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Wolf King888 Private ID: 73056249
长风破浪会有时 直挂云帆济沧海
    Wolf King888 commented on
    $Tesla(TSLA.US)$ Let's break 180 tonight and laugh together haha
    Wolf King888 commented on
    $Tesla(TSLA.US)$ Too much ink left Zhi Ying for other stocks
    Wolf King888 commented on
    1. Seeing clearly: See trends and other big money.
    2. Endure: Speak and laugh to guide the situation.
    3. Ruthless: If you don't bear it, it's reckless.
    4. Laid-back and comfortable: People who can treat the loneliness of ordinary people into laid-back people are immortals.
    5. Peace of mind: Nurturing emptiness is personal knowledge.
    6. Calm atmosphere: Relaxed, quiet, intelligent, and deep. This is the ability to do big things.
    7. Having talent and being slow is for great talent; being intelligent and energetic is for being wise.
    Let me say a few words before opening the article:
    Mentality first, technology second, capital third. Stunning skills are in place, and money has been scattered and returned. For experts, capital is not a problem; for doing nothing, nothing, doing nothing, doing nothing, people enjoy a leisurely life in the stock market, yet they enjoy the feeling of being immortal in the world.
    Being laid-back and busy is the difference between a master and a master. Experts master technology, meticulous logic, and strict thinking. They jump up and down with the ups and downs of the market and market information. They live like a monkey. No matter how skilled they are, they will inevitably not be left behind, and the fun in life is completely lost.
    Masters or grandmasters understand Zen and discard conventional theories and opinions, transcend fundamentals and technology, break out of the entanglement of information, technology, and fluctuations, transcend the entanglement of information, technology, and fluctuations. They are transcendent, enjoy a rich, profitable and quiet life, and leisurely see Nanshan Mountain.
    The realm of stock trading: The story of the three Bian Magpie brothers.
    Wei Wenwang asked the famous doctor Bian Magpie: “All three of your brothers are good at medicine. Which one is the best?
    Bian Magpie answered: The eldest brother is the best, followed by the middle brother, and I am the worst.
    Wen Wang asked again: Then why are you...
    Wolf King888 commented on
    $Tesla(TSLA.US)$ Tesla hateters…. hello!
    Wolf King888 commented on
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