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George Poh (MY) Private ID: 102744563
EEC 青年财商导师,已经陪伴超过 1,120 名职场青年度过财富思维成长期。10年理财实践经验的他也是马来西亚国家认证的财务规划师。
    “Don't put all your eggs in one basket”.
    This is almost the first word of advice that every investor new to investing has heard. However, for the average person, putting eggs in different baskets is not an easy task.
    With a good investment portfolio, investors can not only effectively reduce risk, but also find opportunities in a changing market environment. This means that no matter how volatile the market is, diversification of capital helps ensure the soundness of your investment portfolio.
    Many investors don't have a good plan in the early stages of investing to build a good portfolio. Fortunately, mentor George used over 10 years of investment experience to come up with a portfolio building system that works for every investor!
    Let's unravel the mystery of the “Diamond System” together. Through this online seminar on “Using the Diamond System to Build an Investment Portfolio”, we will teach you how to build a strong and flexible investment portfolio, so that the light of wealth illuminates your future. Imagine your portfolio as a sparkling diamond, shining brightly!
    Date: 19/2/2024 (Monday)
    Time: 8:30 PM - 10:00 PM
    Location: ZOOM
    Bursa Webinar Series Uses the Diamond System to Build Investment Portfolios
    #30岁至40岁,是人生的黄金时期,也是财富增值的最佳时机。 At this age, we have accumulated a certain amount of work experience and social experience, as well as a certain amount of savings. It is time to start investing in financial management and increasing the value of our wealth.
    #然而,对于很多中产阶级人士来说,财富增值似乎是一件遥不可及的事情。 They work so hard, yet they always feel like they can't save money; they learn to invest, but they lose some of their hard-earned money.
    #为什么会出现这种情况呢? The main reason is that they don't know the right way to add value to their wealth. They don't know how to invest and manage money, and they don't know how to seize opportunities to increase their wealth.
    ⚠ If you are also a middle class person between the ages of 30 and 40,
    ⚠ If you also want to increase your wealth,
    🔖 Here are seven rules for middle-class people to increase their wealth:
    ✅ Open source and save resources and accumulate original capital
    ✅ Establish a correct investment and financial management concept
    ✅ Learn investment and financial management knowledge
    ✅ Formulate investment and financial management plans
    ✅ Choose the right investment and wealth management products
    ✅ Insist on long-term investment
    ✅ Keep a good mindset
    between 30 and 40 years of age is a golden period in life and the best time to increase your wealth. At this age, we have accumulated a certain amount of work experience and social experience, as well as a certain amount of savings. It is time to start investing in financial management and increasing the value of our wealth.
    However, for many middle class people, increasing wealth seems a long way out of reach. They work so hard, yet they always feel like they can't save money; they learn to invest, but they lose some of their hard-earned money.
    Why is this happening? The main reason is that they don't know the right way to add value to their wealth. They don't know how to invest and manage money, and they don't know how to seize opportunities to increase their wealth.
    ⚠ If you are also a middle class person between the ages of 30 and 40,
    ⚠ If you also want to increase your wealth,
    Then you must seize the moment and seize the golden period of wealth appreciation.
    🔖 Here are seven rules for middle-class people to increase their wealth:
    ✅ Open source and save resources and accumulate original capital
    ✅ Establish a correct investment and financial management concept
    ✅ Learn investment and financial management knowledge
    ✅ Formulate investment and financial management plans
    ✅ Choose the right investment and wealth management products
    ✅ Insist on long-term investment
    ✅ Keep a good mindset
    You need to believe that as long as you stick to the right investment and financial management methods, you can increase the value of your wealth.
    As long as you seize the opportunity and master the right way to add wealth, you can achieve steady growth in wealth and live the beautiful life you want.
    Follow us and teach you to master reason together...
    – because recycling meets creativity! 🌈
    Who needs to buy figurine display case when Moomoo's packaging box is sturdy and unbreakable?
    Imagine if Moomoo made more of these packaging boxes to the other series! Perfect for displaying your favorite toys – strong and stylish. 💪
    Curious if Moomoo has new games in the pipeline? Spilled my bull market tokens!
    @quekky are we going to collect the bull market tokens for phy...
    Transforming my Moomoo moo-ney box packaging box into a toy storage solution
    Transforming my Moomoo moo-ney box packaging box into a toy storage solution
    Transforming my Moomoo moo-ney box packaging box into a toy storage solution
    Among the results announced yesterday, one company achieved remarkable results. After careful analysis, here's my summary of a few key points about this company.
    $KAB(0193.MY)$ The performance in the third quarter of fiscal year 2023 was very impressive. Although its turnover grew from RM48.3 million in the same period last year to only RM48.4 million, an increase of 0.7%, after deducting a one-time profit, its actual growth is still impressive.
    KAB is actively expanding its business scope from its original electromechanical (M&E) business to sustainable energy solutions (SES). SES's business scope covers renewable energy (including hydropower, biogas/biomass energy, solar photovoltaic systems), energy efficiency (including cooling system optimization and building management systems), and clean energy (including waste heat recovery, natural gas power plants, and cogeneration).
    As more companies switch to ESG, demand for cleaner energy is also increasing, which is one of the main reasons for KAB's business growth.
    KAB's SES business is divided into three models: the first is to sell power generation assets to customers after EPCC, the second is to build power generation projects for customers (zero capital expenditure plans) and then obtain revenue through resource savings, and the third is a joint venture similar to the current cooperation model with Petronas.
    KAB's partnership with Petronas shows the company's largest gas in Malaysia...
    KAB leads sustainable development: Q3 performance analysis and market opportunities
    在【孤注一掷】里的金融诈骗集团领头 - 陆经理一开始就知道自己所做的是错误的事情。但是因为他想要赚更多钱,所以理所当然的继续经营着这个诈骗集团。这些人会悔改吗?
    🌟【孤注一掷】&【破毒强人】观后感 🌟
    The founder of #JJPTR was recently discovered to have returned to the public eye, and this time he has brought a brand new project to help everyone make money together.
    In a message from one of his readers, he replied:
    “If you haven't been scammed, it's just that you haven't caught a scam tailored for you. If you're not greedy, you won't be scammed, remember!”
    👏 What Lee Jong-sung said is true; if you're not greedy, you won't be deceived. He understood this principle a long time ago, so JJPTR was born.
    Many people should remember the JJPTR incident back then, which attracted nearly 400 million US dollars (US$400 million) of investment in the market with a high return of 20% per month under the name of #解救普通人. They then claimed that the account was hacked overnight, and all of the funds inside were gone!
    Recently, it was discovered that the founder of JJPTR is promoting a new project across Malaysia, using mobile phones to mine virtual currency. Then I went to read the comments from many people and discovered that there are still many of his former followers who are defending him or even joining this new project!
    Malaysian people are still very forgiving. Even if those who have been scammed are imperfect, they will still believe in this type of high-paying money scam.
    #是骗的人太厉害, #还是被骗的人太傻呢?
    It's not that people who cheat are too aggressive; it's that people who have been scammed are willing to be scammed! You'll find that people who have been caught in financial scams until now are the same; they never felt like they were being scammed. It's more about how I can move faster next time from...
    The central bank of China once again announced a reduction in policy interest rates, which is in great contrast to the tense atmosphere of interest rate hikes around the world.
    I'm sure everyone is familiar with the latest global economic information, and I'm sure everyone knows about the problems China is currently facing. Today I want to share a question from a client recently asked me — #升息降息对我的投资组合有什么影响
    >> Demystifying investment advice from a certified financial planner (Licensed Financial Planner) <<
    Many people don't know what a financial planner's real plan actually does. In fact, the financial plans we also provide to our clients include:
    #现金流规划(If your bank doesn't have money, it depends on this)
    #风险管理(Can be understood as an insurance plan),
    #投资管理(It's just an investment, nothing special),
    #遗产分配(A will is important),
    And so on, it's all about money and your life.
    The investment planning section is mainly aimed at long-term retirement, and many people must have a question:
    “Do you all only recommend Client Unit Trust?”
    Mainly because trust funds are one of the most accepted investment instruments in Malaysia.
    There is also a very cruel cold fact,#马来西亚人不懂专业财务咨询服务的价值
    No way, most financial planners need to pass in order to survive and stick to their dreams...
    Global interest rate hikes, China cuts interest rate! How exactly should I invest?