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NewMoney Private ID: 70049398
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    NewMoney commented on
    05/15 Update
    When you are trading in the stock market, losses will happen. Remember to cut loss no matter what, this is the only way to have a positive account.
    How to set stop loss for a trade? This question was highly mentioned recently as the moomoo family grows, so here we would like to bring this post up again for newly joined moomooers to know 4 order types on moomoo, hope it hleps.
    There are several order types can be provided on Moomoo. We can choose what kind of orders we want to place after we click the "Trade" button.
    How to Set Stop Loss for a Trade? | Order Types on Moomoo
    How to Set Stop Loss for a Trade? | Order Types on Moomoo
    How to Set Stop Loss for a Trade? | Order Types on Moomoo
    Hey, guys please help ask moomoo to add bracket orders. We can't have a broker that doesn't help to protect their trades from losing big.
    Guys let's all ask moomoo to make their charts discussed to read. Why is the pre and post market not along with the main chart? Why is it so hard to tell which day are you on? If they separated it like webull does with the shaded area being pre and post market it would be faster and easier to do. It's not that hard of a fix but would make their charts faster.
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