

The 4th College Student Art Fair (Wuhan) opened today. Blue Moon has continued to promote the development of youth art for ten years

Gelonghui Finance ·  Nov 3, 2023 09:31

On November 3, the 4th College Student Art Fair (Wuhan), co-sponsored by Blue Moon, officially opened at the Wuhan International Convention and Exhibition Center. As a well-known youth art project in China, this year's art fair attracted more than 2,600 outstanding works from 637 art students and young artists from home and abroad to participate in the exhibition. The exhibition was open to the public from November 3 to November 7.


This year marks the 10th year that Blue Moon has been the chief sponsor of the Big Art Expo. Since 2014, based on its focus on the growth of the creative power of young people and social aesthetic education, Blue Moon has provided an art gallery-level painting display opportunity for nearly 24,000 works by about 7,300 artists, helping the new generation of artists set sail in their dreams and promoting the healthy development of youth art in China through practical actions.

All-inclusive, the new generation of art shows innovative talents

The 4th College Student Art Fair (Wuhan) will be held in a professional space of nearly 15,000 square meters. According to reports, this year's art fair attracted a total of 4,883 art students and young artists from 355 colleges and universities at home and abroad to apply, bringing the total number of entries to 30,821 entries. It is worth noting that the post-90s and post-00s were the absolute main exhibitors at this year's Grand Art Expo, and their participation rate was as high as 85.6%; among them, the post-00s accounted for more than 1/4 for the first time, reaching 27.3%. This fully reflects the distinctive characteristics of the “youth, present, and future” of the Expo.

As a youth art exhibition focusing on the achievements of art teaching in colleges and universities, the exhibition content of the Art Expo covers almost all of the current pure arts majors at the Academy of Fine Arts, from ancient painting styles that have been passed down for thousands of years to emerging fields of expertise in recent years, such as art and technology. In addition to enjoying traditional works of art such as Chinese paintings, oil paintings, and prints in the comprehensive exhibition area, visitors can also experience the diverse forms of art in the six major theme zones: some artists have applied AI painting technology, which has received much attention this year, to the production process to explore more possibilities brought by the new technology; many art academy students use multimedia, AI programming, motion capture technology and other technical means to innovate and integrate traditional techniques and emerging technologies to continuously expand the boundaries of art. During the 5-day exhibition period, projects such as physical theaters, interactive public art experiences, and portrait sketches will also be staged in turns, so visitors can enjoy a comprehensive, multi-dimensional viewing experience.

In its pursuit of innovation, Blue Moon has a high degree of compatibility with Grand Art Expo. As a benchmark brand in the washing industry in China, Blue Moon insists on being innovation-driven, continuously introducing new ideas, in-depth insight into consumer needs, leading consumers' clean upgrades with new clean products, and helping consumers yearn for a better life. At the same time, adhering to the original intention of promoting the growth of the innovative power of Chinese youth, Blue Moon has been the chief sponsor of the Grand Art Expo for ten years, helping young artists achieve their artistic dreams.

Together for ten years, sharing the beauty of art

On the special occasion of ten years, the organizing committee of the Big Art Expo presented Blue Moon with the “Ten Years Accompanying the Art Road” special honorary commemorative award to record and recognize Blue Moon's charitable achievements in supporting youth art for ten years.


At the same time, this year's Grand Art Expo also set up a special section on “Together for Ten Years, Walking the Art Road Together” to conduct a comprehensive review of the Blue Moon Ten Years (2014-2023) path of art charity. Over ten years, by sponsoring various youth art projects under the Big Art Expo, Blue Moon has directly purchased and collected more than 1,000 works, giving great spiritual encouragement and direct financial support to young creators. This “Ten Years Together, Art Path Together” special section not only presents a series of public service art collections funded by Blue Moon to young artists, but also has events such as interactive printmaking, DIY postcards, and checking in for group photos to participate in the lottery, so that viewers can experience the beauty of ten years, the beauty of art, and the beauty of cleanliness firsthand.

Furthermore, since the beginning of the partnership, Blue Moon and Big Art Expo have jointly launched the “Operation Blue” public art project, inviting the public to participate in the theme co-creation, so that art can take root in community life, infiltrate people's daily lives, and brighten up everyone's yearning for a better life.


At this fair, Blue Moon teamed up with Big Art Expo to launch the “Operation Blue: A Gift from the Moon” public art project. Children and young people aged 3-18 from all over the country were invited to create works inspired by the “Moon” and encouraged participants to submit works that had their thoughts and wishes. It is worth mentioning that the event also invited young artist Zhao Tianqi to re-create popular works using AI painting, using art and technology to create new visual effects.

At present, the call for entries for the “Operation Blue: A Gift from the Moon” public art project has been successfully completed and has officially entered the exhibition stage. At this year's Grand Art Expo, visitors can not only enjoy the outstanding works that have been shortlisted, but also experience the magic of AI paintings up close.

Deeply cultivating public welfare, Blue Moon actively practices corporate social responsibility

Start with heart and persevere. Since the brand was founded 31 years ago, Blue Moon has always adhered to the same frequency resonance between brand development and social development, actively participated in public welfare undertakings, and gave back to the community through practical actions.

Li Yifei, chairman of Grand Art Expo, said at the opening ceremony that since it was founded in 2012, Grand Art Expo has always made it its mission to discover, support, and promote young artists, build an art platform for young artists, build an art ecosystem for urban culture, and present an art feast for the general public. In his speech, Li Yifei expressed sincere thanks to Blue Moon for her outstanding contributions to the artistic career of Chinese youth.

In addition to sponsoring art fairs for college students and supporting the development of cultural and artistic undertakings, Blue Moon also actively practices corporate citizenship in the fields of clean and health promotion, anti-epidemic and disaster relief, and helping rural construction, contributing to the construction of a happy and beautiful society. For example, Blue Moon has helped develop public welfare projects such as “Smart Women's Healthy Family” and “I am a Healthy Little Angel” for many years, conveying the concept of clean health. In addition, the Blue Moon Charity Foundation, founded by Blue Moon, has repeatedly demonstrated a high level of social responsibility in public health emergencies, and has initiated special actions such as flood relief in Beijing-Hebei Province and the donation of anti-epidemic materials from Guangzhou. According to reports, with its long-term effective public welfare actions and active corporate image, Blue Moon has won the “China Charity Festival of the Year Responsible Brand Award” for eight years.


Combining enterprise development with social responsibility is Blue Moon's long-term pursuit and value orientation. Xu Yuling, deputy general manager of Blue Moon, said at the opening ceremony of this fair that in the future, Blue Moon will continue to embrace its original intentions, adhere to the ESG action principle of “better products (services), more friendly environment, and happier society”, continue to pay attention to the growth of the original power of Chinese youth, and contribute to the flourishing development of social, cultural and artistic undertakings; at the same time, it will continue to drive high-quality development through innovation, deliver a clean lifestyle, and help a better life.

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