
隔夜要闻:道指首次收在4万点上方 迷因股狂热复苏或预示美股泡沫 美联储重申通胀将在一段时间内保持高位

Overnight news: The Dow closed above 40,000 points for the first time, feared stock recovery or heralded the US stock bubble, and the Federal Reserve reiterated that inflation will remain high for some time

環球市場播報 ·  May 17 17:02

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Closing: The Dow closed above 40,000 points for the first time. All three major stock indexes recorded gains this week

Top 20 US stock turnover on May 17: Faraday's future stock price will rise more than 20 times this week

On Friday, popular Chinese securities rose more than 300%, Alibaba rose 2.1%, and iQiyi fell 9.2%

US WTI crude oil futures closed 1.05% higher on Friday

European stocks generally fell at the close, and the European Stoxx 50 Index fell 0.17%


Federal Reserve Governor Bowman Reiterates Inflation Will Remain High for Some Time

The fanatical recovery of meme stocks is not a good sign that US stocks are in a bubble

The next commodity to explode? Silver surpassed $30 per ounce, hitting a ten-year high

El Erian: The Fed's 180-degree turnaround 2% inflation target is arbitrary

The UK economy grew 0.6% month-on-month in the first quarter to escape the technical recession

Federal Reserve Chairman Powell tested positive for COVID-19 again after more than a year

ECB Governing Council Vasle: June is the right time to cut interest rates and be open to future actions

European stock markets fall, central bank officials throw cold water on expectations of interest rate cuts

Bitcoin's correlation with tech stocks reached its highest level since August, supporters say it's more similar to a growth asset

Low-profile silver's gains outperformed this year's physical gold buying momentum

Straight to the skies! Spot gold broke through 24 thousand silver in one fell swoop and stood at $30 and hit an 11-year high


Report: OpenAI has disbanded the AI risk team led by former chief scientist Ilya

OpenAI is facing human turmoil again! The “Super Align” team has been disbanded

EU warns Microsoft: Generative AI risk information must be provided within a deadline or face huge fines

If you like to stir fry, buy more! Leading game station with the “Roaring Kitten” concept announced an additional 45 million shares

Apple is preparing a major design innovation! Plans to launch a thinner iPhone in 2025

Firmly invest in future industries! The size of the UAE's sovereign fund exceeded 2.1 trillion dollars, and they say it will double again in ten years

Nvidia's “son” CoreWeave borrowed another 7.5 billion US dollars to buy video cards and build 14 data centers within the year

Former Facebook and Nike diversity manager jailed for 5 years for defrauding $5 million

Munger's “Man in the Mantle” bought only five stocks


Bank of New York Mellon: Asian central banks may sell US bonds in the second half of the year to defend the local currency

BlackRock executive Rieder thinks curbing inflation requires cutting interest rates rather than raising interest rates

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