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Tendies? YOLO? Can anyone explain this to me?
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The state of wallstreetbet now, it is so different from when it first started

If you are looking at wallstreetbet reddit, it is full of loss porn posted by smooth brain, crayon eating apes and retards. But they are all diamond handing and hodl the stocks, hoping for the MOASS on stock that they bought to cash out their tendies. The DD they have done is just "because they like the stock" or some wrinkled brain apes said so. If anyone say something bad about the company, apes will treat all information as FUD, regardless if it is a fact or not. So never ever poke the apes because apes together strong, all of them will attack you till you become like shitadel.
1. Loss porn: posting stock losses on social media
2,3,4. Smooth brain: Stupid or not intelligent. Interchangeable with crayon eater and retards
5. Ape: investor who only know how to buy and hold.
6. Diamond handing: not selling their stocks no matter how much the stock have crashed or mooned.
7. Hodl: a deliberate misspelling of hold.
8. MOASS: mother of all short squeeze.
9. Tendies: cash
10. DD: due diligence
11. Wrinkled brain ape: intelligent ape that do in depth research of the company
12. FUD: Fear, uncertainty and doubt. Usually implying that the information is nothing but to create fear, uncertainty and doubt.
13. Apes together strong: a sentence taken from the movie rise of the planet of the apes, implying that apes are stronger when they are working together.
14. Shitadel: a term used by apes to call Citadel the investment firm that loss billions shorting Gamestop as the apes pump the share price to the moon causing a huge short squeeze.

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