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CheMad103029753 Male ID: 103029753
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    CheMad103029753 commented on
    Hello, dear mooers~.Welcome toMoomoo community-- an investor exchange community covering US stocks, Singapore stocks, Hong Kong stocks and A shares, and constantly enriching categories.Here, you can watch the stock market, learn experience, exchange ideas, ask questions and have friendly discussions with mooers in real time.In order to help you understand moomoo app,Lily more quickly, he specially organized this article.Guide for newcomersHey, have a good time, everyone!At the beginning of readingGuide for newcomersBefore you start, take a look at the community rules:-in the process of using the moomoo community, please follow the mooerCommunity rulesOhh. For details, please see:Moo community standard-if you find any violation of community rules, please@moomoo LilyCommunity administratorTo help you better understand community rules and protect your rights and interests, we have produced aGuide to Community rules, please accept:Moo Community rules GuideWhat if the guide No.1 encounters a problem?The first article of the guide tells you a universal and efficient method--Call customer service if you have any questions!Tip 1:Support telephone customer service and online customer service. You can choose according to your preferences.Tip 2:On the trading day, we provide 24-hour customer service (non-trading day is 9am-9pm)Then how to contact customer service?Please go to:App > my > my customer serviceGuide No...
    Moo "Guide for newcomers"
    Moo "Guide for newcomers"
    Moo "Guide for newcomers"
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