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三思后行 Private ID: 104540436
股市新手,自学是一所没有围墙的大学,独行快,众行远,多交流 ,都来滚雪球,久而厚之~。。。
    $PMETAL(8869.MY)$ Gold has taken the lead, copper has taken a high position again, and aluminum is also gaining strength! The Ichiyang candle hangs high!
    今天信心满满买单,没压力,很果断的买入!完全没有像实体交易时会猜疑,会瞻前顾后的情绪;只是买在0. 19马币时,一直显示提示:暂不支持低于0. 20令吉细价交易,哈!啥交易所?就是跌穿0. 20令吉的新上市公司 ,才果断的买单,哎,尝试4,5次都是这提示,我极愚蠢的放弃买单!!!
    Today, I used a lens to look at the bull's lead in capital payments, and was shocked to discover... I made a mistake in selecting stocks yesterday! It's hard to make a high profit in the short term! One look wakes up the person in your dreams. What did you pay for yesterday? Ha, all I bought were big blue chip high-priced stocks! A few strokes are enough to fill the barn. However, big blue chip stocks are value investments, and it takes time to reflect their prices. A one-month simulated trading competition is not suitable for buying this type of stock! Through the practice of simulated Malaysian stock trading contests, I learned that short-term trading can maximize profits in the shortest possible time by selecting the right stock.
    Although today's stock holdings are a loss, a loss, a loss! It's OK. Resume trading in the evening to find large flows from the bottom that suddenly show a boost in the market or start a sharp rebound in the market. Small capital stocks will continue to pay tomorrow. Hey, market opportunities are everywhere. Seize the direction of speculation in a timely manner and speculate on hot spots. Over time, short-term traders become experts.
    Hello everyone! Yesterday, I really wanted to participate in the second season of the Malaysian Stock Simulated Paper Trading Contest. Needless to say, I'm still inexperienced and can't figure out how to buy; I can only watch! Unwilling, I immediately checked the strategy and learned how to trade.
    I am preparing to buy orders before 9 o'clock today. At a halfway level, I really don't know how to select stocks; I have no choice but to choose stocks that are stable on the five-day line and are relatively strong. Due to the arrangement of nine orders and additional orders, there was not enough capital (full position?) , so I learned to cancel orders. I bought 3 trades after 11:00, and my profit and loss was +265. Then I discovered that in the overall ranking of bullmen, the profit and loss was actually 6% to 7%. What kind of situation is this, and what is the operation? It's easy to make a profit like this. I'm only 0.2%. I really want to discuss what leading and surging stocks the bullman list buys, steadily rising, and forge ahead courageously. Please share more so that our newbies can learn and learn.
    Today, my operation is just a slack. In the bottom-building stage, I haven't seen much profit, which is a bit embarrassing... Let's see if tomorrow we can work together to speed up profits... Keep up the good work!
    Malaysia's Ming Jun was born, and the next ten years of good luck and prosperity came.
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