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UPDATE June 14

🎶Run Run Run 🎵
Well, you ain't the luckiest trader I know
And you won't get luckier the way you're going
Your horseshoe's rusty and your mirror's cracked
You walk under ladders, then you walk right back🎶
The markets gonna Run Run Run
Be the market. The Market is bullish.
We may NEVER see moves like this again. Ask yourself, Why are you missing them? Would you rather be right or rich? (and in this case, you're wrong until you're right). Why fight the market? What are you gaining by carrying losses? Why do you cut winners to chase losers? 🤔  All questions to ask yourself if you want to be honest and profitable. Do you have convictions in your trades? are they your convictions, or did you "borrow" them?
    - worth posting again -
UPDATE June 14
this was one account today
UPDATE June 14
i have doubled that account, again, that's 8 times this year. this time it took 3 days and it's done it 3 times in the last 2 weeks.
That doesn't mean to go be reckless, and I prefer the individual stocks to indexes.
Here are some of my holdings. I will explain why I'm holding it. (All chart based) and give my opinion about it. There are many stocks that will run, and I in no way find them all, I find ones that work for me. Everyone has a different situation. I only know mine. If you have questions, feel free to ask, but do your own research, take some moomoo courses, ask questions, and let's make some money together.
Let's start with my big green monster
UPDATE June 14
oh yeah, just look at that beauty 😍 (whistle).
Deere has been forming a long bullish triangle. Momentum is strong. PDI and ADX are both strong bullish numbers (PDI over 35), (ADX over 20 and rising). I expect this to consolidate around 404 as it feels around the breakout line.
UPDATE June 14
Steel  🔩🚟🛰🛩🚢🚚🚘🏗
Momentum is climbing (ADX 24 and climbing, AA above MI and climbing), bullish divergences on MACD, RSI, & MI. The bottom of the channel is 17.3. Price should challenge that before breaking through. I look for a pullback around there. That's my profit taking zone before re-entering new positions for the longer run. It may not play out that way, always be flexible and have a plan.
UPDATE June 14
Looking to break out of the triangle. 204 would be a sign we've broken out. After it breaks out I would like to see a backtest before a full breakout. This market has not been offering backtesting. it's just been break and go. This is because of short sellers and stop losses being set at those points, so many that price just keeps forcing covering.
UPDATE June 14
Oil servicer. THE oil servicer. Everyone wants a piece of SLB. In the ETFs it's the heaviest weighted. The undisputed king of OIL. Companies like Exxon get the publicity (because they spend on it) but no oil company moves oil without a servicer, and SLB is king. When oil goes, and its going. watch SLB pull a "big tech" move and run like the wind. 68 is a conservative estimate.
UPDATE June 14
Caman island investment firm. Gapped up and ran to the upper bollinger. The bollingers are "pinching." This means a break is coming, either out or down. Based on the indicators, i bet out. My target is 16.
UPDATE June 14
UPDATE June 14
Play the music, and get excited not just because Phil Lynott is a God,  But because we broke away from the trendline. Now we run until we don't.
That means I'm no longer selling any. I will roll options and collect premium. 🤑 (Hello, New Tesla)
UPDATE June 14
Reached a 9 count and is pushing out of the upper bollinger. Based on past breakouts, I would expect a pullback soon. Assuming nothing catastrophic happens in the market, this should be a Buy the dip scenario. Of course, this could just run, not everything is getting pullbacks. I want to see this get a volume push like SoFi, but it's early.
UPDATE June 14
A NatGas play, a longer hold for me. looking for 130+. Yeah, that will happen.
UPDATE June 14
A late AI play. The others have run, now it's Intels turn to join the fun. A series of building structures. From a large double bottom, to a smaller but still strong cup & handle with an inverse head and shoulders to push it through. I expect this to power through.
UPDATE June 14
Building nicely, a long hold for me.
UPDATE June 14
my feelings in meme. I Tesla.
UPDATE June 14
UPDATE June 14
UPDATE June 14
UPDATE June 14
Does this look similar?
UPDATE June 14
I think so. Look at that DMI. ADX is way high for this to be red and squeaking along. I want to see this break and close the gap up. That would match the "entry" point shown above. Then the run 😁
UPDATE June 14
I believe solar will run. This had a big pop at open, then sold down. I want to see a rise to 207. This has wonky indicators, and I want to see it make a definitive move.
UPDATE June 14
Let's check in on the small caps. Small caps bring breadth to the market. When small caps run, I want "meme" stocks and biotech.
looking for it to challenge 190 to 192 for a breakout.
UPDATE June 14
The meme stocks I'm in.
Gapped up to the upper bollinger and started pushing it up. My target is stupid if this breaks out.
UPDATE June 14
Working on a triangle. I want to see it touch and overtake the 200 MA (yellow line)
UPDATE June 14
I hate this stock. I really do. I should have my head checked for buying this train wreck. It may pop still, we will see.
UPDATE June 14
The stock keeps building up and up, building a support and running up building support and running up.
UPDATE June 14
A stock I have no position in but am looking.
a target of 60 if this can start closing the gaps to the MAs above it.
UPDATE June 14
OK, not a bad post.
Now, onto my overall outlook. I believe the FED may "skip" or do a .25 rate hike. (Decision out 2 hrs before close today). This doesn't matter unless it's .50 or higher. IN THE FUTURE rates will go up. Here is why really simple for you. Housing can not have rates lowered. There is a housing deficit (not really, but the houses are in the wrong areas. No one wants to live in places like California, New York etc. anymore, yet by me they can't build enough houses as farmland and forest are quickly giving way to houses) What used to be trees on both sides is now concrete and asphalt. The point is there is a larger demographic than the 70s (baby boomers became home buying, family starting age) when the last housing tightening took place. You can't lower rates and create a frothy housing market because home prices would fly up, driving inflation wildly with it. The FED knows this, and this is what they mean by housing. Rates will stay elevated until millions of homes are built for the upcoming generation just getting started in their money-making ages.
I'm pretty tired and in a hurry to get this out, so that may not make sense. Just know rates will not come down. And yes, this will "crash" the market in the future.
UPDATE June 14
Until then. Make Money! the market is bullish until it's not.
Be Safe, Be Careful, Be Wise
and as always
Good Luck
UPDATE June 14
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