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102631502 Private ID: 102631502
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    $PBBANK(1295.MY)$ Are you guys still holding on?
    102631502 commented on
    $Sea(SE.US)$ Financial reports are a bunch of poop
    $Sea(SE.US)$ There was no profit, or loss. It's hard to talk about tonight.
    $Sea(SE.US)$ Quiet night, I guess early knock off tonight.
    Low volume
    102631502 commented on
    S is making loss, according to technical analysis, if prices rise with huge volume, then it is bullish. if prices increase, but volume decreases, then it is divergence.
    Meaning BB has accumulated large volume of stock at low price, market circulation is low, BB can easily push up prices with little volume.
    $Sea(SE.US)$ It is losing big amount of money. You think it worth 60 ? Definitely the price is pumped up by BB.  It is dumping time now
    102631502 commented on
    Today All-in! I have time to wait for a callback.
    For me, the most painful thing about buying stocks is not the pullbacks, because after each pullback, they almost end up in waves. It's just a matter of time, as long as the direction is right, AI is the red train this year and Nvidia is the leading stock. Nothing else bothers me.
    The most painful thing about buying stocks for me is that I don't get on the train every time I go up or even go up, watch the stock day after day, the news reports on how much someone else makes, and that agony is more painful than when it comes back. During a bull market, I choose to chase high and gladly accept the callbacks. But I don't want to wait to buy them all the time, I don't want to wait every day for a month, I don't want to sleep well, take stock on my own or even pay it back, and I regret not buying them at first.
    Please don't teach me. I just chose to buy stocks the way that was most comfortable for me. For me, the recall is a loss. But earning less is also losing. Both opportunities are the same.
    The pullback process often takes some time to go up and back, enough time to go up more, and then find my favorite price to sell, which is how I've been buying stocks to make money.
    $Sea(SE.US)$ breakout above 40 this week?
    102631502 commented on
    $Sea(SE.US)$ I can’t stress this enough. super undervalued. super oversold. Buy as much as you can at $40
    102631502 commented on
    $Sea(SE.US)$ 111 next monrh