
SG Morning Bell: Nanofilm seeks opportunities in hydrogen with Temasek joint venture

SG Morning Bell: Nanofilm seeks opportunities in hydrogen with Temasek joint venture

SG Morning Bell:納米薄膜與淡馬錫合資在氫氣領域尋找機會
Moomoo News ·  2021/04/19 21:20  · Headline

Good morning moomooers! Here are things you need to know about today's Singapore:

  • Singapore stocks fell in early trade; STI down 0.14%

  • Singapore to set up a global maritime decarbonisation centre: Ong Ye Kung

  • Nanofilm seeks opportunities in hydrogen with Temasek joint venture

  • Olam plans to issue S$100m 5.375% perps

  • Stocks to watch: Nanofilm, Kep Infra Trust, Neo Group, Olam, Econ Healthcare

-Moomoo News SG


  • 新加坡股市早盤下跌;STI下跌0.14%

  • 新加坡將設立全球海上脱碳中心:王冶公

  • 納米薄膜與淡馬錫合資在氫氣領域尋找機會

  • 奧蘭計劃發行1億新元5.375%的PERP

  • 值得關注的股票:Nanofm,Kep Infra Trust,Neo Group,Olam,Econ Healthcare

--Moomoo News SG

Market Trend


Singapore stocks fell in early trade on Tuesday morning.


$FTSE Singapore Straits Time Index(.STI.SG)$ decreased by 0.14 per cent or 4.62 point to 3,205.10 as at 9.05 am.


Breaking News


The Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) will set up a global maritime decarbonisation centre upon the proposal of the International Advisory Panel on Maritime Decarbonisation, Minister for Transport Ong Ye Kung said.


At the launch of Singapore Maritime Week on Monday, Mr Ong said the International Advisory Panel on Maritime Decarbonisation has proposed the establishment of a global maritime decarbonisation centre in Singapore, where a cluster of like-minded stakeholders can coordinate, drive and catalyse maritime decarbonisation solutions.

在週一舉行的新加坡海事周啟動儀式上,王永平表示,海事脱碳國際諮詢小組(International Consulting Panel On Marine DeCarbon)已提議在新加坡建立一個全球海事脱碳中心,一羣志同道合的利益相關者可以在那裏協調、推動和催化海事脱碳解決方案。

Mainboard-listed $Nanofilm(MZH.SG)$ has entered into a non-binding term sheet for a joint venture with Temasek to tap opportunities in the hydrogen energy economy.


Sydrogen Energy, the joint venture between the nanotechnology solutions provider and Temasek subsidiary Venezio Investments, will apply Nanofilm's advanced materials surface solutions to critical components in fuel cell and electrolyser systems.

納米技術解決方案提供商Sydrogen Energy和淡馬錫子公司Venzio Investments的合資企業將把Nanofilm的先進材料表面解決方案應用於燃料電池和電解槽系統的關鍵部件。

Agri-food giant $OLAM INTL(OLMIF.US)$ plans to issue S$100 million of perpetual securities, which will be consolidated with its existing S$250 million perps issued on Jan 18. Together, these issuances will form a single series.

農業食品巨頭$OLAM INTL(OLMIF.US)$計劃發行1億新元的永久證券,這些證券將與1月18日發行的2.5億新元的現有永久證券合併。這些發行加在一起,將形成一個單一的系列。

Stocks to watch


$Nanofilm(MZH.SG)$: The mainboard-listed tech manufacturer has entered into a non-binding term sheet for a joint venture with Temasek to tap opportunities in the hydrogen energy economy. Nanofilm is expected to hold a majority stake in Sydrogen with board control, but the term sheet is not legally binding and subject to further negotiations between the parties. Shares of Nanofilm closed at S$5.20 on Monday before the announcement, up S$0.03 or 0.6 per cent.


$Kep Infra Tr(A7RU.SG)$: The trust saw a 15.6 per cent increase in operational cash flow in the first quarter, buoyed by strong year-on-year performance of infrastructure asset Ixom, as well as the trust's acquisition of Philippine Coastal Storage & Pipeline Corporation. KIT units closed at S$0.54 on Monday before the announcement, down S$0.01 or 1.8 per cent.

$KEP基礎設施樹(A7RU.SG)$:該信託基金第一季度運營現金流增長15.6%,這得益於基礎設施資產Ixom的強勁同比表現,以及該信託基金收購菲律賓海岸存儲和管道公司(Philippine Coastal Storage&Pipeline Corporation)。KIT單位在該消息公佈前週一收報0.54坡元,下跌0.01坡元或1.8%。

$Neo(5UJ.SG)$: The offer for the Catalist-listed food caterer has turned unconditional, after the offeror received valid acceptances amounting to 91.2 per cent of all shares. The closing date of the offer has been extended to 5.30pm on May 25, 2021. Shares of Neo Group closed flat at 60.5 Singapore cents on Monday, before the announcement. The SGX-ST will suspend trading of the shares only at the close of the offer.

$Neo(5UJ.SG)$:在收購者收到相當於所有股份91.2%的有效接受後,對這家在Catist上市的食品餐飲公司的報價已經變成無條件的。要約截止日期已延至2021年5月25日下午5時30分。在宣佈這一消息之前,Neo Group的股價週一收盤持平於60.5新加坡元。新交所-ST只有在要約結束時才會暫停股票交易。

$OLAM INTL(OLMIF.US)$: The agrifood giant plans to issue S$100 million of its 5.375 per cent perpetual securities on April 26. The new perps will be consolidated with the group's existing S$250 million perps issued on Jan 18. Together, these issuances will form a single series. Olam shares closed flat at S$1.73 on Monday, before the announcement.

$OLAM INTL(OLMIF.US)$:這家農業食品巨頭計劃於4月26日發行其5.375%永久證券中的1億新元。新發行的債券將與該集團1月18日發行的2.5億新元現有債券合併。這些債券加在一起,將形成一個單一的系列。在宣佈這一消息之前,奧蘭的股價週一收盤持平於1.73新元。

$Econ Healthcare(EHG.SG)$: The private nursing home operator on Monday closed 3.6 per cent higher than its initial public offering price of S$0.28 upon relisting on the Catalist board of the Singapore Exchange. The counter ended the day at S$0.29, with some 16.6 million shares changing hands throughout the course of the day.

$Econ Healthcare(EHG.SG)$:這傢俬營療養院運營商周一在新加坡交易所(Singapore Exchange)Catist董事會重新上市,收盤價比0.28新元的首次公開發行(IPO)價格高出3.6%。該櫃枱當天收盤報0.29新元,全天約有1,660萬股易手。

Source: The Business Times


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