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71345983 Private ID: 71345983
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    $Berkshire Hathaway-B(BRK.B.US)$ Buying Lao Ba's stock is like buying an ETF, adding three or two stocks with advantages and strength to form a complementary combination. They are patient and confident, and don't give up easily if they don't get to the target price.
    $Advanced Micro Devices(AMD.US)$ The three giants chose AMD. Compared to that, the price is low, powerful, and widely used. Once released, like a flood beast, they look forward to it: the target price is $236-265.
    $Clover Health(CLOV.US)$ Better than expected,It will rise to the next level in '24. There seems to be hope for more than $1. Let's wait and see.
    $NaaS Technology(NAAS.US)$ $Hesai(HSAI.US)$ I haven't been stuck in stock for a long time. One of the reasons is that I once bought a product called Northeast China Petroleum, but it disappeared after a year, causing me huge losses.Now, let's take a look at whether China Securities can actually be invested. After going through dozens of China Securities, I discovered that this laser concept stock and another electric pile stock, NAAS, are companies that hope to become China's top brands. As long as they don't steal technical copies and use their own technology and marketing strategies to move forward step by step, I believe it will become an influential stock of China Securities in the near future. Bought in batches, looking forward to it.
    $Hesai(HSAI.US)$ I haven't been stuck in stock for a long time. One of the reasons is that I once bought a product called Northeast China Petroleum, but it disappeared after a year, causing me huge losses.Now, let's take a look at whether China Securities can actually be invested. After going through dozens of China Securities, I discovered that this laser concept stock and another electric pile stock, NAAS, are companies that hope to become China's top brands. As long as they don't steal technical copies and use their own technology and marketing strategies to move forward step by step, I believe it will become an influential stock of China Securities in the near future. Bought in batches, looking forward to it.
    There are some experiences in investing in stocks. After all, from the mainland stock market war to the old American stock market, from reading books and translating stock content to finding old newspapers in the trash, to the securities company telling brokers to trade stocks (1.3/8 score trading) to using a computer to trade on your own, apart from working during the day, watching the stock market at night to find stocks you can bet on. Finally, from a few thousand oceans, you have basically achieved financial freedom. You have to spend a lot of thought and homework to find the stocks you think you like. Not only do you have to know a lot about charts, financial statements, and what they produce, and you stay for a long time when you meet a good company, especially during a certain period of time when this company has experienced difficulties and this company has some strength, but the stock price has been ruthlessly knocked down, and you've studied over and over again that it's not worth betting on. It seems as if the recent Bank of New York (NYCB) actually acquired a bankrupt bank, resulting in a gap. In order to avoid unforeseen circumstances, efforts were made to use more than 500 million dollars as reserves to cover emergencies. Of course, there are also commercial property leases that are not booming, causing phased difficulties. Overall, however, it is manageable. Profit margins may be reduced, but it is not on the verge of bankruptcy. Therefore, after understanding, I will take advantage of the low position I was mistakenly killed to buy in stages, and wait for a recovery after buying (as long as I don't borrow money or leverage).
    Also, if you feel that trading stocks is risky, then Buffett's BRK/b stock is also a good investment, which is equivalent to an ETF. Moreover, their investments are all excellent companies, so they take advantage of the pullback to buy and buy.
    I'm an old man who continues to focus on stocks, hoping he won't get demented so quickly...
    $Berkshire Hathaway-B(BRK.B.US)$
    Today I took advantage of the low level to buy and buy, and I finally have some collection on hand
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