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Why isn't China Unicom an AH share

Chinese capital stocks in Hong Kong are made up of H shares and red chips.

H shares, that is, Chinese capital stocks registered in the mainland and listed in Hong Kong. The English word in Hong Kong is HongKong, which is called H shares when it is listed in Hong Kong. Tsing Tao Beer H shares, issued in Hong Kong in 1993, are the first H shares in China.

Red chips are stocks with the concept of mainland China that are outside China and listed in Hong Kong at the place of registration. "with the concept of mainland China" mainly refers to Chinese holding and major business in the mainland of China.

China Unicom (0762.HK) does not belong to H shares. China Unicom (0762.HK) is registered in Hong Kong and is not the same company as A-share China Unicom (600050.SH).China Unicom (600050.SH) is fully known as China United Communications Co., Ltd., 40th floor, Jinmao Building, 88 Century Avenue, Shanghai, and China Unicom (0762.HK) is fully known as China Unicom Co., Ltd., 75th floor, Central Center, 99 Queen's Road Central, Hong Kong. The latter is commonly known as a red chip company in the securities market.

China Unicom (600050.SH) shares face value RMB1.00 yuan; China Unicom (0762.HK) stock face value HKD0.10 yuan.

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