working days.
For those who didn't make it this time, please don't feel discouraged. We have more exciting events in the future, and you will always have a chance to win. And if you think we missed someone, let us know in the comments or DM us.
Tap here to review more great answers from mooers as well as the details and rules of winning rewards: Moo Community Spotlight for May 2023
Exploring the Diverse Ways Mooers Measure Stock Market Hunches
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  • ZnWC : Congratulations to all winners 🏆 👏

  • doctorpot1 : congrats to all winners undefinedundefined

  • MooMamaLlama : undefinedundefinedundefinedit's interesting to see how people measure a hunch or a feeling. To some it may be simple like lucky socks or lucky stocks, to some maybe feeling like a little experience is producing more accurate intuition.

    Maybe you wear a bright pair of socks when you're feeling down. Also you feel a downtrend or pullback on a large holding making you feel down. But your brain doesn't necessarily realise any connections as socks and stocks are not connected at all!!
    Does that mean wearing the bright socks drives the price down? Of course not! But is there a link to the reason, the mood/feelings? maybe. Its an interesting thought. Maybe apophenia just plays with my brain waaay too much! 🤣

    Either way, no way to know how 'accurate' it is if you don't keep some kind of a record between your trades based on calculation vs based a 'feeling'👌
    Also I'd like to note that often it can just be knowledge that builds up, giving a little confidence to take a trade without doing every calculation possible. To some thats a hunch, to others its experience, to more its a mix of both perhaps?
    Congrats to all that commented, there's some food for thought up there!!!undefinedundefined

  • Morena70 : Congratulations to all the winners!😀👋