
裕承科金:中期報告 2023/2024

ARTA TECHFIN: Interim Report 2023/2024

香港交易所 ·  Dec 29, 2023 04:03
Summary by Moomoo AI
裕承科金(ARTA TECHFIN)於二零二三年九月三十日止六個月的未經審核中期業績已由公司審核委員會審閱,並由外部核數師國富浩華(香港)會計師事務所有限公司根據相關準則進行審閱。期內,公司綜合收入由上年同期的9,215萬港元減少至6,221萬港元,減幅達32.5%。經營開支則輕微上升5.7%,至47,197萬港元。公司錄得綜合淨虧損47,034萬港元,較上年同期的38,165萬港元增加23.2%。每股基本虧損為港幣0.25仙。期內,公司未進行任何重大投資,亦未有重大收購或出售附屬公司及聯營公司的行動。公司於報告期後與直接控股公司訂立股東貸款協議,提供最高達4,000萬港元的無抵押定期貸款融資。公司股東資金為2,600萬港元,較上一財政年度末的3,400萬港元有所減少。
裕承科金(ARTA TECHFIN)於二零二三年九月三十日止六個月的未經審核中期業績已由公司審核委員會審閱,並由外部核數師國富浩華(香港)會計師事務所有限公司根據相關準則進行審閱。期內,公司綜合收入由上年同期的9,215萬港元減少至6,221萬港元,減幅達32.5%。經營開支則輕微上升5.7%,至47,197萬港元。公司錄得綜合淨虧損47,034萬港元,較上年同期的38,165萬港元增加23.2%。每股基本虧損為港幣0.25仙。期內,公司未進行任何重大投資,亦未有重大收購或出售附屬公司及聯營公司的行動。公司於報告期後與直接控股公司訂立股東貸款協議,提供最高達4,000萬港元的無抵押定期貸款融資。公司股東資金為2,600萬港元,較上一財政年度末的3,400萬港元有所減少。
THE UNAUDITED INTERIM RESULTS OF ARTA TECHFIN FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED 30 SEPTEMBER 2013 HAVE BEEN REVIEWED BY THE COMPANY'S AUDIT COMMITTEE AND REVIEWED BY THE EXTERNAL AUDITOR KUO FU HOWA (HONG KONG) ACCOUNTING FIRM LIMITED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE RELEVANT CRITERIA. During the period, the Company's consolidated revenue decreased by 32.5% from HK$9,215 million in the same period last year to HK$6,221 million. Operating expenses rose slightly by 5.7% to HK$47,197 million. The Company recorded a combined net loss of HK$47,034 million, an increase of 23.2% from HK$38,165 million in the same period last year. Basic loss per share was HK$0.25 cents. During the period, the Company has not made any significant investments or significant acquisitions or divestitures of subsidiaries and associates. The Company entered into a shareholder loan agreement with a direct holding company after the reporting period to provide up to HK$4,000 million in unsecured term loan financing. The Company's shareholders' capital was HK$2,6 million, a decrease from HK$3,400 million at the end of the previous fiscal year.
THE UNAUDITED INTERIM RESULTS OF ARTA TECHFIN FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED 30 SEPTEMBER 2013 HAVE BEEN REVIEWED BY THE COMPANY'S AUDIT COMMITTEE AND REVIEWED BY THE EXTERNAL AUDITOR KUO FU HOWA (HONG KONG) ACCOUNTING FIRM LIMITED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE RELEVANT CRITERIA. During the period, the Company's consolidated revenue decreased by 32.5% from HK$9,215 million in the same period last year to HK$6,221 million. Operating expenses rose slightly by 5.7% to HK$47,197 million. The Company recorded a combined net loss of HK$47,034 million, an increase of 23.2% from HK$38,165 million in the same period last year. Basic loss per share was HK$0.25 cents. During the period, the Company has not made any significant investments or significant acquisitions or divestitures of subsidiaries and associates. The Company entered into a shareholder loan agreement with a direct holding company after the reporting period to provide up to HK$4,000 million in unsecured term loan financing. The Company's shareholders' capital was HK$2,6 million, a decrease from HK$3,400 million at the end of the previous fiscal year.
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