
Black Friday Shopping Is Back, but the Door-Busters Aren't -- 4th Update

Black Friday Shopping Is Back, but the Door-Busters Aren't -- 4th Update

Dow Jones Newswires ·  2021/11/27 08:22

By Suzanne Kapner

蘇珊娜·卡普納(Suzanne Kapner)著

The Covid-19 pandemic didn't just change consumer habits. It also prompted retailers to rethink Black Friday, one of the biggest shopping days of the year.


Many stores stayed closed this Thanksgiving, in a break with a pre-pandemic tradition of opening Thursday evening. Retailers have moved away from doorbusters, the deeply discounted items available for a limited time that drew hordes of shoppers to stores on Friday morning. Instead, they have been dangling Black Friday deals all month, both online and in stores. Some hosted streaming events on their websites on Friday as an alternative to visiting a store.


"Customers are shopping differently this year," said Greg Revelle, Kohl's Corp.'s chief marketing officer. "We had to alter our Black Friday strategy."

科爾公司首席營銷官格雷格·雷維爾(Greg Revelle)説:“今年顧客的購物方式不同了,我們不得不改變我們的黑色星期五策略。”

Stores are trying to balance what forecasters predict will be record holiday sales with supply-chain constraints that have kept some items in short supply.


Black Friday shoppers spent $6.6 billion online as of 9 p.m. ET, according to Adobe Inc. Adobe estimates that when the final tally is in, consumers will have spent between $8.8 billion and $9.2 billion online, compared with $9.03 billion a year ago.


Many consumers were able to save money during the pandemic and are now spending freely despite rising inflation. That bodes well for the holiday season, executives and analysts said.


The National Retail Federation expects sales during November and December to rise by a record 8.5% to 10.5% to as much as $859 billion, compared with a year ago. That is in contrast to an average increase of 4.4% over the past five years. The forecast was made before the World Health Organization declared Friday that a new strain of the coronavirus, first detected in southern Africa, was a global "variant of concern." The move triggered worries that travel restrictions and other curbs would spoil the global economy's recovery.

全美零售聯合會(National Retail Federation)預計,與去年同期相比,11月和12月的銷售額將創紀錄地增長8.5%至10.5%,達到8,590億美元。這與過去五年平均增長4.4%形成鮮明對比。這一預測是在世界衞生組織(World Health Organization)週五宣佈一種新的冠狀病毒株之前做出的,這種冠狀病毒首先在南部非洲被發現,是一種全球性的“令人擔憂的變種”。此舉引發了人們的擔憂,即旅行限制和其他限制措施將破壞全球經濟的復甦。

The trade group predicts that nearly 2 million more people, or a total of 158.3 million, will shop over Thanksgiving weekend this year, compared with last year. Still, that is down from the 165.3 million people who shopped over the same weekend in 2019, before the pandemic.


John Rulli, chief administrative officer for mall owner Simon Property Group, said on Friday afternoon that foot traffic was exceeding 2019 levels at a number of its shopping centers, particularly in the New York-New Jersey metropolitan area and Atlanta. Other areas such as Boston started out a bit slower, Mr. Rulli said. "Overall, we're off to a good start," he said.

購物中心所有者西蒙地產集團(Simon Property Group)首席行政官約翰·魯利(John Rulli)週五下午表示,該集團一些購物中心的人流量超過了2019年的水平,特別是在紐約-新澤西大都市區和亞特蘭大。魯利説,波士頓等其他地區起步稍慢。“總體而言,我們有了一個良好的開端,”他説。

As vaccines become widely available and Covid-19-related restrictions are eased, people have been returning to concerts, the movies and traveling. For many, shopping in stores on Black Friday is a social ritual they are eager to resume.


Last year, Andrew Lubera paused his tradition of shopping in stores on Black Friday because of the pandemic.

去年,安德魯·盧貝拉(Andrew Lubera)因為疫情暫停了他在黑色星期五在商店購物的傳統。

This year he waited in the dark outside a Walmart in Catskill, N.Y., aiming to be one of the first shoppers inside when the store opened at 5 a.m. to snag toys. "Last year I didn't shop, but I want to get a few toys, maybe some clothes," said the 42-year-old as he waited with a few dozen eager shoppers.


His wife has already done most of their Christmas shopping online but asked him to head out for a few deals. "She's still home in bed," he said.


Concerns about out-of-stock items and potential shipping delays as well as Black Friday deals on offer since the beginning of November prompted consumers to shop earlier. Sixty-one percent of shoppers surveyed by the NRF said they had started their holiday shopping before Thanksgiving, up from 51% a decade ago.


Digital out-of-stock messages are up 261% in November compared with November 2019, according to Adobe Inc., a software company that tracks online shopping. Out-of-stock messages declined slightly on Thanksgiving compared with the previous Thursday, as retailers focused their marketing on in-stock items, Adobe said.


Shoppers spent $5.1 billion online on Thanksgiving, Adobe said, flat from a year ago, when Thanksgiving Day online spending set a record with many stores closed for the first time.


Andrew Diaz said he completed more than half of his holiday shopping before Thanksgiving. Worried about shipping delays, the 24-year-old said he plans to visit the mall near his Costa Mesa, Calif., home on Friday to purchase the rest of the items on his list. "I'm worried that if I wait, the stores will be out of stock," he said. "It doesn't seem like they have enough products."

安德魯·迪亞茲(Andrew Diaz)説,他在感恩節前完成了一半以上的假日購物。由於擔心發貨延誤,這位24歲的男子説,他計劃週五去加州科斯塔梅薩(Costa Mesa)家附近的購物中心購買清單上的其他商品。“我擔心如果我等的話,商店會脱銷,”他説。“他們似乎沒有足夠的產品。”

While larger retailers such as Walmart Inc. and Target Corp. accelerated imports and chartered their own ships to sidestep supply-chain problems, some smaller chains, including Gap Inc., Victoria's Secret & Co. and Urban Outfitters Inc. are scrambling to keep their shelves stocked.

在沃爾瑪(Walmart Inc.)和塔吉特(Target Corp.)等大型零售商加快進口並租用自己的船隻以規避供應鏈問題的同時,包括Gap Inc.、維多利亞的祕密公司(Victoria‘s Secret&Co.)和Urban Outfitters Inc.在內的一些較小的連鎖店正在爭先恐後地進貨。

Delays caused by Covid-19 outbreaks that disrupted production in Asia and a surge of imports as retailers stocked for the holiday season have created a backlog of container ships waiting to enter Southern California ports. On Tuesday, Gap predicted supply-chain disruptions would result in about $550 million to $650 million in lost sales.


E-commerce sales surged last holiday season, while many nonessential retailers were either temporarily closed or had restricted capacity. This year, online sales for November and December are expected to total $207 billion, a 10% increase over 2020, according to Adobe. That is less than the 32% jump last year, compared with 2019. Some chains, including Best Buy Co. and Dick's Sporting Goods Inc., recently reported a slowdown in digital sales.

上個假日季,電子商務銷售額激增,而許多非必需品零售商要麼暫時關閉,要麼產能受到限制。根據Adobe的數據,今年11月和12月的在線銷售額預計將達到2070億美元,比2020年增長10%。與2019年相比,這一數字低於去年32%的增幅。包括百思買(Best Buy Co.)和迪克體育用品公司(Dick‘s Sporting Goods Inc.)在內的一些連鎖店最近報告稱,數字銷售放緩。

Visits to physical stores are picking up, but foot traffic is still below pre-pandemic levels. For the week ended Nov. 20, visits to physical stores were 12.4% below the same week in 2019, according to Sensormatic Solutions, which tracks footsteps with cameras placed at stores.

實體店的客流量正在回升,但客流量仍低於大流行前的水平。根據Sensormal Solutions的數據,在截至11月20日的一週裏,實體店的訪問量比2019年同一週下降了12.4%。Sensormal Solutions通過放置在商店的攝像頭追蹤腳步。

Brian Field, senior director of Sensormatic Solutions' retail consulting practice, said he expects traffic during this year's Black Friday week to fall from 2019 levels, but the drop won't be as steep as last year.

Sensormal Solutions零售諮詢業務高級總監布萊恩·菲爾德(Brian Field)表示,他預計今年黑色星期五週的客流量將從2019年的水平下降,但降幅不會像去年那麼大。

Many shoppers still came out for fun. "My grandson wants a VR headset," said Normandy Loftin, a 56-year-old pushing an empty cart through the Catskill Walmart Friday soon after the store's 5 a.m. opening. An hour later her cart was piled high with pink toy cars, scooters and other gifts for her grandchildren. "Grandma is done with Christmas!" she said.

許多購物者仍然出來找樂子。“我的孫子想要一副VR頭盔,”56歲的諾曼迪·洛夫廷(Normandy Loftin)説。週五凌晨5點剛過,他推着一輛空手推車穿過卡茨基爾沃爾瑪(Catkill Walmart)。開場了。一小時後,她的手推車上堆滿了粉紅色的玩具車、踏板車和其他送給孫子孫女的禮物。“奶奶過完聖誕節了!”她説。

Retailers are giving shoppers less reason to visit stores this Black Friday compared with prior years. The term doorbuster didn't appear in Black Friday advertisements this year at Walmart, Best Buy and other major retailers analyzed by online discount marketplace Brad's Deals.

與往年相比,零售商讓購物者在這個黑色星期五光顧商店的理由減少了。在線折扣市場Brad‘s Deals對沃爾瑪(Walmart)、百思買(Best Buy)和其他主要零售商的分析顯示,今年黑色星期五的廣告中沒有出現門衞這個詞。

Chains including Macy's Inc. and Saks Fifth Avenue held gift-themed streaming events on their websites on Black Friday. Singer-songwriter Malia hosted "The Best Black Friday Deals" on Macy's website. Saks's show featured La Mer skin-care products.

梅西百貨(Macy‘s Inc.)和薩克斯第五大道(Saks Five Avenue)等連鎖店在黑色星期五的網站上舉辦了以禮物為主題的流媒體活動。歌手兼作曲家瑪麗亞在梅西百貨的網站上主持了“最好的黑色星期五交易”。薩克斯的時裝秀以La Mer護膚品為特色。

"People got comfortable communicating through digital platforms during Covid," said Emily Essner, Saks's chief marketing officer. "This is a customer behavior that has absolutely changed and is not going away."

薩克斯的首席營銷官艾米麗·埃斯納(Emily Essner)説:“在Covid期間,人們通過數字平臺進行交流變得很自在。”“這是一種絕對已經改變的客户行為,而且不會消失。”

Lana Hinds and her sister used to map out their Black Friday shopping plans on Thursday as soon as the turkey was cleared from the table. Then, they would get up early Friday morning to wait in line at big-box chains. This year, Ms. Hinds, who lives in Greenville, S.C., plans to do all her holiday shopping online.

Lana Hinds和她的姐姐過去常常在週四火雞一從餐桌上被清理出來就制定出他們的黑色星期五購物計劃。然後,他們會在週五一大早就起牀在大賣場連鎖店排隊。今年,住在南卡羅來納州格林維爾的海因茲計劃在網上進行所有的假日購物。

"It's easier to shop from my home," the 35-year-old said. "I don't have to deal with the traffic, getting up early, or waiting in line."


Sarah Nassauer, Sharon Terlep and Charity L. Scott contributed to this article.

莎拉·納索爾(Sarah Nassauer)、莎倫·特萊普(Sharon Terlep

Write to Suzanne Kapner at

寫信給蘇珊娜·卡普納(Suzanne Kapner),電子郵件

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