
Bunge Limited (NYSE:BG) Given Average Recommendation of "Buy" by Brokerages

Bunge Limited (NYSE:BG) Given Average Recommendation of "Buy" by Brokerages

邦吉有限公司 (紐約證交所代碼:BG) 給出經紀公司「買入」的平均建議
Financial News Live ·  2023/01/14 06:41

Bunge Limited (NYSE:BG – Get Rating) has been given a consensus recommendation of "Buy" by the nine ratings firms that are covering the stock, reports. Eight research analysts have rated the stock with a buy rating. The average 1-year target price among brokerages that have updated their coverage on the stock in the last year is $126.57.

據MarketBeat.com報道,Bunge Limited(紐約證券交易所代碼:BG-GET Rating)已被涵蓋該股的九家評級公司一致推薦為買入。八位研究分析師已將該股評級為買入。在去年更新了對該股報道的券商中,1年目標價的平均水平為126.57美元。

Several brokerages have weighed in on BG. Bank of America dropped their price objective on Bunge from $138.00 to $130.00 and set a "buy" rating for the company in a report on Monday, October 24th. upgraded shares of Bunge from a "hold" rating to a "buy" rating in a report on Thursday, October 27th. UBS Group assumed coverage on shares of Bunge in a report on Tuesday, December 13th. They set a "buy" rating and a $133.00 target price for the company. Finally, TheStreet upgraded Bunge from a "c+" rating to a "b" rating in a research report on Wednesday, October 26th.



Bunge Stock Down 0.1 %


Shares of NYSE:BG opened at $100.42 on Friday. The company has a quick ratio of 0.86, a current ratio of 1.63 and a debt-to-equity ratio of 0.32. The firm has a market cap of $15.04 billion, a P/E ratio of 10.22 and a beta of 0.72. Bunge has a 12 month low of $80.41 and a 12 month high of $128.40. The company's 50-day moving average price is $98.74 and its two-hundred day moving average price is $94.79.


Bunge (NYSE:BG – Get Rating) last announced its earnings results on Wednesday, October 26th. The basic materials company reported $3.45 earnings per share (EPS) for the quarter, topping analysts' consensus estimates of $2.44 by $1.01. The company had revenue of $16.76 billion for the quarter, compared to analyst estimates of $15.73 billion. Bunge had a net margin of 2.22% and a return on equity of 25.11%. Bunge's quarterly revenue was up 18.7% on a year-over-year basis. During the same period in the prior year, the business earned $3.72 earnings per share. As a group, research analysts forecast that Bunge will post 13.89 EPS for the current fiscal year.
邦吉(紐約證券交易所代碼:BG-GET Rating)最近一次公佈收益結果是在10月26日星期三。這家基礎材料公司公佈本季度每股收益(EPS)為3.45美元,超出分析師普遍預期的2.44美元,超出1.01美元。該公司本季度營收為167.6億美元,而分析師預期為157.3億美元。邦吉的淨利潤率為2.22%,股本回報率為25.11%。邦吉的季度營收同比增長18.7%。去年同期,該業務每股收益為3.72美元。研究分析師預測,作為一個整體,邦吉本財年的每股收益將達到13.89美元。

Bunge Announces Dividend


The firm also recently disclosed a quarterly dividend, which will be paid on Thursday, March 2nd. Investors of record on Thursday, February 16th will be paid a dividend of $0.625 per share. This represents a $2.50 annualized dividend and a yield of 2.49%. The ex-dividend date of this dividend is Wednesday, February 15th. Bunge's payout ratio is presently 25.43%.


Insiders Place Their Bets


In other Bunge news, insider Julio Garros sold 1,017 shares of the stock in a transaction dated Wednesday, November 9th. The stock was sold at an average price of $103.90, for a total value of $105,666.30. Following the completion of the sale, the insider now directly owns 53,780 shares in the company, valued at $5,587,742. The sale was disclosed in a filing with the Securities & Exchange Commission, which can be accessed through this hyperlink. Corporate insiders own 2.20% of the company's stock.


Institutional Investors Weigh In On Bunge


Several institutional investors have recently added to or reduced their stakes in the stock. Sigma Planning Corp raised its stake in Bunge by 4.4% in the third quarter. Sigma Planning Corp now owns 2,620 shares of the basic materials company's stock valued at $216,000 after buying an additional 110 shares during the period. M&T Bank Corp boosted its position in Bunge by 2.0% during the third quarter. M&T Bank Corp now owns 5,943 shares of the basic materials company's stock worth $491,000 after purchasing an additional 114 shares during the period. Royal Harbor Partners LLC increased its holdings in shares of Bunge by 0.8% in the second quarter. Royal Harbor Partners LLC now owns 15,905 shares of the basic materials company's stock valued at $1,442,000 after purchasing an additional 119 shares during the last quarter. Synovus Financial Corp increased its holdings in shares of Bunge by 2.6% in the third quarter. Synovus Financial Corp now owns 4,687 shares of the basic materials company's stock valued at $381,000 after purchasing an additional 119 shares during the last quarter. Finally, AdvisorNet Financial Inc raised its position in shares of Bunge by 1.5% in the fourth quarter. AdvisorNet Financial Inc now owns 8,413 shares of the basic materials company's stock valued at $839,000 after purchasing an additional 124 shares during the period. 82.62% of the stock is owned by institutional investors.

幾家機構投資者最近增持或減持了該股。西格瑪規劃公司在第三季度將其在Bunge的持股增加了4.4%。西格瑪規劃公司目前持有這家基礎材料公司2,620股股票,價值21.6萬美元,在此期間又購買了110股。M&T Bank Corp在第三季度將其在Bunge的頭寸增加了2.0%。M&T銀行(M&T Bank Corp)目前持有這家基礎材料公司5,943股股票,價值491,000美元,在此期間又購買了114股。Royal Harbor Partners LLC在第二季度增持了0.8%的Bunge股票。Royal Harbor Partners LLC現在擁有這家基礎材料公司15,905股股票,價值1,442,000美元,上個季度又購買了119股。Synovus Financial Corp在第三季度增持了2.6%的Bunge股票。Synovus Financial Corp目前持有這家基礎材料公司4,687股股票,價值38.1萬美元,此前該公司在上個季度又購買了119股。最後,AdvisorNet Financial Inc.在第四季度將其在Bunge股票的頭寸提高了1.5%。AdvisorNet Financial Inc現在擁有這家基礎材料公司8,413股股票,價值83.9萬美元,在此期間又購買了124股。82.62%的股票由機構投資者持有。

About Bunge


(Get Rating)


Bunge Limited operates as an agribusiness and food company worldwide. It operates through four segments: Agribusiness, Refined and Specialty Oils, Milling, and Sugar and Bioenergy. The Agribusiness segment purchases, stores, transports, processes, and sells agricultural commodities and commodity products, including oilseeds primarily soybeans, rapeseed, canola, and sunflower seeds, as well as grains primarily wheat and corn; and processes oilseeds into vegetable oils and protein meals.


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