This thai elephant still drunk even after share swap completed, still dancing Thai Cha Cha, up one day down the other day, maybe the owner should dance Thai Cha Cha in AGM
$ThaiBev (Y92.SG)$
$ThaiBev (Y92.SG)$
Shiok to see Shortists panic buying today to cover their short order, they are playing with fire by shorting CapitalLandInvest, this company so cash rich
$CapitaLandInvest (9CI.SG)$
$CapitaLandInvest (9CI.SG)$
Can a Moomoo staff help to clarify the trading fees of crypto on Moomoo?
• Commission: 0.49% * Transaction Amount(0 commission until 30/09/2024^)
• Platform Fee: 0.5% * Transaction Amount, minimum fee S$0.99 or US$0.99 per order
So if a trader transact an amount of 10,000 dollar on Bitcoin, the buy trade will incur a fees of 99 dollars? The fees incur for trading crypto on Moomoo are so high or is my calculation wrong as I misunderstand the Crypto trading fees...
• Commission: 0.49% * Transaction Amount(0 commission until 30/09/2024^)
• Platform Fee: 0.5% * Transaction Amount, minimum fee S$0.99 or US$0.99 per order
So if a trader transact an amount of 10,000 dollar on Bitcoin, the buy trade will incur a fees of 99 dollars? The fees incur for trading crypto on Moomoo are so high or is my calculation wrong as I misunderstand the Crypto trading fees...