
围剿金融黑灰产需合力共治 奇富科技(QFIN.US)全力保障消费者合法权益

Combating financial black and gray production requires joint efforts to control QFIN.US (QFIN.US) to make every effort to protect the legitimate rights and interests of consumers

Zhitong Finance ·  May 12 22:58

Recently, under the name of “proxy rights protection,” some financial intermediaries signed service agreements with consumers, collected deposits, and induced consumers to provide personal privacy information. By repeatedly making malicious complaints to supervisory authorities or petitioning departments, they took the opportunity to obtain high agency fees. Such acts and acts that use the Internet to carry out illegal and criminal activities such as telecom fraud, phishing websites, Trojan viruses, and hacker extortion are collectively known as financial fraud. They not only infringe on consumers' privacy and property safety, but also damage the financial ecosystem, endanger financial security, and seriously disrupt the financial market order and social stability.

In order to cut off the “proxy rights protection” sources of black and gray production, the China Banking Association recently organized and formulated the “China Banking Industry Response to “Proxy Rights Protection” Ash Production Identification Standards (Draft for Comments) and the “China Banking Industry's Work Guidelines for Responding to “Proxy Rights Protection” Ash Production (Draft for Comments), with the aim of cracking down on illegal professional agent ash production in the financial sector.

Combating financial corruption is not only the responsibility of supervisory authorities and law enforcement agencies; it also requires all sectors of society to actively use their advantages, work together to manage the financial market order, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of financial consumers. The relevant person in charge of Qifu Technology pointed out that as a frontier position to resist the invasion of financial black and gray production, enterprises should effectively manage them, fulfill their main responsibilities, do a good job of screening and management during business development, gather information simultaneously with the lead governance department for sharing, and at the same time provide more information clues and data to the judicial and public security departments to help the judicial crackdown.

In order to vigorously crack down on financial black and gray production, Qifu Technology, on the one hand, actively cooperated with public security authorities in many places to carry out anti-collection crackdown operations; on the other hand, it identified anti-collection advertisements and streaming videos through data monitoring capabilities, and promptly reported illegal content to relevant platforms. Since June 2023, through complaints and reports, Qifu Technology has successfully removed more than 2,000 black and gray production videos from the shelves. At the same time, based on customer complaint data, Qifu Technology has carried out screening, early warning, monitoring, and filing actions against customers complaining about black production through multiple dimensions and methods. Since November 2023, it has successfully identified and flagged about 18,000 suspected black and gray calls.

In addition, Qifu Technology relies on its own accumulation of artificial intelligence technology in risk behavior identification, risk information processing, intelligent assistants, etc., and has added financial industry model support to block the penetration of various types of black and gray products. In 2023, Qifu Technology used AI to alert users 690 million times, conduct anti-fraud education more than 20 million times, block warnings for fraud, artificially dissuade 43,000 potential defendants, prevent users from losing 550 million yuan, intercept 570,000 suspected gamblers, and intercept 6.4 billion yuan of suspected gambling-related assets.

Qifu Technology also reminds financial consumers to be careful to screen out financial fraud routines, protect personal privacy, and never easily provide personal information such as ID cards, bank cards, contact information, etc. to others; never participate in countercollection organizations falsifying supporting documents. If they acquiesce, condone, or even directly participate in helping to falsify supporting documents, they are suspected of breaking the law and bear corresponding legal responsibilities; it also promotes rational consumption and moderate borrowing. When borrowing money, do within your means, maintain good credit information, and be careful not to fall into the anti-collection trap to protect your own assets safe.

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