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Weekly Performance Challenge: Which stock performed the best?
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Weekly Performance Challenge?

Did you seize the moments?
For early of Aug 22, I did not seize the best moment for the highest price for selling at the highest profit... = timed market wrongly ...
In your portfolio, which stock performed the best?
None, I think . I think the best is $Apple(AAPL.US)$ for the highest positive changes in my portfolio .

Why did you choose to invest in this stock?
$Apple(AAPL.US)$ is kinda a gift 🎁 given to me . However, I'm kinda interested to increase more if there're cheap discount to me .
(Unfortunately, some other stock seduced me more ...)

How did you decide when to buy or sell?
I see if the stock is oversold or overbought = undervalued or overvalued .

Did you use technical analysis tools to help you make decisions?
Yup, I do used them to get the best pricing for the day. But, overall I looked at the companies & the economy fundamental more.

What's your next move?
Heh, u guess guess +?
(u should has guessed correctly if ya follow my other posts .)
Last but not least, from around near end of July 22 to 16 Aug 22, my option paper portfolio performance since the "Gamestonk" market rally, "I has made so much again", is in which I wanted to say... But...
Weekly Performance Challenge?
Weekly Performance Challenge?
Weekly Performance Challenge?
Weekly Performance Challenge?
Weekly Performance Challenge?
Short the market ? Easy ? Haiz... (Lucky is not the real thing )
Welp, at least I'd learned a bit about margin call through paper 📃 trading .
My previous performance revealed on option paper trading:
Am I able to make a comeback from the huge fall ?
That has to wait till the next episode .
(Got chance to know more de, if I find any moomoo event topic to make my next reveal performance .)
I may even need to go back to the recycle bin to dig back my "that" file .
DYODD before investing
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    DYODD before investing 👌