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$Rent the Runway (RENT.US)$ KNDI the stock can be $20 a shar...

the stock can be $20 a share with 2 million shares of buying in one day. number one the company's profitable number two the company has a book value $5 a share number three they trade it 1.5 times revenues number four they have the lowest valuation of any company traded on the entire American New York and NASDAQ stock exchange number five they have 230 million cash in the bank. number six it's been over $20 with a fraction of the revenues that they have right now number seven the products this season are tied to the NFL and have just been announced they're going to be distributed through all of Lowe's in the United States. but most importantly with very little Volume 2 million shares it's going to 20 bucks
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  • Shroomie : we are all busy making gains in these penny stocks

  • Cisco seller Shroomie: Is it too late to?

  • Shroomie : why is this tanking

  • Shroomie Cisco seller: to late for what bro?

  • Cisco seller Shroomie: Never mind

  • 10baggerbammOP Shroomie: it needs to have a continuous follow-through of buyers you have to understand the stock was $20 before so there are people that have held it and if they see some upward movement they're going to dump it and it's their loss because there's more value here than all these shit meme stocks that are fucking run this company's profitable one two they're buying their own stock back they're not selling stock in the open market AKA GameStop just did that fuck the shareholders down Five points today because of an offering. they have a license agreement they just got with the NFL and they have an exclusive with Lowe's you know the Home Depot store the second largest in the world next to Home Depot depending upon the rounding numbers maybe the largest in the world so they're going to be selling their EVS one model specific through Lowe's for all NFL teams that was just announced the company's growing revenues at over 20%, globally and over 50% in the US so I can go on and on if there were to be 2 million shares of buys they don't have to be huge a thousand shares a thousand shares. in the same day the stock's 20 bucks because it will clear any of the sellers above the market at 2.40-2.50 whatever it is and then it's off to the races. I threw a bid yesterday in for 20,000 shares and every seller backed away which tells me that they're watching to see if there's a strong bid and then they're going to hold off because they know it can run it's gone to over $20 before with shit revenues compared to today and now they're profitable I mean it's ridiculous it's here book value is five bucks the Chinese company could come right in buy everything they have and double their money

35+ yrs in the trenches, raised tens of millions for start ups, syndicate ipo's, yrs on trading desk mkt maker.