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182176773 Private ID: 182176773
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    $Lichen China(LICN.US)$
    It seems that there are people who don't understand the situation, so I'll explain it, but this is a type of investment fraud using fake stocks
    It is LINE's investment group's trick to incite the purchase of stocks of Chinese companies listed in the US and Hong Kong stocks, sell out when stock prices rise, and cause a major crash.
    Naturally, people who buy stocks while they are on their hands will lose a lot.
    In the past $China Liberal Education(CLEU.US)$ $Lixiang Education(LXEH.US)$ The stock has also been targeted by merchant stock fraud. (Hong Kong stocks are also targeted, but there's no point in taking them up, so I'll omit them)
    Also, since these stocks are companies with no content, the possibility of returning to the original stock price is infinitely low.
    What is bad about seller stocks is that stocks are purchased through securities companies, so it's strict...
    They don't get involved, but they post when they lose money or when they can't agree with the profit, it's probably the result of moving on their own, no matter what you say
    Those who made money don't say anything, those who lost post, it's their own responsibility beyond investing, and if you complain about loss, I think it's better not to do it
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