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$Qualcomm (QCOM.US)$ for those that live in America remember...

$Qualcomm(QCOM.US)$ for those that live in America remember this come election day that shitbag Biden is destroying American companies because of his vendetta against tiktok and China's natural response was to transition away from AMD and Intel chips and now Brandon that moron decides to stop trade with Intel Qualcomm selling to one of Chinese largest electronics companies
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  • Patrick Yap : So this the way to “ make America great again “ undefinedundefinedundefined kill as many US company as possible

  • 10baggerbammOP Patrick Yap: make America great again is Trump.  not this most diverse administration ever putting in the most incompetent people with no ability no skill but all agendas to self enrich themselves that's Biden. under Trump there were no wars in the world North Korea was behaving but Trump got mocked because he went over and shook his hand China had a good relationship with the United States because China understood Trump would impose sanctions tariffs if they don't behave consequently they did and both countries prospered Iran was dirt poor we had no wars in the Middle East Putin was behaving himself we had no wars in Russia Ukraine all of this change because of that shitbag Biden because he's completely incompetent he reads A teleprompter because he has no ability to make foreign relation decisions let alone domestic everything is done by people downstream with a globalist agenda to destroy the United States turn it into a third world country hence the open border policy the rampant drugs the murders taking place every day in major cities that's this administration Biden he's a failure he's a disaster he's a liar and he's destroying American companies oh let's not mention the 7 trillion of money spent causing the most egregious inflation since the 1970s.. Biden makes Jimmy Carter look like a great president

35+ yrs in the trenches, raised tens of millions for start ups, syndicate ipo's, yrs on trading desk mkt maker.