
Covid-19 Vaccine Efficacy: What Do the Numbers -2-

Covid-19 Vaccine Efficacy: What Do the Numbers -2-

Dow Jones Newswires ·  2021/08/26 13:32

DJ Covid-19 Vaccine Efficacy: What Do the Numbers Really Mean?


By Jared S. Hopkins and Sarah Toy


The spread of the Delta variant, an increase in vaccinated people testing positive for Covid-19, and the U.S. government's call for booster shots have raised new questions about the power of the coronavirus vaccines. Here's what we know about how authorized vaccines perform against the variant, and their ability to prevent infection and serious illness.


What does it mean to say that a vaccine is effective?


Health experts and scientists use a variety of terms and measures to describe how well a vaccine works. Vaccines can be evaluated based on their ability to prevent initial infection, symptomatic disease or severe illness that can lead to hospitalization or death.


When researchers use the term efficacy, they are describing how a vaccine performs under ideal, tightly controlled conditions such as clinical trials. Effectiveness refers to how the vaccine performs in the real world, when people are living their normal lives without the same controls in place.


The vaccines authorized in the U.S. were shown in clinical trials to protect against symptomatic Covid-19. Researchers looked at whether the vaccines prevented people from both testing positive for Covid-19 and showing at least one symptom. The studies didn't measure if the vaccines protect against asymptomatic infection, which means simply testing positive for Covid-19.


For instance, in large late-stage clinical trials conducted by vaccine makers, the vaccine from Pfizer Inc. and partner BioNTech SE was found last year to be 95% effective at preventing symptomatic Covid-19, while the Moderna Inc. vaccine was 94.1% effective. In the approximately 44,000-person study of the Pfizer vaccine, 170 developed Covid-19 with at least one symptom. Of those, just eight had been vaccinated, while 162 had received a placebo. The 95% efficacy rate is derived from that ratio.

例如,在疫苗製造商進行的大型後期臨牀試驗中,輝瑞公司及其合作伙伴BioNtech SE的疫苗去年被發現在預防有症狀的新冠肺炎方面有效率為95%,而現代公司的疫苗有效率為94.1%。在對輝瑞疫苗的大約44,000人的研究中,170人患上了至少有一種症狀的新冠肺炎。在這些人中,只有8人接種了疫苗,162人接受了安慰劑。95%的有效率就是從這個比率得出的。

The Food and Drug Administration's full approval of the Pfizer vaccine in August was based on six months of clinical-trial data that showed efficacy was 91.1%, a rate drawn from 77 vaccinated people who became sick, compared with 833 sick subjects who received a placebo. The lower efficacy rate was because the companies had more time to collect data than for the efficacy rate calculated from the late-stage trial last year, according to Pfizer.

美國食品和藥物管理局(Food and Drug Administration,簡稱FDA)8月份全面批准輝瑞(Pfizer)疫苗是基於六個月的臨牀試驗數據,這些數據顯示,有效性為91.1%,這一比率來自77名接種疫苗的患者,而接受安慰劑的患者為833人。根據輝瑞公司的説法,有效率較低是因為與去年後期試驗計算的有效率相比,這些公司有更多的時間收集數據。

Severe Covid-19 is defined by the FDA as including outcomes such as pneumonia, respiratory failure, organ failure and death.


Do Covid-19 vaccines prevent infection? Has Delta changed that?


The vaccines' manufacturers didn't study prevention of infection in their clinical trials -- they evaluated symptomatic Covid-19 -- but say they are exploring the issue.


Several studies conducted by other researchers before Delta began to spread widely showed that Covid-19 vaccines were highly effective at preventing infection. A study published in July in the Annals of Internal Medicine that analyzed Covid-19 testing records of more than 54,000 U.S. veterans between December and March showed the Pfizer vaccine was 96% effective at preventing infection and the Moderna vaccine 98% effective. An April study published in the Lancet of about 23,000 healthcare workers in the U.K., most of whom had received the Pfizer shot, concluded it was 85% effective against infection. Real-world evidence in Israel also demonstrated that the Pfizer vaccine was highly effective at preventing infection.


Some researchers, however, have found a drop in effectiveness against infection with the Delta variant.


A study by the Mayo Clinic Health System, posted in August on a preprint server that publishes papers before peer review, found that the Pfizer vaccine was 42% effective against infection in July, when the Delta variant became dominant in the U.S., compared with 76% before that month. The effectiveness of Moderna's shot fell to 76% from 86%. Another preprint by a research group in Qatar found that two doses of the Pfizer vaccine were 53.5% effective at stopping infection from Delta, while Moderna was 85% effective.

梅奧診所健康系統(Mayo Clinic Health System)8月份在一家預印服務器上發佈的一項研究發現,輝瑞疫苗在7月份預防感染的有效性為42%,當時Delta變體在美國占主導地位,而在那之前,這一比例為76%。該研究於8月份發佈在一家預印服務器上,該服務器在同行評審之前發佈了論文。莫德納的射門命中率從86%降至76%。卡塔爾一個研究小組的另一份預印本發現,兩劑輝瑞疫苗在阻止達美航空感染方面的有效率為53.5%,而現代疫苗的有效率為85%。

A study by New York state government researchers found that the effectiveness of the Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson vaccines collectively to prevent infections dropped to about 80% in late July, when the Delta variant was spreading, from about 91% in early May.


In a U.S. government study of weekly case counts at about 3,800 nursing homes released in August, researchers found effectiveness of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines against infection decreased over time from 75% in March to 53% on Aug. 1. A study published in the Lancet in June also showed declining effectiveness against infection in people in Scotland who received either Pfizer or AstraZeneca PLC vaccines. The AstraZeneca vaccine isn't authorized for use in the U.S.

在美國政府8月份公佈的一項針對大約3,800家療養院每週病例統計的研究中,研究人員發現,隨着時間的推移,輝瑞(Pfizer)和現代那(Modina)疫苗對感染的有效性從3月份的75%下降到8月1日的53%。6月份發表在“柳葉刀”(The Lancet)上的一項研究還顯示,蘇格蘭接種輝瑞(Pfizer)或阿斯利康疫苗的人對感染的有效性正在下降。阿斯利康(AstraZeneca)疫苗未獲授權在美國使用。

John Moore, an immunologist at Weill Cornell Medical College in New York, said studies don't find the same rates of prevention because researchers are evaluating under slightly varying conditions such as time periods or geographies. "It's hard to know where the percentage of efficacy drop is because they vary in studies, and have different circumstances, and putting a single number on them is tricky," he said.

紐約威爾·康奈爾醫學院(Weill Cornell Medical College)的免疫學家約翰·摩爾(John Moore)説,研究沒有發現相同的預防率,因為研究人員是在時間段或地理位置等略有不同的條件下進行評估的。他説:“很難知道療效下降的百分比在哪裏,因為它們在不同的研究中有不同的情況,而且給出一個單一的數字是很棘手的。”

Jennifer Nuzzo, an epidemiologist at Johns Hopkins University, said infections in fully vaccinated people aren't surprising because the vaccines aren't entirely protective and vaccinated people have interacted with other people more frequently, making exposure to the virus more likely. "What we're seeing is more infections among vaccinated people," she said. "We always expected that."


The growing number of breakthrough cases reflects the greater contagiousness of the Delta variant combined with the likelihood that immunity from vaccines is declining over time, Dr. Moore said.


Symptoms in most of the breakthrough cases, though, tend to be mild, he said. "There's this perception that the vaccines are failing when they're really not," he said.


Do vaccines still prevent symptomatic illness in people infected with the Delta variant?


Studies have shown some declines in vaccine effectiveness against symptomatic illness from Delta.


A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine in July showed that the effectiveness of two doses of the Pfizer vaccine against symptomatic illness was lower among people in the U.K. with the Delta variant (88%) compared with those with the Alpha variant (93.7%), the strain previously dominant in the country.

7月發表在《新英格蘭醫學雜誌》(The New England Journal Of Medicine)上的一項研究顯示,在英國,兩劑輝瑞(Pfizer)疫苗對症狀性疾病的有效性(88%)低於阿爾法(Alpha)變異(93.7%),阿爾法變異之前在英國占主導地位。

More recent studies also show drops in effectiveness against symptomatic illness, including a preprint study from August by researchers at the University of Oxford that found that the Pfizer and AstraZeneca vaccines' effectiveness for both infections and symptomatic illness fell over time.

最近的研究也顯示,對抗症狀性疾病的有效性有所下降,包括牛津大學(University Of Oxford)研究人員從8月份開始的一項預印本研究,該研究發現,輝瑞(Pfizer)和阿斯利康(AstraZeneca)疫苗對感染和症狀性疾病的有效性都隨着時間的推移而下降。

More symptomatic infections and declining vaccine effectiveness are likely a reflection of the vaccine's strength dropping as well as the high rate of spread of the Delta variant, said Saad Omer, a virologist and director of the Yale Institute for Global Health. "It's hard to disentangle the effects of the Delta variant itself and the waning immunity. I think it's both," he said.

耶魯大學全球衞生研究所(Yale Institute For Global Health)主任、病毒學家薩阿德·奧梅爾(Saad Omer)表示,更多的症狀性感染和疫苗效力的下降可能反映了疫苗效力的下降,以及三角洲變體的高傳播率。他説:“很難理清德爾塔變種本身和免疫力減弱的影響。我認為兩者都有。”

Federal regulators will likely approve a Covid-19 booster shot for vaccinated adults starting at least six months after the previous dose amid data on waning immunity, The Wall Street Journal reported. Still, some public-health experts have said boosters aren't necessary based on studies that show continuing protection against hospitalizations and death from the initial round of shots. Pfizer and BioNTech asked regulators to authorize boosters of their Covid-19 vaccine and submitted additional data showing a third dose improves protection against the virus.


Do Covid-19 vaccines still prevent severe disease and hospitalization?


Despite mounting evidence of reduced effectiveness at preventing infection, studies show the vaccines continue to prevent severe illness and death.


A recent federal government study of more than 1,100 patients who received either the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine found effectiveness against hospitalization stayed steady over 24 weeks from early March to mid-July.


A study by New York state government researchers found that collectively the Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson vaccine effectiveness rate of more than 95% at preventing hospitalizations held up from early May to late July, when the Delta variant was spreading.


What should I know about what happened in Provincetown, Mass.?


When the the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently said vaccinated people should wear masks again indoors in areas where Delta is spreading rapidly, it pointed to data from Provincetown, Mass., where it said large gatherings in July at bars, nightclubs and house parties led to at least 430 Covid-19 infections.

美國疾病控制和預防中心(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,簡稱CDC)最近表示,在達美航空傳播迅速的地區,接種疫苗的人應該再次在室內佩戴口罩。它引用了來自馬薩諸塞州普羅文斯敦的數據,稱7月份在那裏的酒吧、夜總會和家庭派對上的大型集會導致至少430人感染新冠肺炎。

The CDC said that nearly three-quarters of infected people were fully vaccinated and that samples showed the amount of virus infected people carried was similar between vaccinated and unvaccinated people.


Some scientists say Provincetown data isn't enough to be the primary driver of a public-health policy change. Provincetown has a high vaccination rate, and missing from the data is the total number of people who were at risk of being infected, which public health experts say is needed to actually assess vaccine effectiveness. Provincetown's population grows to 60,000 from 3,000 during the summer, according to the government.


Some experts also say the data was too small of a sample and the circumstances too unique -- as there were unusually large gatherings at bars, nightclubs and house parties -- for it to be applied to other parts of the country.


Does data from Israel indicate vaccines don't protect well?


(MORE TO FOLLOW) Dow Jones Newswires


August 26, 2021 13:32 ET (17:32 GMT)


DJ Covid-19 Vaccine Efficacy: What Do the Numbers -2-


Data from Israel's government showed the Pfizer vaccine was 39% effective at reducing the risk of infection and 40% effective at reducing the risk of symptomatic disease between June 20 and July 27 , a period of when Delta was the dominant strain there. The vaccine was 91% effective at preventing severe illness in the same period. Researchers haven't published a full manuscript, given a sample size for the effectiveness or provided many details on the vaccinated subjects.


The same study showed that breakthrough cases in Israel counted between July 11 and July 17 were more likely for people whose second shots were administered in January and February. These individuals were among the earliest people to become vaccinated, and therefore the furthest out from the second shot.


Other researchers say the Israeli data was too limited to draw firm conclusions and are waiting for a peer-reviewed manuscript. They say that while the government researchers considered people's ages and sex, factors such as occupation, location and whether they live in congregate settings weren't accounted for.


Which studies should I trust? How can I know if a study is reliable?


Angela Rasmussen, a virologist at the Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization at the University of Saskatchewan in Canada, recommends reading studies published in the New England Journal of Medicine, the Journal of the American Medical Association and the Lancet. For journals specific to infectious disease, she recommends Clinical Infectious Diseases and the Journal of Infectious Diseases. She also recommends people read Science, Nature, Cell and the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

加拿大薩斯喀徹温大學疫苗和傳染病組織的病毒學家安吉拉·拉斯穆森(Angela Rasmussen)建議閲讀發表在《新英格蘭醫學雜誌》(The New England Journal Of Medicine)、《美國醫學會雜誌》(Journal Of The American Medical Association)和《柳葉刀》(The Lancet)上的研究。對於特定於傳染病的期刊,她推薦《臨牀傳染病》和《傳染病雜誌》。她還推薦人們閲讀《科學》、《自然》、《細胞》和《國家科學院院刊》。

Studies published in such peer-reviewed journals are evaluated by experts in that field to make sure the data presented is sound. That makes them generally more reliable than, say, a self-published paper or preprint, a paper posted online before peer review.


Preprints have attracted more public attention during the pandemic as scientists have raced to make their findings on Covid-19 public sooner. Although some preprint servers have a vetting process, the papers aren't peer reviewed the way they would be when submitted for publication in a journal, Dr. Rasmussen said.


"People should read any conclusions from a preprint with a grain of salt, " she said.


(END) Dow Jones Newswires


August 26, 2021 13:32 ET (17:32 GMT)


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