
🤖 Mr. Robotnic 🤖

$Richtech Robotics (RR.US)$ is currently at a great price to buy in.
This isn't a bad weekly swing trade, but ultimately, it's about the long gains and the payoff that will produce. I've been in and out of RR numerous times, and I've got massive gains to show for it. I'll give you a look at my method, and you take it from there.
I set alarms like this:
🤖 Mr. Robotnic 🤖
I adjust my alarms daily, sometimes several times a day. The first alarm I always set is the 52-week low. I may just catch wind of a ticker that has a good outlook and set a 52-week low alarm on it. Should that alarm go off, I'll watch for a possible low entry.
The next alarm I set is my desired entry point. I may even set alarms incrementally leading up to it so as not to miss my entry.
Then, I will set alarms on all potential large sales or entry orders in the orderbook. As the algorithms change, these will need to be adjusted often.
Lastly, I will set my desired exit points. Unless I'm walking away, I won't sell all my shares. I try to exit on the way up or as the stock price rises. When I am inclined to hang onto shares, I will buy on the dips and lower my Dollar Cost Average or DCA if necessary.
🤖 Mr. Robotnic 🤖
Please note: Never jump head first into ANY stock without doing your own due diligence! Some of us have great calls, but we also know what to look for in those movements. Remember, you could be reading an old post, or you might learn something we haven't. It's your money. Know where you're putting it.
🤖 Mr. Robotnic 🤖
This always happens with dilution:
🤖 Mr. Robotnic 🤖
Company insiders own the vast majority of shares, and there hasn't been much institutional interest.
🤖 Mr. Robotnic 🤖
There's no doubt that Richtech Robotics has a future. They already have things in the pipeline for the near future. So, it's only a matter of time before they're in the headlines.
Here's a dose of the most recent news:
🤖 Mr. Robotnic 🤖
🤖 Mr. Robotnic 🤖
🤖 Mr. Robotnic 🤖
Keep this one on your radar, or hop on board now. Either way, good luck!
免責聲明:社區由Moomoo Technologies Inc.提供,僅用於教育目的。 更多信息
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  • Pinkiii : 非常感謝您詳細解釋有關如何決定可能的入口和出口點 [抱拳][抱拳][抱拳][合十][合十][合十][愛心][愛心][愛心]

  • Pinkiii : 我對此有一個問題:為什麼你不在 52 週的低點進入。是否因為您想看到它不會跌破該值,因此希望以 1.40 美元而不是 1.26 美元進入...提前感謝 [合十][合十][合十][合十]

  • Rockaphobic 樓主 Pinkiii : 如果您坐下來,您會注意到它通常在 1.40-1.50 範圍內。我總是為 52wk 低點設置了限制訂單,但很少達到它。話雖如此,對於長期保留,我完全使用不同的經紀人。這讓您更容易捕捉低點,始終通過往返翻拖鞋來向底部拍攝。

  • Pinkiii Rockaphobic 樓主 : 非常感謝您的詳細答案[合十][合十][合十]

  • Rockaphobic 樓主 Pinkiii : 我希望你在我們上次談話時能夠低下!

  • Pinkiii : 現在我沒有買任何新股(除了在下跌期間的少量藍籌股票除外[微笑][微笑][微笑])。我現在試圖立即關閉我的頭寸,一旦轉為綠色(在那裡有 30 個股票)。但是現在,在您的建議之後,我已經開始查看天/週/月 — 高點和低點和 52 週最低。現在我知道我犯了哪些錯誤。我也根據前幾週的高點進行銷售。這就是我能夠做到少量的銷售方式(在我的詢價過高之前)。非常感謝你[合十][合十][合十][抱拳][抱拳][抱拳][愛心][愛心][愛心]

Operations Specialist, Shellback Sailor, Human Calculator, Long-time Investor, Stock Market Secrets, Technical Analyst.