
宇环数控(002903.SZ):自IPhone4 开始为苹果产业链企业提供服务以来与客户形成了稳定可持续的合作关系

Yuhuan CNC Machine Tool (002903.SZ): has formed a stable and sustainable cooperative relationship with customers since providing services to apple industry chain enterprises starting from iPhone4.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Jun 18, 2024 00:40

Yuhuan CNC Machine Tool (002903.SZ) stated on the investor platform on June 18th that, in the field of consumer electronics, the company can provide processing equipment for smart phones, laptops, tablets, smart wearables and other products based on its own technological advantages. Since providing services for Apple's industry chain companies since iPhone 4, the company has formed a stable and sustainable cooperative relationship with its customers. The company will continue to strive to provide professional and efficient grinding solutions for its customers.

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