
CXQW HSI 5xShortSG230420

  • 0.035
  • 0.0000.00%
延時10分鐘行情休市中 04/13 16:59 (北京)
    在國務長安德魯·布林肯表示美國和其歐洲盟友正在考慮禁止進口俄羅斯石油後,油價上漲至 2008 年以來的最高水平。拜登政府一直面臨國會對俄羅斯施加能源制裁的壓力,這一舉是白宮反對其對油價的影響的擔憂。
    這似乎在週末改變,當布林肯在 CNN 上說,...
    西方盟友週六(2 月 26 日)的決定阻止「選定」俄羅斯銀行從 SWIFT 支付系統中的決定將造成傷害的經濟傷害,但也會對其自己的公司和銀行造成很多痛苦。同盟還有空間做更多。全球銀行間金融電信協會 (SWIFT) 是一個安全的訊息系統,旨在確保快速跨境支付,該系統已成為國際貿易融資的主要機制。
    Geopolitical worries have added another layer of volatility to an already-jumpy market as investors priced in the possibility of escalating conflict between Russia and Ukraine, though some doubted the issue would weigh on U.S. asset prices over the longer term. Reports of rising tensions between the two countries slammed stocks on Friday and lifted prices for Treasuries, the dollar and other safe-haven assets. Investors were already rattled by a hawkish turn from the Federa...
    The consumer price index came in hotter than expected in January, as both the CPI inflation rate and the core rate, excluding food and energy, hit new 39-year highs. Dow Jones industrial average and Nasdaq losses deepened in Thursday afternoon stock market action as Wall Street priced in additional Fed rate hikes. Meanwhile, the 10-year Treasury yield crested 2% for the first time since August 2019 and kept on rising.
    The CPI rose 0.6% from the prior month and 7.5% ...
    The U.S. economy created far more jobs than expected in January but despite the disruption to consumer-facing businesses from a surge in COVID-19 cases, pointing to underlying strength that should sustain the expansion as the Federal Reserve starts to raise interest rates. The Labor Department's closely watched employment report on Friday also showed a whopping 709,000 more jobs were added in November and December than...
    Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell said the central bank was ready to raise interest rates in March and didn’t rule out moving at every meeting to tackle the highest inflation in a generation. “The committee is of a mind to raise the Fed funds rate at the March meeting” if conditions are there to do so, Powell told a virtual press conference on Wednesday, while noting that officials have not made any decisions about the path of policy because it needs to be “nimble.”
    He ...
    由於出口在全球大流行期間表現超出預期,中國在 12 月和 2021 年的貿易盈餘錄得創紀錄,但一些分析師指出未來幾個月國際出貨量放緩。根據統計局的數據顯示,2021 年貿易盈餘達到 676.43 億美元,是自 1950 年創業紀錄以來的最高水平,從 2020 年的 523.99 億美元上升。
    根據勞工部週三公布的密切關注的指標,通脹在 12 月份以近 40 年來最快的 12 個月速度向前邁進。根據部門勞動統計局的數據,消費者價格指數是一種衡量數十項物品成本的指標,上漲了 7%。每月,消費物價指數上升 0.5。
    年度增長是自 1982 年 6 月以來最快的增長,在良好的缺乏情況下發生的...
    Stock markets were deep in the red and some key government bond yields climbed to their highest in years on Thursday after the Federal Reserve signalled the possibility of faster-than-expected U.S. rate hikes and stimulus withdrawal. Both Asia and Europe's bourses fell heavily after Wall Street's tech-heavy Nasdaq plunged more than 3% on Wednesday and 2- and 5-year Treasury yields, important drivers of global borrowing costs, surged to post-COVID pa...
    許多國家在聖誕節和新年慶祝活動前幾天都處於高警覺狀態,因為最新的健康危機也對金融市場造成影響,這些市場擔心對全球經濟復甦的影響。Omicron 感染在歐洲、美國和亞洲迅速增加,包括日本,這些病例在軍事基地的單一個病例已增加至少 180 個案。
    新西蘭 Covid-19 應變部長克里斯·希普金斯(Chris Hipkins)表示,他實施了世界上一些最嚴格的 COVID-19 措施的國家正在推遲計劃的分期重新開放邊境的開始,直到 2 月底。
    在印度,新德里首席部長阿文德·凱格里瓦爾敦促公民戴口罩,並呼籲聯邦政府允許補充疫苗劑量,因為該國在 12 個州報告了 200 宗該變種病例。
    在新加坡,衛生部正在進行測試,以確定 Omicron 是否在健身房的懷疑個案群背後,並警告了可能有更多個病例。
    在美國,官員表示,這種變體在成為該國主要菌株之後,週一在德克薩斯州沒有接種疫苗的男子死亡。在紐約、華盛頓和美國其他城市的街區周圍繞著 Covid-19 測試的線路,當人們在與家人一起慶祝假期之前呼籲了解他們是否受感染。
    Omicron 變體上個月首次在非洲南部和香港發現,至今至少已在 89 個國家報告。它引起的疾病的嚴重程度尚未清楚,但世界衛生組織(WHO)警告它的傳播速度比 Delta 變體更快,並在已接種疫苗或已經從 Covid-19 疾病康復的人造成感染。該變體的迅速擴散引起了更多國家可能會施加經濟破壞性的限制,影響市場的擔憂。
    5 X 短褲 $HSI 5xShortSG230420(CXQW.SG)$
    長 5 倍 $HSI 5xLongSG230420(CWAW.SG)$
