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大智若愚 Male ID: 103909473
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    Financial management is often not taught in school at least during my days, we weren't exposed to these type of soft skills which later become a very important skill to equipped with. The only thing my mom taught me since young was to have a savings habbit.
    However, as I grew up, I noticed there are more than just savings. With the advancement in the financial sector, plus banks are now not that trustworthy as before as there are more scammers out there.  Just purely s...
    start exposure since young
    大智若愚 liked and commented on
    $BlackBerry(BB.US)$ totally cannot redeem, WTF
    大智若愚 liked and commented on
    大智若愚 liked and commented on
    $Tesla(TSLA.US)$ go tesla!!!! fly high!!!
    $Tesla(TSLA.US)$ why izzit still at price $249
    $S&P 500 Index(.SPX.US)$ Daily investment tips
    Almost everyone has learned how to stop loss the hard way. A well-placed stop loss helps prevent liquidation, just like your insurance. If your holdings have been hit hard, then this method can help you avoid “bankruptcy.”
    Financial focus
    Following a sharp rise on Thursday, although the opening of the US stock market was volatile for a while on Friday, it then recovered its upward rhythm, and in the end, all three major indices closed higher. Popular Chinese securities continued to rise and outperformed the market, while large technology stocks generally rose.
    ▷ Fed Governor “Throws Cold Water”: Still far from suspending interest rate hikes
    Federal Reserve Governor Waller said on Sunday that although there was good news on consumer prices last week, “we still have a long way to go” before the Fed stops raising interest rates. Waller warned that the time has not come for the Fed to suspend interest rate hikes in the near future. It said that we have finally seen some evidence that inflation has begun to decline, which is a good thing. We need to see this state of affairs continue before we actually start thinking about braking.
    $Tesla(TSLA.US)$ $NVIDIA(NVDA.US)$
    $Nasdaq Composite Index(.IXIC.US)$ Over this period of time, there have been more and more signs that a watershed in interest rate hikes is about to become apparent. Under such circumstances, large-scale layoffs by enterprises have become inevitable.
    Last weekend, Musk began a second wave of layoffs on Twitter, firing 80% of Twitter contract workers.
    This is not a “trio of fire” after a new official takes office. The trend of accelerated layoffs and rising unemployment in the US is already clearly on the rise.
    How widespread is it? except $Apple(AAPL.US)$   $Amazon(AMZN.US)$ Technology giants are laying off employees, etc., and two industry giants, Disney (DIS.US) and GlobalFoundries (GFS.US), have also implemented recruitment freezes and are preparing to lay off employees.
    Not only that, but Wall Street is also beginning to wield a sharp knife of layoffs.
    Major banks such as $Citigroup (C.US) $$Goldman Sachs (GS.US) $ have joined the latest corporate layoffs list.
    In fact, the US unemployment rate began to rise above expectations in October. According to data from the US Department of Labor, the US unemployment rate rose to 3.7% in October, up 0.2% from the previous month, and the number of unemployed directly rose to 6.1 million.
    The wave of layoffs has led to a rise in the unemployment rate, even including a peak in the economic cycle. This is all part of the Fed's plan.
    I want to say that these signals may be beneficial to the company's stock price in the short term, but from a macro market perspective, in the long run...
    The wave of layoffs in the US has begun
    Video streaming giant Netflix is fully betting on the advertising business, and analysts say it can help it get through difficult times. Under pressure this year, video streaming giants $Netflix(NFLX.US)$ The stock price is trying to make a comeback after the collapse. Netflix's stock price has fallen by about 75% from its highest point to its lowest point, and has now risen by more than 55% from its lowest point of around $163 per share. Although Netflix's low-cost, ad-based subscription service will definitely change the company's development status as the streaming industry enters a new state of development, I do think some of the concerns about the company have been exaggerated. In any case, analysts and investors are anxious to see how this rating of low-priced subscriptions with ads and high-priced services without ads will affect Netflix's financial performance at a time when the US economy may be in recession.Netflix enters the advertising market or helps it overcome difficultiesGiven the loss of subscribers this year, I think Netflix's decision to accept ads may help it achieve a significant recovery, as the macroeconomic turmoil seems to be getting closer to people. At the end of the day, Netflix still has strong content and channels. Despite increased competition in recent years, this streaming pioneer still has many popular TV shows that will definitely be a topic of discussion after dinner. Whether it's “The Watcher” or the latest season of “Love is Blind,” there's always something fascinating about Netflix. Netflix's subscribers are weak, partly because...
    $Hang Seng Index(800000.HK)$ 恆指係今年低位 14597﹐不知不覺反彈了 2771點。美國 CPI 數據好過預期,開始見逐步回落。市場再次有人提出,恆指熊底已出現,或是新牛仔出世了都未定。是否牛市重臨,還看 12月走勢。
    美國玩金融手段,真係超高手。借 CPI 數據好過預期,就來一個暴力爆升 1200點。恆指受惠,過去星期五同樣玩爆升 1244點,殺熊友措手不及。恆指11月現在睇,明顯好友贏盡。經過上週五暴力爆升,或者進入今次反彈以來最後一段。預期 17700 開始進入阻力區範圍,而 18100 至 18200 區域係今次反彈浪最大最大阻力區。你問我有無機會升穿,股市咩可能性都存在。到時睇吓有無重大利好消息配合,如有再上就睇 18500 至 18700 區域。當然你現在問我,我暫時係睇住圖既技術大位講你知
    11月恆指大反彈,反彈目標將去到? 係反彈還是熊市已結束