
隔夜要闻:高盛将美联储首次降息时间推至9月 美联储官员警告美国财政支出不可持续 礼来追加53亿美元扩产能

Overnight news: Goldman Sachs pushes the Federal Reserve's first interest rate cut until September, Federal Reserve officials warn that US fiscal spending is unsustainable, and Li Lai will add 5.3 billion US dollars to expand production capacity

環球市場播報 ·  May 24 17:22

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Closing: US stocks closed higher on Friday, the NASDAQ reached a record high and recorded a fifth consecutive week of gains

Top 20 US stock turnover on May 24: Nvidia reached a new high, with a market capitalization exceeding 2.6 trillion US dollars

US WTI crude oil closed 1.1% higher, rebounding from a three-month low

On Friday, popular Chinese securities had mixed ups and downs, and the ideal rise was 3.7%, while extreme Krypton fell 9.5%

Major European stock indices closed generally lower


One of the most influential senior officials of the Federal Reserve: still believes that the US neutral interest rate is low, and warns that fiscal spending is unsustainable

University of Michigan survey shows inflation expectations are falling, but high prices are still stifling consumer confidence

ECB Governing Council Muller: The rise in salary data has not disrupted the downward trend in inflation

Bundesbank President Nagel: The ECB should wait until September to cut interest rates for the second time


Boeing reveals that American astronauts will fly to the sky on a “leaky” spacecraft NASA: This has been the case before

Saudi government plans to sell Saudi Aramco shares in June to raise $10 billion to advance Vision 2030

Let's pour some glue on the pizza! Google's newly launched AI search review sparks internet spouting

Tech giants frantically throw money into “quasi-mergers and acquisitions” of AI startups: gaining technology, exerting influence, and circumventing antitrust

Musk: AI will take all jobs, but it's not a good thing

In view of the sharp rise in copper prices, Asarco, a subsidiary of the Mexican Group, plans to restart production at US copper smelters

“Weight loss elixir” is in short supply! Eli Lilly increases production capacity by adding US$5.3 billion

New study: “Weight loss elixir” can slow the progression of kidney disease and reduce the risk of death in diabetics

Google will invest $350 million in Flipkart and value it at $37 billion


Is there a shortage of water after a lack of electricity? J.P. Morgan: By 2030, data centers will consume 450 million gallons of water every day!

Goldman Sachs “admits mistakes”: No shows in July! We'll have to wait until the Fed cuts interest rates

Federal Reserve Governor Waller: Factors driving the decline in neutral interest rates may be reversed

Citi: The Turkish market is “on the verge of a revival”

Goldman Sachs postponed the first rate cut by the Federal Reserve until September and still expects two interest rate cuts during the year

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