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さゆpon Male ID: 182133575
    In accordance with my long-term investment plan, my daughter, a college student, started a new NISA in April
    It seems that her risk tolerance is 100 yen a day lol
    While in college, the purpose is not to make a profit; the purpose is to experience how you actually feel about investments that go up and down, and what happens if you continue to invest even so
    Go for it, daughter!!
    The brand name is e-maxis slim S&P500
    Daughter's investment status
    Daughter's investment status
    Valuation 4,841,644.3 yen
    Profit and loss +1,431,726.81 yen
    Profit and loss ratio +41.99%
    I was prepared for a decline in the May market, and no, I expected it, but even though it was wrapped in a suspicious index, that wasn't the case after all
    After all, it seemed that US stocks and Japanese stocks were somewhat hedged, and there weren't many days when they fell at the same time
    As for US bonds, the rise and fall of 20-year bonds is very easy to understand, so it is possible to buy more at a good timing
    More than that, the 0-3 month bond is better until the reverse yield is resolved, so I'm considering buying it
    I don't think I'm really interested in bonds, but I've been buying quite a bit of US bonds until now, and profits have been steady
    Minami really lost her emotions at all this month, and was able to casually accumulate every day without timing is growth
    I'm much happier that I was able to take this action than the immediate profit
    I expect adjustments in June, and I would like to focus on that for myself to see if it can still be accumulated
    2024.6.1 Asset Status Report (Investment Trust ETF)
    No matter what happens from now on, I'll never sell
    Just buy more every day!
    Proverb series found on the internet and in books
    “The high returns of active funds are just a fluke”
    Valuation 4,151,897.6 yen
    Profit and loss +1,262,008.52 yen
    Profit and loss ratio +43.67%
    In April, we bought 500,000 yen or more, including US bonds denominated in yen, but the profit and loss amount remained almost unchanged from last month and stagnated. Savings have just started, so it was rather appreciated for me who wanted to earn money.
    Looking at the contents, I feel that US stocks and Japanese stocks are hedging well. it's also called the time difference unique to investment trusts lol
    The various indices in the US these days feel creepy, so you'll need to be prepared for a while after this month. I'm going to improve my grip!
    2024.5.1 Asset Status Report (Investment Trust ETF)
    評価額    3,582,381.18円
    損益額 +1,264,192.72円
    損益率 +54.53%
    I tried making a long-term investment plan, then revising it, and even then I'm still blurred
    Please laugh when it's revised again
    Proverb series found on the internet and in books
    “If you go up, you're happy; if you go down, you're lucky”