
Proud AMC Ape 男 ID: 70718068
Started investing less than a year ago.
    Proud AMC Ape 評論並參與了投票
    首先投票請 ~~
    投資是一項高度合理的活動。投資者需要避免影響他們決定的情緒。但是,我們有時會發現很難停止感受市場上的上下。既然這是不可避免的,為什麼我們不接受它?讓我們看看摩 oer們如何表達自己的情緒。感覺他們就像您處於他們的地位一樣。
    悲傷 是市場上發生的最常見的情緒:
    @Rogue Trader 7:星期一等待就像...
    @Sikwitit: $AMC院線(AMC.US)$ 在旅行和與重要的人進行 AMC 對話時,您有時不會有這些想法嗎?
    #BUY #AMC & #HODL
    #ApesNotLeaving #amctothemoon
    @DayleyTrades:莫斯霍德爾的關鍵 @ $AMC院線(AMC.US)$
    @Smoke-A-Shotgun: $AMC院線(AMC.US)$
    @Rebelraven:讓我們來看看 RRR!LFG! $AMC院線(AMC.US)$
    @Rogue Trader 7:我們走了! $AMC院線(AMC.US)$
    @Rogue Trader 7:我需要他們! $AMC院線(AMC.US)$
    @VinnyDaddy:向王貓咪致敬! $ChemoCentryx Inc(CCXI.US)$
    @DayleyTrades: $AMC院線(AMC.US)$
    不要失去希望,他們希望你的股票如此糟糕。鑽石手 @石 $AMC院線(AMC.US)$
    @Mr Trecherous:放鬆並相信心中的聲音
    我們將選擇 20 個頂部評論 在下星期一之前。
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    Shares of uranium mining companies surged Monday as retail traders from Reddit's WallStreetBets forum focused their energies on the rallying radioactive metal, including companies tied to uranium in U.S., U.K. and Australia.
    Sydney-listed uranium miners$PENINSULA ENERGY LIMITED(PENMF.US)$., Energy Resources of Australia Ltd. and$BANNERMAN ENERGY LTD(BNNLF.US)$all closed more than 25% higher. U.K.-listed miner Aura Energy Ltd. jumped more than 35%.
    Meanwhile, Canada's$Cameco Corp(CCJ.US)$has become the third-most-discussed company on WallStreetBets, after tech giants$Apple(AAPL.US)$. New York-traded shares of the uranium miner surged in premarket trading before ending the day up 0.1%.$URANIUM ROYALTY CORP(UROY.US)$shares surged 24%.
    The WallStreetBets activity follows a sharp price rise for the physical metal used largely to fuel nuclear power plants. New York-traded uranium futures have surged roughly 40% in the past month to $42.40 a pound, their highest level in about seven years.
    Why uranium?
    Uranium is the fuel most widely used by nuclear plants for nuclear fission. Uranium is considered a nonrenewable energy source, even though it is a common metal found in rocks worldwide.
    Meanwhile, traditional uranium demand remains robust, and growing interest in nuclear in the long term will need more supplies, and the current price environment does not allow for covering future requirements considering the high capital expenditures and long lead times to develop new uranium projects.
    Investors are also betting that demand for the metal will rise amid a global shift toward less carbon-intensive sources of energy. Governments including the U.S. and China have pushed for a role for nuclear power in global efforts to mitigate climate change, helping to broaden the appeal of uranium among investors, said Mr. Liebenberg.
    The uranium market is quite niche and small but the interest I have seen from generalist investors has been much broader than I used to see in the past.
    -said Mr. Liebenberg
    Nuclear power in the world today
    The first commercial nuclear power stations started operation in the 1950s. Around 10% of the world's electricity is generated by about 445 nuclear power reactors. About 50 more reactors are under construction, equivalent to approximately 15% of existing capacity.
    There is a clear need for new generating capacity around the world, both to replace old fossil fuel units, especially coal-fired ones, which emit a lot of carbon dioxide, and to meet increased demand for electricity in many countries. In 2018, 64% of electricity was generated from the burning of fossil fuels. Despite the strong support for, and growth in, intermittent renewable electricity sources in recent years, the fossil fuel contribution to power generation has remained virtually unchanged in the last 10 years or so (66.5% in 2005).
    CCJ: Uranium prices rise and Reddit interest is growing. What happened?
    CCJ: Uranium prices rise and Reddit interest is growing. What happened?
    CCJ: Uranium prices rise and Reddit interest is growing. What happened?
    Considering past experiences with Apple having slowed down their phones and purposely made their batteries obsolete I'd rather not purchase anything Apple.
    @EK Capital:wtf? Anyone who wants their phone full of trash app, go use android. I choice Apple for this.
    Judge in Epic suit says Apple restrictions are anti-competitive
    My current biggest return is 199.39% at this point of writing. It is in AMC which I bought in Jan this year and I'm still holding.
    I'm hoping Support.com which I'm holding a small quantity, can replicate the same success.
    Proud AMC Ape 參與了投票
    Research has shown that people get more superstitious in times of crisis! They usually believe in some invisible force. This thing gets more severe when it's related to money. Some investors often consider unrelated stuff they saw as signs, signs that dictate their movement.....
    Let's take a look at these dudes, they'll show the so-called "interpretation and over interpretation".
    sure, the current time can be a sign
    @Dude77: $AMC院線(AMC.US)$
    okay, fortune cookies are signs
    MooHumor: I saw a sign.
    MooHumor: I saw a sign.
    MooHumor: I saw a sign.
    由於有 Reddit 並且周圍有太多的 MEME 庫存。年輕人因為試圖快速獲利而承擔了債務。這可能是雙刃劍。如果它反對他們,那將是一個災難。
    Proud AMC Ape 評論並參與了投票
    悠悠 我OOER%s, 歡迎回到慕課夏令營讓我快速檢查一下,你們中有多少人以前使用過技術指標進行分析?正如我們所知,基本面分析和技術分析是接近市場的主要思想流派,而這兩個流派處於光譜的兩端。基本面分析包括分析公司的財務報表,以確定業務的公允價值。
    Good time to invest in some microchip companies for pets before they run away from fireworks this holiday!
    我的 #1 爸爸的投資規則.
    這就是我開始用 10 美元進行投資的方式,然後每週開始增加以實現不同的目標?...