
Contrasting Swvl (NASDAQ:SWVL) & Tabula Rasa HealthCare (NASDAQ:TRHC)

Contrasting Swvl (NASDAQ:SWVL) & Tabula Rasa HealthCare (NASDAQ:TRHC)

對比 SWVL(納斯達克:SWVL)和塔布拉拉薩醫療保健(納斯達克:TRHC)
Defense World ·  2023/01/10 03:22

Tabula Rasa HealthCare (NASDAQ:TRHC – Get Rating) and Swvl (NASDAQ:SWVL – Get Rating) are both small-cap medical companies, but which is the superior investment? We will contrast the two businesses based on the strength of their earnings, institutional ownership, profitability, valuation, risk, dividends and analyst recommendations.

Tabula Rasa Healthcare(納斯達克:trhc-Get Rating)和Swvl(納斯達克:SWVL-GET Rating)都是小盤醫療公司,但哪種投資更具優勢?我們將根據這兩家公司的收益、機構所有權、盈利能力、估值、風險、股息和分析師的建議對其進行對比。

Risk and Volatility


Tabula Rasa HealthCare has a beta of 1.58, indicating that its share price is 58% more volatile than the S&P 500. Comparatively, Swvl has a beta of -0.63, indicating that its share price is 163% less volatile than the S&P 500.

Tabula Rasa Healthcare的貝塔係數為1.58,表明其股價的波動性比標準普爾500指數高58%。相比之下,Swvl的貝塔係數為-0.63,這表明其股價的波動性比標準普爾500指數低163%。

Tabula Rasa HealthCare
Tabula Rasa醫療保健

Analyst Recommendations


This is a summary of current recommendations for Tabula Rasa HealthCare and Swvl, as provided by MarketBeat.

這是MarketBeat提供的對Tabula Rasa Healthcare和Swvl的當前建議摘要。

Sell Ratings Hold Ratings Buy Ratings Strong Buy Ratings Rating Score
Tabula Rasa HealthCare 0 4 1 0 2.20
Swvl 0 1 2 0 2.67
銷售評級 保持評級 購買評級 強勁的買入評級 評級分數
Tabula Rasa醫療保健 0 4 1 0 2.20
交換 0 1 2 0 2.67
Tabula Rasa HealthCare presently has a consensus price target of $8.10, indicating a potential upside of 69.10%. Swvl has a consensus price target of $4.83, indicating a potential upside of 1,740.57%. Given Swvl's stronger consensus rating and higher probable upside, analysts clearly believe Swvl is more favorable than Tabula Rasa HealthCare.
Tabula Rasa Healthcare目前的共識目標價為8.10美元,表明潛在漲幅為69.10%。Swvl的普遍目標價為4.83美元,表明潛在上行空間為1,740.57%。考慮到Swvl更強的共識評級和更高的可能上行空間,分析師顯然認為Swvl比Tabula Rasa Healthcare更有利。

Insider & Institutional Ownership


60.9% of Tabula Rasa HealthCare shares are owned by institutional investors. Comparatively, 16.3% of Swvl shares are owned by institutional investors. 7.3% of Tabula Rasa HealthCare shares are owned by company insiders. Strong institutional ownership is an indication that large money managers, endowments and hedge funds believe a stock will outperform the market over the long term.

Tabula Rasa Healthcare 60.9%的股份由機構投資者持有。相比之下,SWVL 16.3%的股份由機構投資者持有。Tabula Rasa Healthcare 7.3%的股份由公司內部人士持有。強大的機構持股表明,大型基金管理公司、捐贈基金和對衝基金相信,一隻股票的長期表現將好於大盤。



This table compares Tabula Rasa HealthCare and Swvl's net margins, return on equity and return on assets.

此表比較了Tabula Rasa Healthcare和Swvl的淨利潤率、股本回報率和資產回報率。

Net Margins Return on Equity Return on Assets
Tabula Rasa HealthCare -46.03% -472.90% -13.39%
Swvl N/A N/A N/A
淨利潤率 股本回報率 資產回報率
Tabula Rasa醫療保健 -46.03% -472.90% -13.39%
交換 不適用 不適用 不適用

Valuation and Earnings


This table compares Tabula Rasa HealthCare and Swvl's gross revenue, earnings per share (EPS) and valuation.

此表比較了Tabula Rasa Healthcare和Swvl的毛收入、每股收益(EPS)和估值。

Gross Revenue Price/Sales Ratio Net Income Earnings Per Share Price/Earnings Ratio
Tabula Rasa HealthCare $331.26 million 0.39 -$79.06 million ($5.81) -0.82
Swvl $38.35 million 0.81 -$141.42 million N/A N/A
總收入 價格/銷售額比 淨收入 每股收益 市盈率
Tabula Rasa醫療保健 3.3126億美元 0.39 -7,906萬元 ($5.81) -0.82
交換 3,835萬美元 0.81 -1.4142億美元 不適用 不適用

Tabula Rasa HealthCare has higher revenue and earnings than Swvl.

Tabula Rasa Healthcare的收入和收益高於Swvl。



Swvl beats Tabula Rasa HealthCare on 7 of the 12 factors compared between the two stocks.

Swvl在兩隻股票比較的12個因素中有7個超過了Tabula Rasa Healthcare。

About Tabula Rasa HealthCare


(Get Rating)


Tabula Rasa HealthCare, Inc. operates as a healthcare technology company in the United States. The company operates in two segments, CareVention HealthCare and MedWise HealthCare. It offers EireneRx, a cloud-based medication decision-support and e-prescribing platform to access patient medication-related information; and MedWise medication therapy management software, a cloud-based platform designed to aid in the identification and resolution of medication and health-related problems. The company also provides TruChart that offers electronic health records (EHR), care coordination, and financial management in one program allowing Programs of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) to track measurable outcomes in defined timeframes for the populations they serve; and PACElogic, which delivers sharable workflows comprising EHR, customer relationship management, claims adjudication, electronic data interchange, care management, coordination and planning, integration with community-based providers, and various federal and state that requires reporting. In addition, it offers DoseMeRx, a decision support software that leverages clinically validated pharmacokinetic drug models, patient characteristics, drug concentrations, and genotypes to guide dose optimization; and PrescribeWellness, a PrescribeWellness, a patient engagement center platform. Further, the company provides clinical pharmacist collaboration, prescription fulfillment and adherence packaging, and pharmacy benefit management services, as well as health plan management services, including risk adjustment and third party administrator services. As of December 31, 2021, it served approximately 150 healthcare organizations; and 350 health plans and approximately 18,000 retail pharmacies. The company provides cloud-based software applications to assist prescribers and pharmacists. Tabula Rasa HealthCare, Inc. was founded in 2009 and is headquartered in Moorestown, New Jersey.

Tabula Rasa Healthcare,Inc.在美國作為一家醫療技術公司運營。該公司在兩個細分市場運營,CareVention Healthcare和MedWise Healthcare。它提供了EireneRx,一個基於雲的藥物決策支持和電子處方平臺,用於訪問患者的藥物相關信息;以及MedWise藥物治療管理軟件,一個基於雲的平臺,旨在幫助識別和解決藥物和健康相關問題。該公司還提供TruChart,它在一個計劃中提供電子健康記錄(EHR)、護理協調和財務管理,允許全方位老年人護理(PACE)計劃在定義的時間框架內跟蹤其服務人羣的可衡量結果;以及PACElogic,它提供可共享的工作流程,包括電子健康記錄、客户關係管理、索賠裁決、電子數據交換、護理管理、協調和規劃、與基於社區的提供者以及需要報告的各種聯邦和州的整合。此外,它還提供DoseMeRx決策支持軟件,它利用經過臨牀驗證的藥代動力學藥物模型、患者特徵、藥物濃度和基因類型來指導劑量優化;以及PrescribeWellness,這是一個患者參與中心平臺。此外,該公司還提供臨牀藥劑師協作、處方履行和遵守包裝、藥房福利管理服務,以及健康計劃管理服務,包括風險調整和第三方管理服務。截至2021年12月31日,它為大約150個醫療機構、350個健康計劃和大約18,000家零售藥店提供服務。該公司提供基於雲的軟件應用程序,以幫助處方醫生和藥劑師。Tabula Rasa醫療保健, Inc.成立於2009年,總部設在新澤西州的穆爾斯敦。

About Swvl


(Get Rating)


Swvl Holdings Corp. provides mass transit ridesharing services. It offers B2C Swvl Retail, which provides riders with a network of minibuses and other vehicles running on fixed or semi-fixed routes within cities; Swvl Travel that allows riders to book rides on long-distance intercity routes on vehicle available through the Swvl platform or through third-party services; and Swvl Business, a transport as a service enterprise product for businesses, schools, municipal transit agencies, and other customers. The company was incorporated in 2017 and is headquartered in Dubai, the United Arab Emirates.

Swvl Holdings Corp.提供公共交通拼車服務。它提供B2C Swvl Retail,為乘客提供在城市內固定或半固定路線上運行的小型巴士和其他車輛的網絡;Swvl Travel,允許乘客預訂長途城際路線上的乘車,可通過Swvl平臺或第三方服務獲得;以及Swvl Business,一種面向企業、學校、市政交通機構和其他客户的交通即服務企業產品。該公司成立於2017年,總部設在阿聯酋迪拜。

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