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Donald forgot everything he puts his name on goes bankrupt in the end

$Trump Media & Technology (DJT.US)$ The six bankruptcies were the result of over-leveraged hotel and casino businesses in Atlantic City and New York: Trump Taj Mahal (1991), Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino (1992), Plaza Hotel (1992), Trump Castle Hotel and Casino (1992), Trump Hotels and Casino Resorts (2004), and Trump Entertainment Resorts (2009)
Every 10 years one of his companies goes bankrupt, good luck folks
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  • 10baggerbamm : since you're the expert and everything why don't you put your entire net worth and go short the stock don't worry about the 150% interest.. you have no idea about the casino business you have no idea about the debt offerings that were done and you have no idea that the people that were buying them were not Joe average person they were leveraged buyout sharks run by the top firms on Wall Street and they negotiated deals that they believe we're in their best interest so why don't you understand the facts before you start posting bullshit.

  • 104132545 : A persistent bankrupt talking from experience but in self denial of his own bankruptcy.

  • Simon 5183 : Stupid people only talk about old things. How many stupid things did you do when you were young? It is normal for companies to go bankrupt at the pace of the changing times. How many companies in the US go bankrupt? For example, how much of the paper industry went bankrupt due to environmental protection? How much of the oil industry went bankrupt because of Biden's ban on shale oil extraction?... The bankruptcy of an American company or individual is permitted by law; as long as no one violates the law, they can apply for bankruptcy in accordance with the Han Act.

  • Simon 5183 104132545 : Which people have you seen keep going bankrupt? Do you have eyes on your anus? Is the bankruptcy of the invested enterprise legally an individual bankruptcy? If your credit card was debosted and filed for bankruptcy, should the business you have invested in also file for bankruptcy?

  • 72734102 : Comparing President Trump as a Job creator and Money Maker to the likes of a Career politician Buden who has never did anything but make millions doing Pay to Play is ridiculous! God Bless Real Capitol Creators like Business men like Trump! Most politicians only WASTE out Tax Dollars! Trump looks for ways for us All to make it.

  • BelleWeather : No one needs to understand the details of the casino business to comprehend bankruptcy of those six businesses. Those *are* facts. Your ‘analysis’ is nonsensical. I think it’s also relevant to examine the many times Trump has been convicted of fraud - from stealing from students of Trump University to leveraging his hotels with false numbers. And of course the more than 4000 civil and criminal court cases in which Trump is a or the only defendant. I’ve lost count of how many of those are felonies, but many are, and some are crimes against the United States. From rape to fraud to every form of lie, and I don’t actually know of a case Trump didn’t lose. Trump has great disdain for his base, speaks ill and has enacted many policies that are harmful for average citizens. And I don’t trust the policies that sound positive, like for the VA, because Trump lies, manipulates and defrauds everyone involved, including the citizens of the U.S. and his own business partners, over and over again. Trump tried to suspend the CONSTITUTION! His statements suggest that he plans to be a dictator. He feels entitled and untouchable - “Grab ‘em by the *ussy” and “I could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and my supporters wouldn’t care.” He talks incessantly about himself and his feelings. He says nothing positive at all about his followers, and lots that’s very negative. I don’t understand why anyone would consider a rapist con-man currently on trial for more than I can summarize, everywhere a suitable president. The founding fathers surely would not have done!

  • BelleWeather : Presumably we are here because we like to discuss the stock market and prefer bull markets. As such, it’s useful to see that stocks (and the overall economy) performs better under democratic presidents vs republican presidents. And as for adding to national debt, if that is a concern, Trump created more debt than any other U.S. president in history (in his single 4 year term.)

  • BelleWeather Simon 5183 : This is a ridiculous argument. Going bankrupt and defrauding everyone, over and over again, is quite different than a failure or two when actually young. Trump was in his 50’s and 60’s, not exactly a spring chicken! Actually, intelligent people discuss history, as understanding that is key  - context matters.

  • BelleWeather 72734102 : Are you a billionaire? Or hundred millionaire? Because that’s whom Trump helps ‘make it.’ He spent more tax dollars in a single term than any U.S. president in history! And how did you or anyone you know personally benefit? How do you benefit from trickle down economics? Biden actually tries to bolster common people. Seriously, read about it instead of parroting hate and bs. Trump is not a successful businessman! He’s a fraudster and people who work for him usually lose their jobs and sometimes wind up in prison.

  • BelleWeather Simon 5183 : This is incoherent.

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