
港股异动 | 万科企业(02202)午后涨超7% 楼市再迎重磅利好 万科已与银团贷款达成初步协议

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | Vanke Enterprise (02202) rose more than 7% in the afternoon, and the property market welcomed significant benefits, and Vanke has reached a preliminary agreement with syndicated loans

Zhitong Finance ·  May 17 01:45

Vanke Enterprise (02202) rose more than 7% in the afternoon. As of press release, it rose 4.36% to HK$5.98, with a turnover of HK$1,304 billion.

The Zhitong Finance App learned that Vanke Enterprise (02202) rose more than 7% in the afternoon. As of press release, it had risen 4.36% to HK$5.98, with a turnover of HK$1,304 billion.

According to the news, the People's Bank of China and the China General Administration of Financial Supervision and Administration issued a notice to adjust the minimum down payment ratio for commercial personal housing loans for the first home to no less than 15%, and the minimum down payment ratio for commercial personal housing loans for two housing units will be adjusted to no less than 25%. The central bank also said that it will abolish the lower interest rate policy for commercial loans for the first housing unit and the second housing unit at the national level.

Furthermore, according to a report by the Financial Federation, there is market news today that Vanke has reached a preliminary agreement with the bank on collateral for syndicated loans, and it is estimated that the loan withdrawal amount will not exceed 50 billion yuan. In response to this rumor, the reporter sought evidence from Vanke. Vanke did not comment on this.

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