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103947182 Private ID: 103947182
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    $SIA(C6L.SG)$ Fuel up, hurry up! Still waiting for take-off 🛫
    $SIA(C6L.SG)$ 😊 Good news......look forward
    $SIA(C6L.SG)$ Every time I see the comments here, I'm curious and want to ask everyone.
    Why did you choose SIA and keep devaluing it because the stock price didn't go up? Even the late Mr. Lee appeared, as did Temasek. Is respect that hard? I don't understand this mentality.
    Stocks aren't meant to make everyone rich overnight; as long as there are no suspicions, there is still hope. Or just risk investing in Bitcoins, which can either make you rich in the short term or make you jump from a building in the short term.
    Those comments that belittle SIA only make small shareholders have no confidence in SIA and run away from others. Will the stock price still rise like this?
    Please don't keep sending bad information to everyone. If you feel unhappy or painful to see the red dots, hit the wall.
    Every day is a day, can't you be happy every day!
    $SIA(C6L.SG)$ SIA still has potential. Save your shares. Singapore Airlines will bring good news to everyone and make everyone laugh haha. After all, Singapore Airlines is still unrivaled; Singapore Airlines is the first choice for Singaporeans.
    Don't use a gambling mentality to measure SIA; saving shares and getting dividends is better than bank interest.
    We are small shareholders, and we need to think positive.
    Small shareholders, continue to be patient and hold on.
    SIA will definitely cheer ⛽ and then violently ✈️ fly to the sky.
    $SIA(C6L.SG)$ Let's hear everyone's opinions
    Are stocks an investment or a gamble
    When you win money, you gamble
    When you lose money, you invest
    $SIA(C6L.SG)$ Shares at SIA have learned to “look away.” Traders are always cutting chives here. Seeing the good news, I thought today would be a green number; as a result, I saw so much money flying away in one morning.
    The sweetness of SIA does not fall into the hands of small shareholders.
    Please raise your hand if you agree 🙋
    $SIA(C6L.SG)$ U guys know 664 in Hokkien is not good.....pray for tmr.
    Tmr still hopes 🙏 SIA brings us fly to the sky.
    $SIA(C6L.SG)$ suck.....i want my money back 💰......hopeless
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