
Resistivity Signature From Pacific Empire's Mobile MT Survey at Trident Analogous to Mt. Milligan

Resistivity Signature From Pacific Empire's Mobile MT Survey at Trident Analogous to Mt. Milligan

newsfile ·  2024/06/13 20:00

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - June 13, 2024) - Pacific Empire Minerals Corp. (TSXV: PEMC) ("Pacific Empire", "PEMC" or the "Company"), a British Columbia copper-gold explorer, is pleased to provide additional information following its recently completed Airborne Mobile Magnetotelluric ("MT") geophysical survey, completed over the Trident and Pinnacle properties.

溫哥華,卑詩省--(新聞稿 - 2024年6月13日) - 太平洋帝國礦業公司(TSXV:PEMC)(「太平洋帝國」、「PEMC」或「公司」),一家卑詩省銅金勘探公司,很高興在完成其最近的機載移動磁法(「MT」)地球物理勘測調查之後提供更多信息,該調查覆蓋了三叉戟和最高點物業。



  • New Major Copper-Gold Porphyry Drill Target identified from recent airborne geophysical MT survey flown
  • 最近進行的航空地球物理調查中確定了一處重要的銅-黃金斑岩鑽探目標
  • Target to be tested in September 2024 drill program with aim of making a major copper-gold porphyry discovery akin to Centerra's Mt Milligan Mine
  • 該目標將在2024年9月進行鑽探,旨在找到一處類似於Centerra的Milligan山銅-黃金斑岩礦的重要發現
  • Not only does this resistivity anomaly come to surface, it also extends to depth and extends up to 1.5km in width, making this an exceptional copper-gold porphyry drill target
  • 這個電阻率異常不僅會出現在地表,而且會一直延伸到深處,寬度達到1.5公里,這使它成爲一處非常出色的銅-黃金斑岩鑽探目標
  • This target has characteristics similar to Centerra Gold's producing Mount Milligan Copper-Gold Mine which has 2024 production guidance of 180-200koz Gold and 55-65M Lbs Cu (This deposit is a major copper/gold producer)
  • 這個目標具有類似於Centerra Gold的Mount Milligan銅-黃金礦山的特徵,2024年預計生產黃金180-200koz和銅5500-6500萬磅(這個礦牀是一處重要的銅/黃金生產者)
  • The Mount Milligan High Resistivity Anomaly identified the major Copper-Gold Porphyry deposit (Proven and Probable Reserves 961Mlbs @ 0.17% Cu + 2.8Moz @ 0.35 g/t Au) - PEMCs Trident project shares the same Resistivity High Anomaly
  • Mount Milligan高電阻率異常確定了主要銅金斑岩礦牀(已探明和可採儲量爲961Mlbs@0.17% Cu + 2.8Moz @ 0.35 g/t Au) - PEMC的Trident項目具有相同的電阻高異常
  • PEMCs Trident project is known to produce significantly higher copper grades up to 0.84% Cu in drill core, significantly higher than Mount Milligan's Copper Reserves of 0.17%, which would make Trident a very attractive project for any major copper producer
  • PEMC的Trident項目以其高達0.84%的銅品位爲著名,顯著高於Mount Milligan的0.17%的銅儲量,這將使其成爲任何一家重要銅生產商的非常有吸引力的項目

Copper-gold mineralization encountered at Trident to date is primarily associated with potassic alteration and coincides with a widespread zone of elevated resistivity. Similarly, located at the primary target zone on Trident, this same level of elevated resistivity continues to depth.


Pacific Empire's President and CEO, Brad Peters: "The presence of copper-gold mineralization in areas of elevated resistivity corresponds nicely with what we would expect from the widespread potassic alteration observed in this area. Most significantly, the elevated resistivity signature extends to depth, a feature signature observed at Mt. Milligan making this all the more compelling target."

Pacific Empire的總裁兼首席執行官Brad Peters表示:「電阻率升高區域存在銅-黃金礦化與我們在該地區觀察到的廣泛的鉀質蝕變十分相似。最重要的是,電阻率升高信號在深處也存在,這是Mount Milligan觀察到的一種特徵信號,使得這個目標更具說服力。」

About Trident


The Trident property is an early exploration stage property hosting an alkalic porphyry copper-gold-silver prospect with district-scale potential that is accessible by vehicle. The property is located approximately 50 km to the southeast of NorthWest Copper Corp.'s Kwanika Deposit and 50 km to the northwest of Centerra Gold's Mt. Milligan Mine. The property covers 6,618 hectares endowed with well-established logging roads providing important efficient access to conduct exploration programs.

Trident地產是一個早期的勘探階段的地產,擁有一個有潛力的鹼性斑岩銅金銀礦跡,具有區域規模潛力,可通過車輛進入。該物業位於NorthWest Copper公司的Kwanika存儲和Centerra Gold的Mt. Milligan礦的東南約50公里,西北約50公里。該物業佔地6,618公頃,並擁有固定的伐木道路,可爲開展勘探計劃提供重要的高效通道。

Copper mineralization on the property was first discovered in 1969, while exploration crews were following up on anomalous stream sediment samples. The following year, Falconbridge optioned the property and over the next two years completed IP and magnetic surveys, geological mapping, soil sampling and diamond drilling. This work ultimately led to the discovery of the A Zone.


Additional exploration programs were completed by Kookaburra Gold Corp. from 1988 through 1991, Solomon Resources Ltd., from 2006 through 2008. In 2013, PEMC optioned the property and in 2014, in turn, PEMC optioned the property to Oz Minerals which completed during that same year, an IP survey and completed a two drillhole, diamond drill program at Trident.

其他勘探項目由Kookaburra Gold Corp.於1988年至1991年完成,由Solomon Resources Ltd.於2006年至2008年完成。 2013年,PEMC選擇了該物業,並在2014年將該物業轉讓給了Oz Minerals,後者在同一年完成了一個IP調查並在Trident進行了兩個鑽孔的鑽探計劃。

In 2022, Pacific Empire acquired a 100% interest in the property in exchange for granting the vendors a 2% net smelter return royalty ("NSR"). One-half (1%) of the 2% NSR which may be purchased for $500,000 by Pacific Empire.

2022年,太平洋帝國以授予銷售方2%淨熔爐回報(「」)的形式換取了該物業的100%權益。其中一半(1%)的2%淨熔爐回報可以由太平洋帝國以50萬美元的價格購買。NSR) 。可以用50萬美元購買的2% NSR的一半(1%)屬於Pacific Empire。

Prior to 2014, known mineralization on the property was believed to be associated with fracture and/or shear zones structures striking 120 degrees and dipping 75 degrees towards the northeast. A review of historical drill core by the Pacific Empire exploration team has led to a much different interpretation with respect to the nature of known mineralization on the property. The most important observation made was the determination of the presence of hornblende-feldspar monzonite porphyry intrusions detected within drill core obtained from the A Zone. These types of porphyry intrusions are typically characterized by sheeted quartz sulphide veins hosting disseminated chalcopyrite and bornite residing immediately adjacent to and within the porphyry dikes. Other observations include the highest grades noted in historical drilling can be seen to be directly associated with intervals where such porphyry intrusions occur.

在2014年之前,該礦產權上已知的礦化物被認爲與向東北傾斜75度、走向120度的裂隙和/或剪切帶結構有關。由Pacific Empire勘探團隊對歷史鑽孔芯進行的審查引導對礦產權上已知礦化物的本質產生了一個更加不同的解釋。最重要的發現是檢測到A區鑽孔芯中存在青閃-長石閃長巖斑岩侵入體。這些斑岩侵入體通常以石英硫化物脈的排列爲特徵,並承載着散佈的黃銅礦和斑銅礦,緊鄰和斑岩巖柱內。其他觀察結果包括歷史鑽探中發現的最高品位可以直觀地與這些斑岩侵入體相關聯。

"Between our 100% owned Trident and Pinnacle projects runs the Klawli river. The gold flakes and nuggets in the vial displayed on the map were collected from that location on the Klawli river. It is this and other geochemical evidence gathered by the PEMC exploration team which leads us to postulate the potential for a gold-enriched copper system nearby on either Trident, Pinnacle, or possibly both projects. To date, visible gold has been observed in outcrops at Trident, placer gold discovered in the nearby Klawli river gravels, as well gold has been detected in drill core from Pinnacle. All three of these known occurrences of gold and their respective locations suggests there may be a shallow buried, large scale, gold-enriched, copper porphyry deposit within our district scale land package," commented Brad Peters, President, CEO and Director of Pacific Empire.

About Pinnacle


The Pinnacle project is located 60 km to the west of Centerra Gold's Mt. Milligan Copper-Gold Mine and 30 km to the southeast of NorthWest Copper's Kwanika Copper-Gold Deposit in a proven copper-gold porphyry district. Access to the Pinnacle is by road including a new and expanding network of logging roads and trails throughout the main target areas. This improved access is a significant development and is anticipated to contribute to cost effective drill support and provides additional bedrock exposure.

Pinnacle項目位於Centerra Gold的Mt. Milligan銅-黃金礦山以西60公里,位於NorthWest Copper的Kwanika銅-黃金礦牀以東南30公里處的已知銅-黃金斑岩區。到達Pinnacle的方式是通過道路,包括新的及正在擴展的網絡的伐木道和主要目標區域的小路。這種改進的訪問方式是一個重要的發展,並有望爲成本效益的鑽探支持做出貢獻並提供額外的基岩露頭。

"Over the past 2 years significant logging operations have developed an extensive road network that now covers the entirety of the southern half of the property providing new outcrop exposure and efficient access. The 2023 forest fires dramatically affected the property resulting in significantly improved access to the property," commented Brad Peters, President, CEO and Director of Pacific Empire.

Pacific Empire的總裁兼首席執行官Brad Peters評論道:「在過去的兩年中,大量的伐木活動開發了廣泛的道路網絡,現在覆蓋了產權的南半部,提供了新的露頭和高效的訪問。2023年的火災對物業造成了重大影響,從而實現了對該物業的顯著改善。」

Qualified Person


Kristian Whitehead, P.Geo., serves as a qualified person as defined by NI 43-101 and has reviewed the scientific and technical information in this news release, approving the disclosure herein.

Kristian Whitehead,符合NI 43-101定義的合格人員,已經審查了本新聞稿中的科學和技術信息,並批准了此處的披露。

About Pacific Empire


Pacific Empire is a copper exploration company based in Vancouver, British Columbia and trades on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol PEMC. The Company has a district scale land position in north-central British Columbia totaling 22,541 hectares.

太平洋帝國是一家位於不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華的銅勘探公司,在 TSX 創業公司交易所上交易,股票代碼爲 PEMC。該公司在不列顛哥倫比亞省北部擁有總面積爲22,541公頃的區域性土地。

British Columbia is a "Green" copper jurisdiction with abundant hydroelectric power, access and infrastructure in close proximity to the end market.




"Brad Peters"

"Brad Peters"

President, Chief Executive Officer and Director


Pacific Empire Minerals Corp.
Tel: +1-604-356-6246


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