
3 Cheap Stocks Thriving Despite America’s Inflation Issues

3 Cheap Stocks Thriving Despite America’s Inflation Issues

儘管美國出現了通貨膨脹問題,但 3 股廉價股票
InvestorPlace ·  2022/01/21 11:45

InvestorPlace - Stock Market News, Stock Advice & Trading Tips


This article is excerpted from Tom Yeung's Moonshot Investor newsletter. To make sure you don't miss any of Tom's potential 100x picks, subscribe to his mailing list here.

本文摘自楊永明的《月光投資者通訊》。為了確保您不會錯過任何 Tom 的潛在 100 倍精選,請在此處訂閱他的郵件列表。

Inflation Hits American Pocketbooks


Source: SERSOLL /

Did you get a 7% raise last year?

做到了 去年獲得 7% 的加薪?

If you didn't, know this: your real earnings went down.

如果你沒有,知道這一點: 您的實際收入下降。

That's the problem with inflation. It's a quiet ghost that snuffs out the wages of the working and middle class. Cars… houses… groceries… everything suddenly becomes less affordable when consumer prices (CPI) are rising almost twice as fast as income.


Even the wealthy aren't immune. High inflation in the 70s and 80s meant that the S&P 500 closed at the same inflation-adjusted level in 1990 as it did in 1969. Not all stocks, it turns out, are good inflation hedges.

即使是富人也沒有免疫力。70 年代和 80 年代的高通貨膨脹意味著 標普 500 在一九九零年的通脹調整水平,與 1969 年的通脹調整水平相同。事實證明,並非所有股票都是良好的通貨膨脹對沖。

Inflation Insurance


Ordinarily, I use inflationary signals to time deep-value Moonshot picks. Many of my metals and mining recommendations have gone anywhere from 2x to 10x in the past year thanks to mild inflation.

通常,我使用通貨膨脹信號來計時深度價值的月球選秀。由於溫和的通貨膨脹,我的許多金屬和採礦建議在過去的一年中從 2 倍到 10 倍。

But 7% is different. Unless you're an emerging-market economy, that's a level of inflation you don't want to see. Millions of Americans are now locked out of buying houses or having the number of kids they want. Prices are rising across the entire developed world.

但是 7% 是不同的。除非您是新興市場經濟體,否則這是您不想看到的通貨膨脹水平。數以百萬計的美國人現在被鎖定在購房或擁有他們想要的孩子數量之外。價格在整個發達世界中都在上漲。

There is, however, some good news. Many investments do survive inflation. Deere (NYSE:DE), Honeywell (NASDAQ:HON) and other industrial companies did well during the 1970s thanks to their ability to pass cost increases to customers. And inflation, as we know, can be transitory.

但是,有一些好消息。許多投資確實能在通脹中倖存 迪爾 (紐約證券交易所:), 霍尼韦尔 (納斯達克:)和其他工業公司在 1970 年代表現出色,這要歸功於他們能夠將成本增加給客戶。正如我們所知,通貨膨脹可能是短暫的。

Today, we'll take a look at my three favorite "inflation-proof" stocks and see how they're beating back the scary specter of rising prices.


Source: Catalyst Labs / Shutterstock

The Three Companies Surviving Inflation


All inflation-resistant stocks have several common factors:


  • High current profits. Inflation makes future profits less valuable. Inflation-resistant companies tend to have high profits today.
  • Low debt. Rising interest rates (an inflation-taming tool) also make debts more expensive to service. Low-leverage firms tend to outperform high-leverage ones.
  • Pricing power. Inflation-resistant companies need a "special sauce" to pass on high prices to customers.
  • Cheap valuation. Deere was a good investment in the 1970s because its shares hovered in the 5-7x P/E range.
  • 高電流利潤。通貨膨脹使 未來 利潤不太有價值。耐通脹的公司往往有高利潤 今天。
  • 低債務。 利率上升(一種通脹調整工具)也會使債務更加昂貴。低槓桿率公司傾向於優於高槓桿率的公司。
  • 定價功率。 耐通貨膨脹的公司需要一種「特殊的醬汁」才能將高價傳遞給客戶。
  • 估值便宜。 迪爾是一個很好的投資在 20 世紀 70 年代,因為它的股票徘徊在 5-7x P/E 範圍內。

And there's usually just one class of stock that meets all four criteria:


High-quality industrials.


These names — from Timken (NYSE:TKR) to Borg Warner (NYSE:BWA) and yes, Deere and Honeywell — are typically boring companies producing high-value, low-cost products. If you're selling a critical auto component for $15, safety-minded car manufacturers will sooner accept a one-dollar price increase than try to cut corners.

這些名字 — 來自 鐵姆肯 (紐約證券交易所:TKR) 至 博格華納 (紐約證券交易所:BWA是的,迪爾和霍尼韋爾(Honeywell)通常是生產高價值,低成本產品的無聊公司。如果您以 15 美元的價格出售關鍵的汽車零部件,那麼注重安全的汽車製造商將更快接受一美元的價格上漲,而不是嘗試削減。

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These stocks also tend to move slower than molasses in a New England winter. If you have the DNA of a defensive company, there's little motivation to pursue risky growth.

在新英格蘭的冬天,這些股票的移動速度往往比糖蜜慢。如果您擁有防禦性公司的 DNA,那麼追求風險增長的動力很少。

Occasionally however, some Moonshots do fulfill these four criteria. And it's these potential high-returners I'll focus on today.

偶爾然而,有些月球 滿足這四個條件。而這些潛在的高回報率,我今天將重點關注。

Arianne Phospate (DRRSF)

阿麗安磷酸鹽 (DRRSF)

On Monday, I introduced Joanna Makris' top pick of 2022. This high-grade phosphate producer made the top of her list thanks to its potential use in electric vehicle batteries:

星期一,我介紹了喬安娜·馬克里斯的 2022 年首選。這家高級磷酸鹽生產商因其在電動汽車電池中的潛在用途而成為她的榜首:

"The high quality of Arianne's phosphate is important for another reason. It can theoretically be used for applications outside of fertilizer. One of the most exciting areas of growth for Arianne is the use of its phosphate in both electric vehicle batteries and hydrogen fuel cells."
— Joanna Makris,

「出於另一個原因,Arianne 磷酸鹽的高品質很重要。它理論上可用於肥料以外的應用。Arianne 最令人興奮的增長領域之一是在電動汽車電池和氫燃料電池中使用其磷酸鹽。」
— 喬安娜·馬克里斯, 投資者關係網

But there's also an inflation-beating aspect of Arianne Phosphate (OTCMKTS:DRRSF) to love:

但是,還有一個通貨膨脹的方面 阿里安娜磷酸酯 (支持:DRRSF)去愛:

Its fixed cost basis.


Arianne sits on around 590 tons of high-quality phosphate, giving it an advantage in an industry where high-polluters can spend millions on post-cleanup costs. In other words, no matter how high prices get, the cost of pulling phosphate out of the ground won't change drastically for Arianne Phosphate (developed oil rigs and high-yield gold mines also boast these advantages).

Arianne 擁有約 590 噸優質磷酸鹽,在高污染者可以花費數百萬美元購買清理後成本的行業中具有優勢。換句話說,無論價格有多高,將磷酸鹽從地面拉出的成本都不會對 Arianne 磷酸鹽產生巨大變化(發達的石油鑽機和高產量的金礦也具有這些優勢)。

That's essential for companies looking to beat inflation. If prices of a commodity are going up, they need to make sure costs (i.e., manpower, mining, land leases) don't rise as well. Companies achieving that balance will soon find their way to greater profits.


Camtek (CAMT)

金德科技 (CAMT)

Then there's the second type of inflation-resistant company:


Firms that make essential products.


If you're running a $5 billion chip foundry reliant on manufacturing perfection, there's little incentive to try cutting corners. Saving $50,000 on a lower-quality inspection machine could cost you millions of dollars in defective semiconductors.

如果您正在運行 50 億美元的芯片鑄造廠依賴於完美製造,那麼嘗試切割角落的動力很少。在質量較低的檢測機上節省 50,000 美元可能會花費您數百萬美元的缺陷半導體。

That's the reason Camtek (NASDAQ:CAMT) makes my list of top inflation-resistant companies. The Israeli-based firm produces some of the highest-quality sensors to inspect wafers, chips and other micro-electronic devices. And because production values for Camtek's customers are so high, they're usually willing to pay CAMT a premium for its top-tier quality control devices.

這就是原因 卡姆特克(納斯達克:坎特)列出我的頂級耐通貨膨脹公司的名單。這家總部位於以色列的公司生產一些質量最高的傳感器,用於檢測晶圓,芯片和其他微電子設備。而且由於 Camtek 客戶的生產價值如此之高,他們通常願意為其頂級質量控制設備支付 CAMT 溢價。

The result: Camtek has developed incredible pricing power. The firm now generates $24 in net profit for every $100 of sales, making it not only stable but one of the highest-margin companies in the semiconductor industry.

結果:Camtek 開發出了令人難以置信的定價能力。該公司現在每 100 美元的銷售額可產生 24 美元的淨利潤,使其不僅穩定,而且是半導體行業利潤最高的公司之一。

There are certainly semiconductor firms with even higher margins. ASML Holdings (NASDAQ:ASML) — the top-tier maker of high-performance chip equipment — boasts margins a full 50% higher. But these top-tier companies also come with price tags to match. Investors looking for 2x… 5x… 10x gains need to go with companies at a slightly larger discount.

肯定有半導體公司具有更高的利潤率。 亞洲科技控股 (納斯達克:ASML)— 高性能芯片設備的頂級製造商-利潤率提高了 50%。但是這些頂級公司也帶有價格標籤以匹配。尋求 2 倍... 5x... 10 倍收益的投資者需要以稍大的折扣與公司合作。


波薩比特系統 (POSAF)

Finally, there are companies with a "special sauce" protecting them from inflation.


Which brings me to POSaBIT Systems (OTCMKTS:POSAF), a point-of-sale (POS) card company servicing the U.S. marijuana industry.

這把我帶到 波薩比特系統 (支持:波薩夫),為美國大麻行業提供服務的銷售點(POS)卡公司。

POSaBIT's "special sauce" is straightforward: It's one of the few financial firms marijuana dispensaries can actually use. Current federal regulations prohibit federally licensed banks from dealing in Schedule 1 drugs. So unless a dispensary works with POSaBIT, they'll be forced to either 1) find a willing credit union or 2) conduct business entirely in cash.

PoSabit 的「特殊醬料」很簡單:這是為數不多的大麻藥房實際可以使用的金融公司之一。目前的聯邦法規禁止聯邦持牌銀行處理附表 1 藥物。因此,除非藥房與 Posabit 合作,否則他們將被迫 1)找到一個願意的信用合作社或 2)完全以現金開展業務。

The regulatory quagmire has benefitted POSaBIT immensely.

監管的泥潭已經使 PoSabit 極大地受益了。

The POS firm has maintained its fee structure even as dispensaries push back against high prices elsewhere. Gross margins have remained in the upper-20% range, rather than falling with the rest of the marijuana industry.

POS 公司一直保持其收費結構,即使藥房在其他地方推動高價。毛利率一直保持在 -20% 的上限範圍內,而不是隨大麻行業的其他部分而下降。

Other "special sauce" companies are similarly thriving. Tech giants and bulge-bracket banks alike are reporting some of their greatest earnings ever. But finding one with Moonshot potential like POSaBIT is far more rare.

其他「特製醬」公司也同樣蓬勃發展。科技巨頭和大型支架銀行都在報導他們有史以來最大的收入。但是找到一個像 PoSabit 這樣具有月球潛力的人更為罕見。

Beating Inflation with Winning Investments


You'll notice none of these inflation-resistant companies I mentioned are unprofitable meme stocks.

你會注意到 沒有 我提到的這些耐通貨膨脹的公司中,是無利可圖的模因股票。

That's by design.


The last time the Federal Reserve raised rates faster than expected in 1999, it ultimately triggered the dot-com crash. Highly-valued startups with barely any revenue plummeted down to earth.

美聯儲最後一次在 1999 年提高利率的速度比預期更快,最終引發了點通信崩潰。幾乎沒有任何收入的高價值初創公司暴跌至地球。

Today, I still believe some unprofitable companies have a way forward. Regular Moonshot readers will recognize names like GameStop (NYSE:GME), Armstrong Flooring (NYSE:AFI) and Volt Information Sciences (NYSEAMERICAN:VOLT) as companies with potential quality in the future.

今天,我還是相信 一些 無利可圖的公司有前進的路向。普通的月球射擊讀者會識別類似的名字 遊戲站 (紐約證券交易所:GME), 阿姆斯特朗 (紐約證券交易所:AFI) 及 伏特信息科學 (紐約美洲:伏特)作為具有潛在質量的公司 在未來

But for those looking to also reduce inflation risk, it helps to make sure you're buying quality today.

但是對於那些希望降低通脹風險的人來說,它有助於確保您購買的質量 今天。

P.S. Do you want to hear more about cryptocurrencies? Penny stocks? Options? Leave me a note at or connect with me on LinkedIn and let me know what you'd like to see.

PS 您想了解有關加密貨幣的更多信息嗎?便士股票?選項?給我留言 或在 LinkedIn 上與我聯繫,讓我知道您想看到的內容。

FREE REPORT: 17 Reddit Penny Stocks to Buy Now

免費報告:17 個 Reddit 便士股票現在購買

Thomas Yeung is an expert when it comes to finding fast-paced growth opportunities on Reddit. He recommended Dogecoin before it skyrocketed over 8,000%, Ripple before it flew up more than 480% and Cardano before it soared 460%. Now, in a new report, he's naming 17 of his favorite Reddit penny stocks. Claim your FREE COPY here!

在 Reddit 上尋找快節奏的增長機會方面,楊俊偉是一位專家。他推薦狗狗幣之前它飆升了 8,000%, 紋波之前它飛了超過 480% 和卡爾達諾之前它飆升 460%.現在,在一份新的報告中,他命名了 17 個他最喜歡的 Reddit 便士股。在這裡索取您的免費副本!

On the date of publication, Tom Yeung did not have (either directly or indirectly) any positions in the securities mentioned in this article.


Tom Yeung, CFA, is a registered investment advisor on a mission to bring simplicity to the world of investing.

Tom Wung,CFA,是註冊投資顧問,其使命是為投資世界帶來簡單性。

The post 3 Cheap Stocks Thriving Despite America's Inflation Issues appeared first on InvestorPlace.

後 3 儘管美國的通脹問題首先出現在 InvestorPlace 上,但廉價股票仍在蓬勃發展。

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