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Jack Investment Male ID: 102894737
    Over the past few years, many organizations have invited me to give lectures. The highest reward was that in 2021, a foreign company offered me 10,000 US dollars for a two-hour lecture. I was originally very happy. I felt that my strength was being seen by the world, but later I learned that each participant had to pay an entrance fee of nearly 4 digits and had me to upsell their financial products (very expensive).
    The organizer also made a series of plans, saying they wanted to turn me into the kind of star lecturer on TikTok, the kind of person who entered the venue, and was escorted. But for me at the time, such a large amount was really exciting. Fortunately, at the end of the day, I resolutely declined, because I already wanted to understand it; it wasn't the life I had in mind.
    Compared to being an acclaimed celebrity lecturer, I just wanted to be a down-to-earth knowledge-sharing person, and I didn't want to endorse products I didn't agree with, so I declined to give more lectures later.
    A few years have passed, and now I have more spare time in terms of money, so at the end of this year, I plan to personally host 1-3 offline lectures to fulfill my promises to some netizens over the past few years. This lecture will share my personal life experience in life, study, work, entrepreneurship, and investment (pure experience sharing, no stock teaching or upselling).
    At this stage, I need to count the number of people in order to reserve the venue, set the date and number of sessions, and arrange personnel to prepare. The fee will only be double digit MYR (foreign exchange currency), and if the cost exceeds, I will absorb it myself. If you are interested, please help me fill in a...
    Lecture statistics
    “Why don't you buy Bitcoin or gold?”
    Over the past few years, every time cryptocurrencies, gold, or even a certain type of ETF have skyrocketed, there will definitely be netizens who ask me this question. A few are even a bit upset, and think why would I miss such a good investment opportunity.
    Actually, the reason is very simple. Like a master who stir-fry kway teow very well, why would he want to make pork bone tea? Even though pork bone tea has been very popular lately.
    I started trading stocks in 2012, and since 2015, my trading performance has surpassed the market every year. On average, I can buy 6 strong stocks (stocks that have increased by more than 50% in 3 months) every year. In terms of short-term earnings, my stock selection has far surpassed the short-term trend of cryptocurrencies or gold.
    Just like the one operated this year $PWRWELL(0217.MY)$   $IFCAMSC(0023.MY)$ Stock selections all surged by more than 50% in one month, and two orders brought me six-digit returns, so for me who already specializes in the stock market, the returns are relatively weak.
    If you've been following me since 2018, you'll definitely be able to better understand my so-called profit margin above. Every time I sell these high-profile shares, there are netizens who feel sorry for me, but it's actually not necessary, because if one is really proficient in fried kway teow, they won't worry about the next bowl going bad.
    In the first half of 2024, my yield of 19.9% was indeed still superior to the market. This is the result of more than 10 years of intensive research.
    So it's not that I don't want it, I don't need it...
    Why don't you buy Bitcoin or gold?