
Gan dar White Wizard 保密 ID: 71339427
    就像我和「回到牧場」幫派我們一天,每天都接受它。同時探索潛在的機會。大多數情況下,當我們做正確的時候都感到驚訝。 ,對等待另一集的所有你們抱歉。我一直忙開卡車。我很快就會開始研究它。繼續關注!感謝您閱讀我的帖子 📫
    飛濺飲料:即將推出的股票。已經有報導稱其運動飲料系列銷售量上升。而且是 Takela 和鹽酒精飲料賣得很好。第 3 季和第 4 季將向投資者發放股息。 西蒙說這股票是勝利,贏
    $AMERICAN BATTERY TECHNOLOGY CO(ABML.US)$ 回到牧場:我們最後一次查看時,中士 破壞了 38 英寸平板電視在倉庫裡練習一些 ⛳ 🏌️‍♂️ 搖擺。甘達和西蒙 正在等待中士 和亨利 從電器商店返回一台新的電視以替換損壞的電視。作為西蒙 然後甘達走到外面,他們聽到機動車的聲音。是中士 和亨利 他們坐著「高爾夫球車」。甘達爾,"新電視在哪裡!?警長回答:「這是一輛高爾夫球車。」你不知道「高爾夫球車和電視」之間的區別嗎?「我正在教亨利...
    $Splash Beverage(SBEV.US)$ 返回牧場:中士 佔用 ⛳ 高爾夫?。甘達正在和西蒙交談 誰在解釋 38 英寸平板電視是如何破壞的。西蒙,「看,上尉正在打高爾夫球 ⛳,因為這就是他們在「蘇格蘭」玩的東西。他去了「舊貨店」,買了一些有人捐贈的高爾夫 ⛳ 球桿。反正他在倉庫裡練習我告訴他,當你看到他對電視做了什麼時候就會得到地獄,甘達問他現在在哪裡?...
    $Meta Materials(MMAT.US)$ 西蒙,「堅韌掛!」 。你也應該。巴克到稗。
    Holiday Story.  Hey ! Everyone! Vacation is an expensive event.  However,  I stopped in to a travel agency and did something adventurous.  I took the  AmTrack Train to,  Chicago,  IL. Around the 4th of July, Chicago has a , Taste of Chicago Festival ". you buy these tickets and you get to sample all of the restaurants that are in Chicago.  We stayed at the " Inner Circle  Holiday Inn". I suggest you stay on the 7th  floor. Families and their children stay on the fifth floor. and those kids run wild through the halls. My room,  Had a kitchen, a living room and a private master bedroom.  yeah. Free shuttle to museums.  and at the Hotel on the 4th floor,  there's a swimming pool.  My daughter swam the English channel.  At pool side I struck up a conversation with a lovely lady,  who invited me back to her apartment.  I had to decline.  There is a fancy restaurant in  the hotel, and my wife and I had a romantic dinner.  We  later took in the sites. Seen the  Field  Museum. I wanted to visit the  Industrial museum because they have a captured German U boat on display out side the museum and you can go aboard and check it out.  The Am track tickets didn't cost much. The train ride was fun. I have a Holiday Inn , membership card. All said and done, 4 days 3 nights cost me $ 438.78 .  That's how you do a vacation and Thank you for reading.  ...
    $Splash Beverage(SBEV.US)$ 回到牧場,我們發現 西蒙,當他站在倉庫門口處看雨 🌧 下降的時候,與甘達對話說話。「甘達」,你沒事嗎?你對群體沒說太多了甘達回答:「在父親節比賽中沒有贏得勝利。真的認為我會有機會」。 西蒙回答:「所以,你很生氣」。?甘達回答:「不,不是真的」。「這只是一場比賽。沒有什麼真的重要」。然後,西蒙 問:「那麼,怎麼了」?甘達回答:「這只是一個...
    $Splash Beverage(SBEV.US)$ Back to the Barnyard: Gan dar is talking with Sarge,  "Sarge " why are you wearing a skirt ".? " Sarge" replies, " It's not a skirt,  it's a Scottish  kilt ".  You heven  bastard "!. Now!, go get some more beer". "I found out that I'm  part  Scottish  on my Mother's side".  Stay tooned.  Bag pipe music to follow.
    $百世集團(BEST.US)$ Back to  the Barnyard: Simon comments,  " Gan dar" I  think this stock is gaining some profit".  How much did you buy anyway.? Stay tooned.
    $Splash Beverage(SBEV.US)$ 這股票正在引起巨大的潮流!