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$Nasdaq Composite Index (.IXIC.US)$ let's talk for a moment ...

$Nasdaq Composite Index(.IXIC.US)$ let's talk for a moment of why Biden is fucking the US economy by fucking chairman Powell is that plain enough English for everybody. to make it abundantly clear 2% as their target rate. every sell-off slam with the exception of the Iran Israel bombing has been directly geared to inflation. inflation is too much money chasing too few things.. Biden is lagging so far behind in the polls he will do anything and everything to buy votes they used to call it Paola now it's just bribery and extortion. the number one area why Biden is fucked everybody is by pushing higher wages in low-end dead end jobs like the fast food industry. he's yet again proving himself to be a complete idiot because he believed that the owners of businesses would not pass on prices to consumers and yet they did yet he stands on that you need to have an honest wage to live well fast food jobs are not full-time careers they're transitory jobs there's a Janet yellen word another worthless bobblehead. but yet people want to make it careers because they're uneducated because they didn't put their dues in to learning a skill or trade or going to school so now society has to Bear the burden of carrying this dead weight around. so that's number one how Biden fucked everybody these higher wages have created higher food prices and if you look the cost for McDonald's food you can pull the charts it's 25% to over 150% in 3 years and that's the same with every other fast food restaurant.
more pt 2
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  • 10baggerbammOP : pt 2

    additionally he believes that he is his magic wand this is the senile one at 1600 Pennsylvania avenue that he can just write off student loans you know a contract that a person enters into to pay back debt like I and millions of other people have done when you borrow money you pay it back and you pay that back before you pay yourself meaning you don't buy a new car you don't buy a house you don't take a trip a vacation you pay your debt obligations first. well Biden believes the supreme Court is irrelevant because he usurps the judicial branch you know part of what makes us a constitutional republic not a democracy, and he is just paying off what will be close to a trillion dollars in student loans by what hopefully will be the end good riddance of his four-year disastrous term and destruction of America. why is the student loan bribery payoff inflationary? young people are the highest consumers the economic term is called consumption function they spend the highest amount relative to what they take in and they spend against future revenue in the form of credit card debt they have the highest charge ratio the more inclined to have multiple cards and when one gets maxed out they just get another one because in their eyes they have not reached peak earnings capability so the future will permit them to pay off today's debts. the student loans would represent a high monthly debt payment but now that it's gone all this extra money billions of dollars a year tens of billions of dollars a year are getting pumped back in buying goods and services and taking trips and restaurants and everything else that goes along the consumption process cuz we're a nation of consumers in the United States. this extra money chasing the same item is say it with me people inflationary. so this is how Biden is fucking pal and fucking every investor in the stock market cuz yesterday we got it stuck to us hard.

  • 10baggerbammOP : pt 3
    if there were no student loan payoffs if we did not have this massive surge in hourly wage which is passed on in the form of higher food prices to customers and a granted there's other factors that come in gasoline prices are higher why because you know he's bought and paid for by his radical left with the green agenda no more drilling no more offshore no more and more all these other things that are leading towards the demise of the fossil fuel industry within the United States all this translates into higher transportation costs heating costs which gets passed on and tacked on to the end good that we buy then it needs to come by rail or 18-wheeler or ship and that's inflationary. so yet again what biden's agenda it is fucks pal which in turn screws all of the investors in the market because the old saying is when interest rates are high stocks will die when interest rate rates are low stocks will grow. and so many sectors are directly correlated to lower interest rates. so remember come election day how Biden screwed you and everybody else over to push his agenda. there's nothing that Powell can do right now to stop the inflation that Biden is directly causing .

  • SonnyM : cope
    touch grass magat

  • SonnyM : cope
    touch grass magat

35+ yrs in the trenches, raised tens of millions for start ups, syndicate ipo's, yrs on trading desk mkt maker.