
Lewdity 女 ID: 71557100
This is technically an adult website. sooo... deal with it.
    Lewdity 参与了投票
    在这个感恩节我们想问你的问题是...在投资之旅中,你感激的是什么? 是你的供养家庭吗?你的投资朋友?你的盈利股票?你读的书?也许是大师?这份清单不胜枚举。我们内心深处有许多值得欣赏和感激的事情。为什么你现在不借此机会说一声谢谢!? 加入话题讨论 #为此,我很感激 并获得奖励!
    向你的 “小伙子” 说声谢谢
    今年你最感谢哪些股票?或者相反,哪些股票能给你上课? 无论是成功还是挫折,我们总有理由感激不已,因为它使我们变得更强大,在投资方面变得更有经验。
    交易或投资从来都不是一件容易的事。谢天谢地,我们的家人或朋友提供了 艰难时期的情感支持, 鼓励投资人生的曲折,以及为生活中想要做的事情而被理解和接受所带来的安慰。
    感谢伸出援助之手的 “陌生人”
    你有吗 一位从一开始就指导你的大师 你的投资之旅?你有没有发现 有助于你做出决定的书?当你不知所措时,你可以参考无数的在线课程和书籍。你想向哪一个表示感谢?
    当我们决定投资并开始从头开始学习时, 我们做出了一个勇敢的决定和艰难的选择。别忘了我们是一个勇敢的男人/女人,我们应该为此感到感激。
    所有金钱买不到的东西: 无论你的投资组合或个股表现如何,重要的是要记住这一点 生活中最美好的事物都是免费的。假期和与家人共度时光往往会向我们证明这一点,无论市场在做什么,这都是我们每天都应该感激的事情。
    5 个最佳帖子 会得到 1,888 积分;
    10 篇精选帖子 会得到 888 积分;
    所有参与者都将获得 88 积分。
    持续时间: 现在 — 11月29日晚上 11:59(美国东部时间)
    1。只有 相关帖子 还有那些添加话题 #For 这个,我很感激。(请在该主题下发帖。)
    2。最低字数要求: 50 个字
    谢谢,祝我们所有的交易或投资工作好运。在这里加入这个话题时一定忘记附上你的感恩节晚餐的照片 #为此,我很感激
    $AMC院线(AMC.US)$ 从一月份起就来这里了——得说,稳定性很好。
    Lewdity 参与了投票
    星期一快乐 mooer们!欢迎回到 每周热门话题,我们根据上周的搜索量和消息量,回顾moomoo平台上精选热门股票的新闻、表现和社区情绪!(不包括纳米帽。)
    图片: @LeicesterM
    本周, @moo_Live将直播 $台积电(TSM.US)$2021 年第三季度业绩发布会 在 moo社区中仅供参考。请继续关注!
    第二部分:热门股票列表和 Mooers 评论
    每个主要指数都在移动 更高 上周。以下是上周每周热闹的股票清单:
    1。CEI-Buzzing Stars: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
    在疯狂的旅程中,CEI终于收盘了 1.170 美元 上周弹出后 95.93% 上周四,在Kerrisdale Capital发布了关于该公司的简短报告后,从最近的疲软中反弹。
    ● Mooers 的评论
    @倔强的嚣张: $Camber Energy(CEI.US)$
    2.AMC-Buzzing Stars: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
    上周AMC的表现一直很艰难。股价收于 37.190 美元 在上周四公布了债务上限的短期解决方案之后。
    ● Mooers 的评论
    @Mr Trecherous: $AMC院线(AMC.US)$
    3.TSLA-Buzzing Stars:⭐⭐⭐⭐
    TSLA 获得了 1.32% 到 785.490 美元 上周。这家电动汽车制造商上周四举行了2021年特斯拉年度股东大会,埃隆·马斯克在会上宣布,该公司已正式将其总部从加利福尼亚州的帕洛阿尔托迁至德克萨斯州的奥斯汀。
    ● Mooers 的评论
    @moo_Live: 特斯拉2021年年度股东大会
    4。CCXI-嗡嗡之星: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
    CCXI 股价飙升 95.97% 到 38.410 美元 上周五,这家生物制药公司获得了美国食品药品监督管理局的批准,用于治疗一种罕见的自身免疫性疾病。
    ● Mooers 的评论
    @VinnyDaddy: 向国王猫致敬!
    $ChemoCentryx Inc(CCXI.US)$ @Tupack H Mcsnacks
    5。BABA-Buzzing Stars:⭐⭐⭐
    BABA的股价终于站稳了 161.520 美元 每周增长为 12.01%。上周二的一份文件显示,芒格担任董事长的《每日日报》在第三季度购买了阿里巴巴近15万股股票,将其在该公司的股份增加了83%。
    ● Mooers 的评论
    @JPYY8888: 在 BABA 上猜一猜
    6。AAPL-Buzzing Stars: ⭐⭐⭐
    AAPL 股价上涨 0.18% 上周,其价格收于142.900 美元。上周三,路透社报道说,欧盟反垄断监管机构将指控苹果犯有与其NFC芯片技术相关的反竞争行为。
    ● Mooers 的评论
    @Listenerhater: 投资你使用的东西?
    投资您在日常生活中使用的东西。我一定会告诉你我不会那样做!!!!是的,毫不犹豫地回答这个问题。为什么? 阅读更多...
    PROG 股价下跌 24.58% 到 1.350 美元 上周,这家生物技术公司宣布与多家机构投资者达成协议,以每股1.50美元的注册直接发行方式买入和卖出近1,330万股普通股。
    8。FB-Buzzing Stars:⭐⭐⭐
    FB 股票收盘于 330.050 美元 每周减少为 3.78% 此前该公司面临前所未有的全球网站中断以及前内部人士的破坏性采访,后来变成了举报人。
    ● Mooers 的评论
    @Mario Timberlake: $Facebook(FB.US)$今天暴跌后有几次小幅收盘,但相对疲软。我认为,如果市场能够维持下去,但如果整个市场疲软,它有望反弹。 阅读更多...
    加入 讨论: Facebook的暴跌使科技股下跌:你有什么想法?
    BBIG 股票下跌 18.40% 到 5.010 美元 在过去的一周里。该公司宣布,两家公司将通过与ZASH Global Media的合资企业收购AdriZer。
    ● Mooers 的评论
    @DRAGON IS BACK: $Vinco Ventures(BBIG.US)$ 天啊... 非常感谢我们社区中的所有老年人... 你们太棒了... 你们太棒了... 今天终于一切顺利了... 我们今天收于7.25美元。😘 希望明天能涨得更高 👍👍😂❤️❤️
    10。NIO-嗡嗡之星: ⭐⭐
    蔚来股价上涨 1.27% 到 35.830 美元 在公布交付增长好于预期之后。与2021年第三季度相比,其电动汽车销量为24,439辆。
    ● Mooers 的评论
    @CoolWaterCoolWater: 是时候了。没有。
    @VCSuccess @GT1982 @GlenPeh @Syuee @70227526 @HopeAlways @Tupack H Mcsnacks
    我们非常感谢您的精彩见解! 阅读上周的热门评论!
    我们将选择 20 条热门评论 下周一之前。
    获胜者将获得 200 点积分 下周之前,你可以在奖励俱乐部兑换礼物。
    ● 基本面/技术/资本分析
    ● 个人交易经验
    ● 任何明智的见解或知识
    WeeklyBuzz 之前的
    免责声明: 以下评论仅供参考。在投资之前,请咨询持牌专业人士。
    Lewdity 参与了投票
    At the end of this post, there is a chance for you to win points!
    Happy Monday mooers! Welcome back to Weekly Buzz, where we review the news, performance, and community sentiment of the selected buzzing stocks on moomoo platform based on search and message volumes of last week! (Nano caps are excluded.)
    Part One: Make Your Choices
    Part Two: Buzzing Stocks List & Mooers Comments
    Every major index moved higher last week. Here is the weekly buzzing stock list of last week:
    1. AMC - Buzzing Stars: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
    After hitting a high of $52.79 on Sept. 13, $AMC院线(AMC.US)$ entered into a downtrend and declined to a low of $40.010 last Friday. 
    ● Mooers comment
    2. TSLA - Buzzing Stars: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
    Tesla shares closed at $774.390 last Friday after delivering its beta button, which brings the next level of autonomous driving to its car owners.
    ● Mooers comment
    @laksh: Tesla is just starting to warm up
    Aside from the huge potential in the future, the near term catalysts as follows:
    1) 3rd Quarter deliveries, 2nd Oct (Wall street est: 220k, personal opinion: 235-240k)
    2) AGM Oct 7th in Giga Texas (Potentially something could be announced since they have chosen to do it here)
    3) FSD Wide roll out (By 3rd of Oct many more drivers shd be driving using 10.1 after the 7 day period lapses to assess behavior)
    3. FUTU - Buzzing Stars: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
    Closing at $93.220, FUTU stock registered a weekly decrease of 2.51%.
    ● Mooers comment
    @GratefulPanda: Great little feature of moomoo
    This is a small feature, but I really appreciate how my watchlist will automatically rearrange themselves to show the stocks from active markets at the top of my watchlist. Read more...
    4. AAPL - Buzzing Stars: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
    Apple shares rose 0.59% to $146.920 last week, with new Apple iPhone models hit the stores last Friday.
    ● Mooers comment
    @GoldSeeker: Here to show off my iphone 13 pro
    @Apollod Wed: The iPhone 13 series boxes have also shrunk.Is this for environmental protection?
    5. ATER - Buzzing Stars: ⭐⭐⭐
    Shares of ATER finally stood at $12.960  with a weekly increase of 17.18% after reaching an agreement with its lender High Trail to pay down its outstanding secured term debt last Thursday.
    ● Mooers comment
    @several-Ad3818: $Aterian(ATER.US)$ I tought it would have opened green. anyone has updates on short interest and available shares to short?
    6. BABA - Buzzing Stars: ⭐⭐⭐
    BABA stock was down 9.35% last week and its price closed at $145.080 with its news over the tech crackdown in China.
    ● Mooers comment
    Share your idea with @orangejusabout Market sentiments >> Value
    $阿里巴巴(BABA.US)$ Unbelievable. A company with such huge profit margins and cash stockpile, is going down day after day from any and all negative news, even if it had nothing to do with it.
    7. NIO - Buzzing Stars: ⭐⭐⭐
    NIO stock was in a downtrend last week despite officially rolling out the new battery last Thursday, closing at $35.380 after declining 1.75% last Friday.
    ●  Mooers comment
    @sun2038: $蔚来(NIO.US)$ bought at 36, thinking whether sell at 46.  Not sure possible or not? Any prediction on future? thanks
    What is your prediction?
    8. LCID - Buzzing Stars: ⭐⭐⭐
    LCID stock closed at $25.430 with a weekly rise of 10.76%, registering three weeks of continuous increase. The company is well-funded, and nearing the start of production of its first vehicle model, the "Lucid Air".
    ● Mooers comment
    @Tangobull: $Lucid Group(LCID.US)$ buy for future, EV Ferrari.
    What's your view?
    9. BBIG - Buzzing Stars: ⭐⭐⭐
    As Fed hints at tapering, shares of BBIG closed at $6.320 last Friday following a four consecutive days fall.
    ● Mooers comment
    @Timothy Roberts: $Vinco Ventures(BBIG.US)$reached my target zone (61.8 Fib) & can correct even more. If you want to buy long term: Do it step by step;)
    10. GREE - Buzzing Stars:⭐⭐
    After Greenidge Generation and Support.com’s merger, GREE has now tumbled by 34.13% over the past week and 54.12% during the past month.
    ● Mooers comment
    @Pocodo: $Greenidge Generation(GREE.US)$ In this moment, I rather believe hat cow can climb tree than GREE can go GREEN. 😬😬😬
    Thanks for your reading!
    Part Three: Weekly Topic
    Time to be rewarded for your great insights and knowledge!
    This week, we'd like to invite you to comment below and share your view on:
    "Everyone says I should invest in stocks, but I am nervous about the markets. Should I be? And what should I invest?"
    Disclaimer: Comments below are made available for informational purposes only. Before investing, please consult a licensed professional.
    We will select 10 TOP COMMENTS by next Monday.
    Winners will get 288 points by next week, with which you can exchange gifts at Reward Club.
    *Comments within this week will be counted.
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    ● Fundamental / Technical / Capital Analyses
    ● Personal Trading Experience
    ● Any bright insights or knowledge
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    Previous of WeeklyBuzz
    Weekly Buzz: "The only green stocks I own right now."
    Weekly Buzz: "I’ve definitely learned my lesson this year. "
    Weekly Buzz: The level of rich I wanna be.
    Weekly Buzz: The level of rich I wanna be.
    Weekly Buzz: The level of rich I wanna be.
    $AMC院线(AMC.US)$ 在过去的几个月之后,我每天都会持有波动股票。
    Lewdity 评论了