Moomoo AU Help Center-Transfer AU stocks from a share registry
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Transfer AU stocks from a share registry


• Stocks can only be transferred between accounts under the same name.

• Fees: Moomoo AU does not charge any transfer fees, but the outside brokerage firm may charge a fee.

• Processing time: It usually takes 7-10 business days, but the actual time may vary at different brokerages.


Share Registry: It is a company that maintains records of the shareholders of a publicly listed company. 

The main share registries in Australia include Link Market Services, Computershare, BoardRoom Limited, and Automic.


To transfer AU stocks from a share registry to your moomoo account, please follow the steps below.


1. Notify Moomoo AU of the transfer

1.1 Submit a transfer-in request in the moomoo app

Go to: Accounts > Transfers > Transfer Stock In > AU Stocks


1.2 Select Share Registry as the brokerage you'd like to transfer from



1.3 Enter the transfer details

Enter the following details:

• Stock Symbol

• SRN* (Securityholder Reference Number)

• Stock Quantity

• Cost Per Share

*Note: An SRN is used by a share registry to identify the owner of a stock. It can be found on the statements sent by the share registry. If you do not receive any statements, please contact your share registry for your SRN.





1.4 Confirm and submit the transfer-in request

Please check all your information carefully before submitting your request. If you notice any errors, you can go back to previous pages to make edits.

Note: The screenshot below is for illustration purposes only, and the transfer details that require your confirmation may differ from what is shown here.


1.5 Upload files

To ensure your request is processed smoothly, please provide the following documents:

• Hand-signed transfer form: Download it from your email or the Transfer-In History page. Handwritten signatures are required.

• ID photo: A passport or driver's license photo with your signature.

• Holding statement: It must include your registered address, your full name, and the number of shares held.




2. Notify the share registry to transfer stocks out

Contact your share registry to submit a transfer-out request.

Follow the instructions provided by the share registry to complete the transfer.


The share registry may need you to provide the following information about Moomoo AU:

• Brokerage Name: Moomoo Securities Australia Ltd

• PID: If you are holding a CHESS-sponsored ownership model account with Moomoo AU, the PID is 3557. If you are holding a Custodian ownership model account with Moomoo AU, the PID is 01892.

• Company Address/Receiving Firm's Address: Suite 17.01, 570 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000 Australia.

• State: NSW

• Postcode: 2000

• Contact Person: Settlement Department

• Email:


Once you complete all the procedures above, staff at both brokerages will proceed with your transfer request.