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70903428 Private ID: 70903428
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    $Bilibili(BILI.US)$ , the most popular video community among young people in China, released its 2020 fourth quarter earnings report on 24 Feb. It puts a lot of resources in marketing activities in 2020, which unexpectedly brought about a surge in users amount. But Bilibili is also under greater pressure stems from the expenditure. It shows that the net loss has expanded compared with the same period last year. But the market holds positive perspectives for Bilibili. What plans does it have this year? Let's take a look!
    This article is a script from the Q&A session of Bilibili's earnings call on February 24. In order to facilitate reading, we have made appropriate cuts. If you want to know more details, you can click here to re-watch ...
    Bilibili annual revenue reach 12B!Can Gen Z support the future of Bilibili?
    Bilibili annual revenue reach 12B!Can Gen Z support the future of Bilibili?
    Bilibili annual revenue reach 12B!Can Gen Z support the future of Bilibili?
    70903428 commented on
    $Occidental Petroleum(OXY.US)$
    Given the market sentiment change, One must ask how much lower can OXY has to go to reach market floor.  Since there is no earning for OXY, then the only approximate factor one can consider is P/S.
    OXY has a P/S range of 0.41-0.72 with average of 0.57....... However currently market P/S is 0.95, it is way overbought. IMHO, given that sales will still decline in next year, the P/S should be somewhere around 0.7 or less.  This translate to a healthy market valuation of $15-16. Those who still hold on the stock will see stock going down further. This is not a market correction, it is a correction of single stock which has been hyped!...
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