
ACME Lithium Announces Results From Phase 1 Winter Drilling Program at Shatford Lake Manitoba

ACME Lithium Announces Results From Phase 1 Winter Drilling Program at Shatford Lake Manitoba

ACME Lithium 公佈了曼尼托巴省沙特福德湖冬季鑽探項目第一階段的結果
newsfile ·  2023/06/30 08:30

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - June 30, 2023) - ACME Lithium Inc. (CSE: ACME) (OTCQX: ACLHF) (the "Company", or "ACME") announced today drill core sample results from its 2023 winter drill program at its 100% owned Shatford Lake and Birse Lake lithium projects in southeastern Manitoba, Canada. ACME's Shatford-Birse claim area are contiguous to the south of Sinomine's world-class Tanco Mine, a Lithium, Cesium and Tantalum producer (LCTs) since 1969.

溫哥華,不列顛哥倫比亞省-(Newsfile Corp.-2023年6月30日)-Acme Li Inc.(CSE:Acme)(OTCQX:ACLHF)該公司(“公司”,簡稱“ACME”)今天宣佈了其在加拿大馬尼託巴省東南部擁有100%股權的Shatford Lake和Birse Lake鋰專案的2023年冬季鑽探專案的岩心樣本結果。Acme的Shatford-Birse索賠區域毗鄰Sinomine的世界級Tanco礦以南,該礦自1969年以來一直是鋰、銫和鉭的生產商(LCT)。

Core drilling was based on geological prospecting/mapping with lithium determinations by LIBS and geophysical magnetic interpretation. Drilling and magnetic interpretation was successful in defining broad structural belts with multiple unexposed pegmatites and specific cross structural features in these broad belts that control pegmatite injection. Recent results from this maiden drilling program at Shatford Lake will help the Company vector in the fertile pegmatite zones. Twenty-six pegmatites were intersected in 6 of 8 drill holes.


Many regions within ACME's project area remain of interest and require further evaluation and exploration. Two broad areas in the Shatford Lake area stand out and merit further exploration.


  1. The west Shatford area in the 31 claim Shatford-Birse Lakes claim block has pegmatites with anomalous Tantalum (Ta) with geochemical wallrock halos of Lithium (Li), Cesium (Cs), Strontium (Sr) and Vanadium (V).
  2. The east Shatford area has multiple pegmatites in a broad deformation zone, some of which are associated with structural controls, similar to the interpreted structural control on the Tanco pegmatite.
  3. A third region with exploration potential is the 6 claim Cat-Euclid claim block that covers the unexplored southerly extension of a structural belt that includes the Donner, Eagle, Irgon and Catail LCT pegmatites. It has not been drilled by ACME.
  1. 31號主張的沙特福德-伯爾斯湖地塊的西沙特福德地區有偉晶巖,具有異常的鉭(Ta)和鋰(Li)、銫(Cs)、鍶(Sr)和釩(V)的地球化學圍巖暈。
  2. 東部沙特福德地區在一個寬闊的變形帶中有多個偉晶巖,其中一些與構造控制有關,類似於解釋的對Tanco偉晶巖的構造控制。
  3. 第三個具有勘探潛力的地區是6個索賠的Cat-Euclid索賠區塊,該區塊覆蓋了一條構造帶的未勘探向南延伸,其中包括Donner、Eagle、Irgon和Catail LCT偉晶巖。它還沒有被ACME鑽探。

Analyses have been received from SGS Laboratories for 235 samples from the January to April 2023 winter diamond drilling program conducted by ACME on their Shatford Lake Manitoba claim block. 194 samples were sawn NQ drill core with the remainder being duplicates, standards and blanks. Analysis was for a 56-element package by sodium peroxide fusion and an ICP-AES / ICP-MS finish.


Analytical results indicate four areas with anomalous Lithium (Li), Tin (Sn) or Tantalum (Ta) in pegmatites and one area with a broad lithogeochemical anomaly for Li, Cesium (Cs), Strontium (Sr) and Vanadium (V) with thin pegmatites with anomalous Ta.


A total of 26 individual pegmatites were intersected in 6 of 8 drill holes, varying up to 11 m in core length. The pegmatites are classified as simple pegmatites, without visible lithium-bearing minerals, but locally with visible trace tantalite. Six pegmatites in four drill holes contain anomalous Li, one anomalous Cs and two, anomalous Ta. None have economic grades but assay results confirm the occurrence of geochemically anomalous pegmatite bodies within strongly deformed metasedimentary rocks. Click here to view Sampling Results Table 1.


East of Shatford Lake, five pegmatite intersections in 3 holes returned geochemically anomalous Li averages of 138 to 268 ppm Li with 74 to 248 ppm Sn, 54 to 147 ppm Nb and 15 to 74 ppm Ta. This area is located about 3.5km south of the Tanco mine at Bernic Lake.

在沙特福德湖以東,3個孔的5個偉晶巖交匯處,Li的平均地球化學異常為138ppm~268ppm的Li,74~248ppm的錫,54~147ppm的Nb和15~74ppm的Ta。該地區位於Bernic Lake的Tanco礦以南約3.5公里處。

West of Shatford Lake, potassic Ta-bearing pegmatites in hole SL-08 are hosted within a broad geochemical halo of Li, Cs, Sr and V and associated with an feldspar porphyry, a potential fertile intrusion. The Li, Cs and Sr values are in the range associated with wallrock alteration associated with economic LCT pegmatites and indicate an excellent exploration target. One of the three pegmatites has a thin Cs and Rb geochemical halo with up to 1513 ppm Cs and 1237 ppm Rubiduim (Rb). This area is about 5.5 km southwest of the Tanco mine and within one km of the Tanco lease boundary. Hole SL-08 was drilled on a structural trend in an area with very poor outcrop where drilling was the only way to acquire geological information. Click here to view Sampling Results Table 2.


Three specific areas in the Shattford Lake area are recommended for follow-up and field work prior to a Phase 2 drill program.


  1. The wallrock lithogeochemical halo and Ta-bearing pegmatites intersected by hole SL-08. A nearby, unexplored magnetic low feature, possibly related to a pegmatite body, occurs near hole SL-08 and is adjacent to a strong linear structural feature defined by magnetics. Outcrop sampling and soil geochemical surveys are recommended.
  2. A 15 to 20m thick albitic pegmatite with a favourable approximately 040° structural trend occurs within a broad E-W deformation zone near hole SL-06. This is the largest known pegmatite on the ACME claim block. Outcrop is scarce in the area and a program of rock and soil sampling is recommended.
  3. Two holes in the winter drilling program were successful in intersecting pegmatites occurring along approximately 045° cross structures within the main Shatford Lake shear zone. Prospecting along trend and success contingent drilling is recommended.
  1. SL-08孔與圍巖岩石地球化學暈和含Ta偉晶巖相交。在SL-08孔附近出現了一個附近的、未勘探的磁低特徵,可能與偉晶巖體有關,並毗鄰由磁學定義的強線性構造特徵。建議進行露頭取樣和土壤地球化學調查。
  2. 在SL-06孔附近寬闊的東西向變形帶內,發育15~20m厚的鈉長偉晶巖,具有有利的約040°構造走向。這是ACME索賠區塊上已知的最大偉晶巖。該地區露頭稀少,建議採用岩土取樣方案。
  3. 冬季鑽探計劃中的兩個孔成功地將沿沙特福德湖主剪切帶內約045°交叉構造的偉晶巖相交。建議沿著趨勢和成功的應急鑽井進行找礦。

Figure 1: Shatford Lake Drillhole Map


Quality Control and Quality Assurance


Appropriate QA/QC protocols governed geological logging, core sampling, sample preparation, analyses, and security during the current program, including quality controls with duplicates, standards, and blanks. Samples were submitted to SGS Laboratories, Vancouver, Canada, for analysis. Analysis was for a 56-element package by sodium peroxide fusion and an ICP-AES / ICP-MS finish.


Qualified Person


Mr. Dane A. Bridge, M.Sc., P.Geol, a "Qualified Person" (as defined in NI 43-101 -Standards for Disclosure for Mineral Projects) and a senior consulting geoscientist to the Company, has reviewed and approved the technical disclosures in this news release. The Company strictly adheres to CIM Best Practices Guidelines in conducting, documenting, and reporting the exploration activities on its projects.

Dane A.Bridge先生,M.Sc,P.Geol先生是一名“合格人士”(定義見NI 43-101-礦產專案披露標準),也是該公司的高級地球科學家諮詢人員,他已審核並批准了本新聞稿中的技術披露。公司嚴格遵守CIM最佳實踐指南進行、記錄和報告其專案的勘探活動。

About ACME Lithium Inc.

ACME Lithium公司簡介

Led by an experienced team, ACME Lithium is a mineral exploration Company focused on acquiring, exploring, and developing battery metal projects in partnership with leading technology and commodity companies. ACME has acquired or is under option to acquire a 100-per-cent interest in projects located in Clayton Valley and Fish Lake Valley, Esmeralda County Nevada, at Shatford, Birse, and Cat-Euclid Lakes in southeastern Manitoba, and at Bailey Lake in northern Saskatchewan.

ACME鋰是一家礦產勘探公司,由經驗豐富的團隊領導,與領先的技術和大宗商品公司合作,專注於收購、勘探和開發電池金屬專案。Acme已收購或正在選擇收購位於內華達州埃斯梅拉達縣克萊頓山谷和魚湖谷、馬尼託巴省東南部的Shatford、Birse和Cat-Euclid Lake以及薩斯喀徹溫省北部的Bailey Lake的專案的100%權益。

On behalf of the Board of Directors


Steve Hanson
Chief Executive Officer, President and Director
Telephone: (604) 564-9045


For Investor Inquiries:
Anthony Simone
Simone Capital
Telephone: (416) 881-5154


Neither the CSE nor its regulations service providers accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release. This news release may contain forward-looking information within the meaning of applicable securities laws ("forward-looking statements"). Forward-looking statements are statements that are not historical facts and are generally, but not always, identified by the words "expects," "plans," "anticipates," "believes," "intends," "estimates," "projects," "potential" and similar expressions, or that events or conditions "will," "would," "may," "could" or "should" occur and in this news release include but are not limited to the attributes of, timing for and expected benefits to be derived from exploration, drilling or development at ACME's project properties. Information inferred from the interpretation of drilling, sampling and other technical results may also be deemed to be forward-looking statements, as it constitutes a prediction of what might be found to be present when and if a project is actually developed. ACME's project location adjacent to or nearby lithium projects does not guarantee exploration success or that mineral resources or reserves will be defined on ACME's properties. Exploration, development, and activities conducted by regional companies provide assistance and additional data for exploration work being completed by ACME. These forward-looking statements are subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties which could cause actual events or results to differ materially from those reflected in the forward-looking statements, including, without limitation: risks related to fluctuations in metal prices; uncertainties related to raising sufficient financing to fund the planned work in a timely manner and on acceptable terms; changes in planned work resulting from weather, logistical, technical or other factors; the possibility that results of work will not fulfill expectations and realize the perceived potential of the Company's properties; risk of accidents, equipment breakdowns and labour disputes or other unanticipated difficulties or interruptions; the possibility of cost overruns or unanticipated expenses in the work program; the risk of environmental contamination or damage resulting from the Company's operations and other risks and uncertainties. Any forward-looking statement speaks only as of the date it is made and, except as may be required by applicable securities laws, the Company disclaims any intent or obligation to update any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events or results or otherwise.


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