
Stocks of the Hour: Lake Resources N.L, Genex Power, St Barbara

Stocks of the Hour: Lake Resources N.L, Genex Power, St Barbara

當下股票:Lake Resources N.L、Genex Power、St Barbara
sharecafe ·  03/03 19:30

Lake Resources N.L. (ASX:LKE; OTC:LLKKF) announces that it is reducing its employee base and administrative expenses after completing the Kachi Phase One Definitive Feasibility Study, aiming to extend its financial runway and enhance its strategic partner selection process. This involves cutting approximately 50% of its global headcount and streamlining other expenditures, expecting a further 30% reduction in expenses by June 30, 2024, compared to March 31, 2024. Shares are trading 3.7 per cent lower at 13 cents.

Lake Resources N.L.(澳大利亞證券交易所股票代碼:LKKE;場外交易代碼:LLKKF)宣佈,在完成Kachi第一階段最終可行性研究後,它將減少員工基礎和管理費用,旨在延長其財務渠道並加強其戰略合作伙伴選擇流程。這包括裁減約50%的全球員工人數並精簡其他支出,預計到2024年6月30日,與2024年3月31日相比,支出將進一步減少30%。股價下跌3.7%,至13美分。

Genex Power Limited (ASX:GNX) has received a non-binding proposal from Electric Power Development Co to acquire all outstanding Genex Shares at A$0.275 per share via a members' scheme of arrangement. This represents a 65% premium to the 6-month VWAP of Genex Shares. Shares are trading 32.43 per cent higher at 24.5 cents.

Genex Power Limited(澳大利亞證券交易所股票代碼:GNX)已收到電力開發公司的不具約束力的提案,要求通過成員的安排計劃以每股0.275澳元的價格收購所有已發行的Genex股票。這比Genex股票的6個月VWAP溢價了65%。股價上漲32.43%,至24.5美分。

St Barbara (ASX:SBM) has announced that the resource definition drilling is complete for the Sorowar-Pigiput Trend portion of the 24 hole, 4,700-metre diamond drill program at the Simberi Operations in Papua New Guinea (PNG). Assays results have been received for another five resource definition diamond drill holes to bring the total to seven holes for which assays have now been received. Shares are trading 12.07 per cent higher at 16.25 cents.

聖芭芭拉(澳大利亞證券交易所股票代碼:SBM)宣佈,巴布亞新幾內亞Simberi Operitions(巴布亞新幾內亞)24孔、4700米金剛石鑽探計劃的索羅瓦爾-皮吉普特趨勢部分的資源定義鑽探已經完成。已經收到了另外五個資源定義金剛石鑽孔的化驗結果,使目前已收到化驗結果的鑽孔總數達到七個。股價上漲12.07%,至16.25美分。


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