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Hong Kong stock concept tracking | Intelligent PV industry gains policy support to institutions: time is right to bottom the PV sector (with concept stocks)

Zhitong Finance ·  Nov 13, 2023 18:30

On November 13, five departments including the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued a notice on launching the fourth batch of smart photovoltaic pilot demonstration activities, which will support the cultivation of a number of smart photovoltaic demonstration enterprises and the construction of a batch of smart photovoltaic demonstration projects.

The Zhitong Finance App learned that on November 13, five departments including the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Housing and Construction, the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, and the National Energy Administration issued a notice on the launch of the fourth batch of smart photovoltaic pilot demonstration activities, which will support the cultivation of a number of smart photovoltaic demonstration enterprises, the construction of a batch of smart photovoltaic demonstration projects, and the integrated application of next-generation information technology such as 5G communication, big data, the Internet, and artificial intelligence to provide users with smart photovoltaic services.The integration of photovoltaic storage, building photovoltaics, transportation applications, agricultural and rural applications, photovoltaic greening, key information technology, advanced photovoltaic products, new facilities and empirical testing are listed as eight priority directions.

In December 2021, the “Smart Photovoltaic Industry Innovation and Development Action Plan (2021-2025)” issued by the above five departments proposed to promote the innovative application of “smart photovoltaic+energy storage” in the fields of industry, agriculture, construction, transportation and new energy vehicles.

In terms of “smart photovoltaic+industry”,Taking the integrated energy system of an industrial park as an example, solar panels can be combined with energy storage systems, smart microgrids, etc., to provide stable and reliable power supply to industrial parks while reducing energy consumption and carbon emissions; the application of intelligent photovoltaics in the steel industry and mining industry can reduce dependence on fossil energy, reduce power generation costs, and reduce carbon emissions.Pineng Technology, Goodway, Sunshine Power, Xu Ji Electric, Conch New Materials, etc.Photovoltaic companies have some experience in applying smart photovoltaics to the industrial field, and some products have been widely used in the market.

In terms of “smart photovoltaic+building”,Mainly, the integration of photovoltaics and buildings (BIPV) and the integration of photovoltaics and buildings (BAPV) are the main ones. The application of photovoltaics to buildings can combine photovoltaic power generation systems with intelligent building systems to achieve intelligent and green upgrading of buildings.Relevant listed companies involved include: Center Co., Ltd., Dongnan Grid, Tianhe Solar, King Kong Glass, Zhongzhuang Construction, and Ruihe Co., Ltd.

In terms of “smart photovoltaic+new energy vehicles”,Smart photovoltaics can provide more intelligent services for new energy vehicles. For example, NIO's V2G photovoltaic self-circulation charging system in Qilianshan National Park realizes efficient interconnection between power grids through photovoltaic power generation facilities, providing more intelligent and efficient charging services for new energy vehicles.Relevant listings involved include: Sunshine Power, BYD, Yinyi Shares, Great Wall Motor, Zhongtong Bus, Asia Star Bus, and Silver Star Energy.

According to a CCTV news broadcast report, China has formed the most complete photovoltaic industry chain in the world. In the first three quarters, the country's production of silicon, silicon wafers, batteries, and modules all increased by more than 70% year on year, and the total output value of the photovoltaic industry exceeded 1.2 trillion yuan. Recently, keywords such as “large expansion of production capacity,” “price war,” and “industry reshuffle” have become the focus of market attention in the photovoltaic industry.

Looking at the secondary market, the stock prices of many individual stocks in the photovoltaic sector have declined markedly. There are 85 stocks that make up the Wind PV Index, of which more than 80% of individual stocks have had negative year-to-date range gains. According to Wind data, the valuation of Wande Photovoltaic Index has now fallen to 13.60, with a quantile of 0.89%, which is already at an extremely low position in the past 10 years.

NORD Fund said that the photovoltaic sector as a whole is currently at a relatively underestimated level. In the short term, terminal demand is expected to be released at an accelerated pace after the price of silicon materials bottoms out, and the profits of integrated enterprises may be realized or exceeded expectations.Looking at the medium to long term, there is room for repair in the profit expectations and valuation centers of leading companies. The current layout is already cost-effective, so investors need not be overly pessimistic.

Guojin Securities said that the photovoltaic industry has recently shown an increasingly obvious trend of supply-side improvement. Considering that the market's concerns about this round of “serious overcapacity” are one of the core reasons for the sector's decline over the past year,Signals of continued marginal improvements on the supply side will effectively support the warming of sector sentiment and a solid recovery in the market.

Related concept stocks:

BYD shares (01211): At the beginning of November this year, during institutional research, BYD stated during institutional research that the company has a professional solar technology R&D team, has continuously increased investment in R&D, and established a photovoltaic technology research institute to achieve the goal of cost reduction and efficiency. Through repeated experiments in the laboratory, BYD's solar technology R&D team strived to break through previous test records in terms of cell efficiency and module efficiency. Through silicon wafer thinning and thinning, silver paste technology updates, film technology iterations, etc., the cost advantages of integration are further enhanced.

Great Wall Motor (02333): In the field of photovoltaics, Great Wall Motor entered the perovskite race track with foresight. As early as 2021, the efficiency of its self-developed large-scale perovskite modules had already set a new record for the highest in the world. Currently, Great Wall Motor is making every effort to promote the industrialization of perovskite solar photovoltaic technology.

Follett Glass (06865): On November 13, the company's board of directors deliberated and passed a bill, agreeing that the company's wholly-owned subsidiary, Follett Solar Energy, Indonesia, will invest a total of about 290 million US dollars to build 2 photovoltaic module cover glass projects with a daily melting capacity of 1,600 tons on the Indonesian island of Central Java. This project includes a glass production line and supporting processing production lines.

Xinyi Solar (00968): In late October, Bank of China International released a research report saying that Xinyi Solar's stock price has basically reflected pessimistic expectations, but it has maintained a “neutral” rating, mainly because competition in the industry has not abated. However, recent market rumors have clearly tightened financing for the A-share photovoltaic industry. If confirmed later, it is expected to reverse the market's pessimistic expectations of a supply blowout.

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