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    $腾讯控股(00700.HK)$腾讯继续下跌趋势,并在短期内再次测试了之前的低点。当前的股价仍在区间底部波动。但是,可以看出,阿里巴巴的波动性 $阿里巴巴-SW(09988.HK)$ ,   $美团-W(03690.HK)$,以及 $小米集团-W(01810.HK)$最近已经下跌,基本面已经耗尽。
    12.16 收盘评论;市场再次跌至新低,我该怎么办?
    12.16 收盘评论;市场再次跌至新低,我该怎么办?
    12.16 收盘评论;市场再次跌至新低,我该怎么办?
    The Hang Seng Index continued to fall today, once again came to the previous low near the low, the technical level is still maintained in the downward channel of the shock, for this week's Hang Seng Index this trend, if there is no force king of the big Yang line to support it, the possibility of breaking the new low is very large, pay attention to the previous low of 23100 If it can not be stabilized, then the index center of gravity will move down, the shock fell. If it falls below the previous new low and quickly retracts, it is expected to continue to rebound. The upper support is still the downside channel at 24300.
    Individual stocks:
    $比亚迪股份(01211.HK)$ BYD yesterday fell below the trend line after continuing to oscillate downward, the trend is completely expected, for BYD's decline, a large part of the reason is because the peripheral market Tesla fell below the short-term support, and the reduction of bearish bearish is also fermenting, for BYD's next view is that if the continuous decline is mainly observed, if the volume of transactions appears to be large yin line, short-term is expected to rebound, you can bo. Below support near 240, if broken below it would accelerate the risk of falling.
    $中芯国际(00981.HK)$ SMIC continues to break down, from the AH linkage up, and does not meet the signs of the linkage downward, so this is not caused by bearish but emotionally caused by the selling pressure, here is the long-term sideways after the break, with the possibility of gold pit, if the next can return to 21 continues to be the bullish range, the lower support to see near 16.
    $中国平安(02318.HK)$ China Ping An is still maintained within the convergence, although the index is weak, but the overall direction of Ping An is still converging waiting for a breakthrough, and the fundamentals also have signs of improvement, and regardless of whether there is an opportunity to reverse, at least in the decline of the year, there is a possibility of correction, short-term continue to maintain the 55 support near the low suck mainly.
    $腾讯控股(00700.HK)$  Tencent continues to resonate with the broader market, falling below the rising channel, but do not worry too much, the current Tencent activity is enough, so Tencent does not break the lower edge of the box is still the main shock, the current Tencent belongs to the left side of the transaction, as low as possible to suck mainly.
    $阿里巴巴-SW(09988.HK)$  $京东集团-SW(09618.HK)$  $哔哩哔哩-W(09626.HK)$
    12.15 Closing Comments: The market is down, what happens next?
    12.15 Closing Comments: The market is down, what happens next?
    12.15 Closing Comments: The market is down, what happens next?
    大家好,我是 Old Lee
    $腾讯控股(00700.HK)$腾讯和 $美团-W(03690.HK)$美股持续反弹,短线冲高下跌,但整体反弹结构仍在,等待恒生指数二次反弹后开始共振上涨,目前两只股票偏左,以低吸为主,腾讯上行通道460支撑,MEG在238附近的支撑位下方,震荡行情不追涨。
    12.13 每日回顾:冲上冲下,该怎么办?
    12.13 每日回顾:冲上冲下,该怎么办?
    12.13 每日回顾:冲上冲下,该怎么办?
    $滴滴(已退市)(DIDI.US)$  $中国平安(ADR)(PNGAY.US)$  $好未来(TAL.US)$  $新东方(EDU.US)$  $哔哩哔哩(BILI.US)$  $百度(BIDU.US)$  $微博(WB.US)$  $CHINA EVERGRANDE GROUP(EGRNF.US)$  $拼多多(PDD.US)$  $京东(JD.US)$  $阿里巴巴(BABA.US)$  $蔚来(NIO.US)$  $小鹏汽车(XPEV.US)$  $美团(ADR)(MPNGF.US)$  $BYD Co.(BYDDF.US)$ 
    免责声明: 以上是我个人的看法。这不是财务建议或投资建议。在做出任何投资决定之前,请咨询财务顾问。
    去看看 长期投资——一种在没有不眠之夜的情况下增加回报的策略 https://www.moomoo.com/community/feed/107495017873414?lang_code=2
    Hello everyone, I'm Lao Li                          
    Hong Kong stocks continued to rebound today, rising 900 points for three consecutive days, positive recovery in sentiment, these days should be the most happy stage of this year's Hong Kong stock investors, the market rose all the way up to buy all make money, as if back to the bull market atmosphere.
    Although the market style is now warm, but the overall trend did not reverse the structure, and the market this wave is a contraction rebound, that means that you also need to step back to confirm that if tomorrow can not put the station on the 24300 points, that big probability is to step back. Operation is not easy to catch up with high, beware of the market rush high fall back.
    Technically, the Hang Seng Index today continues to maintain the rebound daily level close to the channel pressure, rebound strength significantly weakened, waiting for the back pedal to confirm the support mainly, the current channel pressure 24300 near, if not effective breakthrough to guard against high fall, the support below 23800 near the low suction.
    stock aspect
    00700 Tencent and the index resonant rebound, 3690 U.S. group is the same, although these two structures are still low shock rebound, but the rebound is not as strong as the index. From the current emotional point of view, some easing, after the recovery waiting for repair mainly, the main concern is whether the price can stand on the convergence pressure 500 above, stand firm then rise space open, under support 460, within the day near 460 can be low suction, not easy to catch up.
    00981 SMIC trend, short-term large probability continues to maintain consolidation, and AH linkage, in the low waiting resonance rhythm, from the industry, the market sentiment is unchanged, so the supply side did not keep up before, there is still the possibility of upward, short-term need to wait for consolidation breakthrough, the day around 21 yuan can continue to maintain low suction, waiting to break through 23 pressure, if standing firm 23 will accelerate the possibility of rising.
    2318 China Ping An, because the decline during the year is relatively large and did not keep up with the strength of the index, short-term large volatility did not appear, it is not appropriate to chase up, waiting for low suction-based, timely level of the moving average slow bonding there is the possibility of long rebound, day support 55 near can be low suction, waiting to break through the above 63 prices to open up space,
    01211 because of the differentiation of new energy, leading investors to BYD's trend is more worried about the mood, stock prices are weak shock, short-term trend if falling below the upward trend line 280, must withdraw in time, although BYD I am also long-term bullish, but if once fall below the adjustment cycle will pull longer.
    $腾讯控股(00700.HK)$  $阿里巴巴-SW(09988.HK)$  $比亚迪股份(01211.HK)$  $美团-W(03690.HK)$  $中国平安(02318.HK)$  $中芯国际(00981.HK)$
    12.09 Close Review: Note that the market is going to fall back!
    12.09 Close Review: Note that the market is going to fall back!
    12.09 Close Review: Note that the market is going to fall back!