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#你們會跟家人一起創業嗎? I recently received a letter from such a reade...

#你們會跟家人一起創業嗎? I recently received a letter from such a reader who asked in the letter that she should not work with her brother. She was afraid that her feelings on business would ruin her and her brother's good feelings, and she didn't even like it in the end. She was also worried that her strength would fall short of her brother's expectations, and when she had to go back to work again, both of them would be out of reach. Holat, if you were me, how would you convince this reader? Some may say: Either way, it will ruin your life choice! Some may also say: as long as you detach kinship, two office offices, nothing is unworkable. Well, both answers are not wrong, but not quite right either. I often say, “#解決問題的方案, #永遠介於一個更高的維度」。 If I were her, I would first understand the dimension of brother's thinking before I delved into “shouldn't work with brother”. What are dimensions? Let me first tell you about my friend's experience. Previously, I had a friend A's girlfriend who was a microtrader. After work, he would often go to his girlfriend's house to help her with microbusiness, from processing orders to mailing items. One day, his girlfriend asks him to resign and then wholeheartedly helps her run a micro-business. A also felt that if he helped his girlfriend with all her heart after quitting, maybe she could earn more money than working, she promised. After he was fully invested in his girlfriend's micro-business, his girlfriend made more money than before — several times as much. It should have been a good thing, but his girlfriend started to suspect him, saying that A made money off of her is not the same as who and who's boyfriend, people have their own business, and wait, but he doesn't get a bit of a living. So, before long, Friend A breaks up with this girl and re-engages in her own career. In this example of my friend, the girl is obviously not dimensional enough. If a girl's dimension is high enough, she will understand that her success is not artificial. And she will also understand that A's identity is no longer just her other half, he is also a business partner. Even if my friend asked for profit sharing, she wouldn't refuse. On the contrary, if her dimension is not enough, she has no way of seeing the aforementioned point of view. She would think that such a result was achieved by her own efforts. So in the end, she could not look at A and felt that A had no rest. In this way, A is better off not quitting at the moment and focusing on doing his own business. So if you want to know where the dimension of a loved one (such as the brother that the reader says) is, then I would suggest asking the person directly: how will your career move there, what will be your future in joining a brother's career, are there opportunities for pennies, etc. And all the conclusions you discuss with your brother must be written on black and white paper — this is the first step in protecting your own interests that even your loved ones cannot ignore, remember. (Don't worry, people who have the dimension won't count the existence of this record compared to you, and they'll be happy to work with someone who works with themselves—I'm talking from experience, really.) If the dimension is not high enough, he will give you a vague answer or he will not answer because he has not thought about the problem at all. This also means that if he does well in the future, he will not mind spending money with you; and when his business does not do well, he will say that you are not making him successful. These things should be communicated well in advance. “#醜話不說在前邊, #醜事就會在後邊」除了可以巧妙表達自己的想法,又能樹立彼此交往的底線,可以在人際交往中游刃有餘。 To speak the scandal first is not cold and merciless. Sincerely and principled, goodness does not lose its edge. Don't think you need to count so much because your loved one does not need to count so much. You have to remember that your future is your own. If you don't think for yourself, who will think of you?
#你們會跟家人一起創業嗎? I recently received a letter from such a reader who asked in the letter that she should not work with her brother. She was afraid that her feeling...
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